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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Anyone Else Have Weirdly Specific Sneeze Criteria?

Deuce Williams

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And by "weirdly specific", I mean like "unless the sneeze fits these exact parameters then no Sexy Feelings will occur" type specific.

For example, real people don't do it for me. At all. If the sneeze is genuine it does nothing for me. My rush comes almost exclusively from when they're animated (or the literary equivalent thereof) and overacted. My favourite thing is those big, heady "Ah-choos" in cartoons, if I see a real person having an allergy attack in public I just get embarrassed ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Anyone else have those same kind of hard-blocks? Or am I just weirdly attracted to cartoon characters? ๐Ÿ˜…

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Hmmm, I'm kind of the exact opposite. It has to be human beings, either real or characters played by real people. I tend to enjoy fiction or fantasy over real life situations though, because in fiction I can create the exact circumstances that I want, and no real people have to actually be miserable... plus no contagion risk, lol. But the sneezes have to be real or at least acted out so realistically I can't tell the difference.ย 

I also have this thing that I tend to be "monogamous", if I have a crush on someone, I'm not really interested in sneezing from others. It's a good thing having actor crushes though, so I can have several characters to alternate between. ๐Ÿ˜…

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Oh yes, it has to be real people but not IRL. Written stories are best, closely followed by audio and video and in audio/video they have to be real (or, as Chanel_no5 writes, acted so well that I can't tell the difference) and exactly right. I'm extremely picky.

Edited by EveP
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52 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

I also have this thing that I tend to be "monogamous", if I have a crush on someone, I'm not really interested in sneezing from others.

35 minutes ago, Jess Starseed1111 said:

Also if I am attracted to someone and we are talking and I have a crush on them, I will only like their sneezes. If I am in a relationship with someone, I only want their sneezes no one elseโ€™s

Oh, that's fascinating to me. The tendency to zero in on one particular person's sneeze and for the brain to go "that's mine", I've never experienced that before so it's cool to hear about! Is there a jealousy aspect there too, you don't want others to hear your person's sneeze (if it's alright for me to ask)

Also, the parameters could even be more specific than just real vs cartoon. Like, one might only get aroused if the sneeze were uncovered, or only if there was a build of more than three hitches. A rule you definitely never chose, but your brain enforces anyway (if that makes sense)

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1 hour ago, Deuce Williams said:

Oh, that's fascinating to me. The tendency to zero in on one particular person's sneeze and for the brain to go "that's mine", I've never experienced that before so it's cool to hear about! Is there a jealousy aspect there too, you don't want others to hear your person's sneeze (if it's alright for me to ask)

It's fine to ask! ^_^ย ย 

For me, well, caveat: I've never actually been in a serious relationship so I don't know what I would feel like in that case, but I'm not really the jealous type like that.ย :lol:ย  If I were in a relationship with someone, it wouldn't bother me that others hear/see her sneeze. In real life interactions, the chances that anyone would even see it as sexy is slim to none anyway. If she for whatever reason has videos up where she sneezes (like vlogs or tiktok or whatever, innocent ones that she randomly sneezes in) I'd be a bit concerned for her sake that creeps and sharks would find and creep on her, but if she actively chooses to make wavs/videos for the sneeze kink community, that's not really my business and I wouldn't be jealous if others enjoy it. For me it's kind of like writing erotica. I wouldn't be jealous if I had a partner who wrote and share erotica online, but I would be jealous if she indulged in the actions she wrote about with someone other than me. :lol:ย  Like, if she does scenario wavs or whatever, that's cool. But carrying out those scenarios in person, I want to be exclusive recipient there. :yay:ย  It would also be a huge difference between posting sneeze wavs on Youtube or here on the forum for just anyone to listen to, and having private interactions with other fetishists and exchanging stuff. I wouldn't mind if my partner listened to wavs either, but I'd probably object if she was exchanging sneezes privately with specific individuals.ย 

Although, I'm not particularly interested in having a partner with the fetish either way, because I don't want to have to be the one sneezing, but if the right person happens to be one of us I guess I'd have to adapt somehow. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ


1 hour ago, Deuce Williams said:

Also, the parameters could even be more specific than just real vs cartoon. Like, one might only get aroused if the sneeze were uncovered, or only if there was a build of more than three hitches. A rule you definitely never chose, but your brain enforces anyway (if that makes sense)

Ah, I see. Well, it can't be a cough-sneeze. I don't like weak or "airy"-souding sneezes. And while I like loud and powerful sneezes, I'd like to not be scared or deafened by them. :lol:ย I don't like "cute-ified" sneezes, like trying to make it sound girlier than it is. High-pitched sneezes can be super hot if it's uncontrollable, and not a conscious effort to make them sound like that. Sneezes with zero buildup, just a "choo" are a disappointment to me. And I only like uncovered sneezes in my imagination or from an attractive person if I've consented to it in advance. I think it's incredibly rude with people who sneeze uncovered around others, and real life rudeness is a turn-off.ย 

Sorry, I don't even know how much sense I'm making, I'm fucking melting away here, it's way too hot! ๐Ÿซ ย :lol:ย 


Edited by Chanel_no5
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I have, like, zero ability to have specific tastes in anything.ย  Never ask my my favourite anything unless you have a really long time to listen to me explain about how I couldn't possibly answer the question because all the options are just so awesome.ย  And that definitely goes for my tastes in sneezing too.ย 

But I understand the cartoon sneezing thing.ย  I mean, yeah, I think everyone knows that about me by now. :laugh: Personally, for me, the cartoon character has to be relatively humanoid for me to be into it.ย  Animal characters, even anthropomorphic ones, are a huge no-no for me...yet somehow plant based aliens are a-ok.ย  I dunno, man. :laugh:ย  But there's something special about cartoon sneezing, it's exaggerated, and heightened, it takes the best aspects of a sneeze and exaggerates it, pushing the limits and putting it on display.ย  I mean, what's not to love about that?

But, I do love sneezes from humans, usually mostly fictional characters.ย  But someone IRL that I'm attracted to, yeah, that can get me going.ย  For me, it's a case of I like the person first, and then the sneeze.ย  I don't have a specific type of sneeze I like when it comes to people, if I like the person, I like their sneeze.ย  No matter what.

Adjacent to the cartoon thing...if it's a voice actor I like, but they're voicing a terrible ridiculous sneeze coming from a character that is not even remotely sexy, the very thought of said voice actor in the booth having to act that nonsense out...hoo boy, now that's the good stuff. I could fantasize about that for DAYS.

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Some aspects of the fetish turn me on more than others, but I can get by with most things. If an acted sneeze is very badly acted it might "kill the mood" for me. I'm really not a fan of induced sneezes, but in certain situations I can get turned on by them as well. Also, add me to the group of people needing the sneezer to at least be a humanoid in order to be turned on by the sneeze.

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These comments are really interesting, Iโ€™m almost the exact opposite of most of them!ย 

Iโ€™m not into cartoons, 99% of fics, or art. I donโ€™t necessarily have to be physically attracted to the person to enjoy the sneeze itself.ย 

Iโ€™m not super picky, but I donโ€™t really enjoy stifles or cough like sneezes. Unless someone else blesses them and I think itโ€™s cute. I do enjoy the sound of a lot of sneezes, but if thereโ€™s a bless you involved itโ€™s 20x better. Itโ€™s a huge part of my fetish for some reason. Not really into nose blowing unless itโ€™s an attractive male, and even then I donโ€™t wanna see or hear about the mess. Not into feeling spray from anyone sneezing near me unless itโ€™s my husband, and it has to be unintentional.ย 

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For me it has to be real sneezes. ย Cartoon sneezes usually get me thinking about real sneezes however, so I guess itโ€™s an aphrodisiac? ย 

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11 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Well, it can't be a cough-sneeze. I don't like weak or "airy"-souding sneezes. And while I like loud and powerful sneezes, I'd like to not be scared or deafened by them. :lol:ย I don't like "cute-ified" sneezes, like trying to make it sound girlier than it is. High-pitched sneezes can be super hot if it's uncontrollable, and not a conscious effort to make them sound like that. Sneezes with zero buildup, just a "choo" are a disappointment to me. And I only like uncovered sneezes in my imagination or from an attractive person if I've consented to it in advance. I think it's incredibly rude with people who sneeze uncovered around others, and real life rudeness is a turn-off.ย 

9 hours ago, peach2218 said:

I donโ€™t really enjoy stifles or cough like sneezes

9 hours ago, sneezefan222 said:

For me it has to be real sneezes. ย Cartoon sneezes usually get me thinking about real sneezes however, so I guess itโ€™s an aphrodisiac?

This is all so interesting to hear, I wonder what parts of everyones' brains or experiences shapes these kinds of preferences as the fetish develops. Like how something could light a fire in one person and kill it in the next. Preferences are diverse and varied and no one has any explanation why they like the specifications they do, they just do. It's really nice in that there's usually something for everyone though, no matter how niche the interests are.

10 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

But there's something special about cartoon sneezing, it's exaggerated, and heightened, it takes the best aspects of a sneeze and exaggerates it, pushing the limits and putting it on display.ย  I mean, what's not to love about that?

I think you've hit the nail on the head here, at least for me. It's exhibitionist, the whole point of an acted sneeze is to put on a show (and boy oh boy am I a purveyor of the arts ๐Ÿ˜) Also, something I'm just realizing, is that I actually might be attracted to that degree of separation between the sneeze and my person. In movies and books and cartoons it's an emphatic yes, it can get as messy or loud or obnoxious as it wants because there's never a risk of it actually coming into contact with me.

Sorry I just really like analyzing this kind of stuff


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29 minutes ago, Deuce Williams said:

This is all so interesting to hear, I wonder what parts of everyones' brains or experiences shapes these kinds of preferences as the fetish develops. Like how something could light a fire in one person and kill it in the next. Preferences are diverse and varied and no one has any explanation why they like the specifications they do, they just do. It's really nice in that there's usually something for everyone though, no matter how niche the interests are.

I think you've hit the nail on the head here, at least for me. It's exhibitionist, the whole point of an acted sneeze is to put on a show (and boy oh boy am I a purveyor of the arts ๐Ÿ˜) Also, something I'm just realizing, is that I actually might be attracted to that degree of separation between the sneeze and my person. In movies and books and cartoons it's an emphatic yes, it can get as messy or loud or obnoxious as it wants because there's never a risk of it actually coming into contact with me.

Sorry I just really like analyzing this kind of stuff


@Deuce Williamsย idk I just see it and then I think ofโ€ฆnefarious things ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰

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14 hours ago, Deuce Williams said:

This is all so interesting to hear, I wonder what parts of everyones' brains or experiences shapes these kinds of preferences as the fetish develops. Like how something could light a fire in one person and kill it in the next. Preferences are diverse and varied and no one has any explanation why they like the specifications they do, they just do. It's really nice in that there's usually something for everyone though, no matter how niche the interests are.

They change, too. At least they do for me. I used to be die-hard allergies only. Never colds. Ever. Absolutely no mess or contagion. Well, I'm very character/person-specific about those things, I don't suddenly just enjoy those in any character/person just because they're attractive, there's only a very small number of characters/people that I enjoy that from, but still. I went from absolute no way in hell, to oh yes please, with these ones. :rofl:ย ย 


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I'm kinda funny... for women sneezing I can get aroused by almost anyone with a pulse. Female animated characters are awesome too. But when it comes to men sneezing, only really specific situations get me going.

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On 6/26/2023 at 7:23 AM, Chanel_no5 said:

They change, too. At least they do for me. I used to be die-hard allergies only. Never colds

I'm finding this recently too! I'm still 99% allergy-preference, but lately there's been one specific character who I've started to enjoy thinking about being sick and messy. Maybe it's just this one character, maybe this is a gateway to a growing interest in colds, only time will tell, but it's kind of cool viewing the fetish from an outside perspective and watching how it shifts and evolves depending on the type of media you consume and enjoy.


5 hours ago, webmeistro said:

I'm kinda funny... for women sneezing I can get aroused by almost anyone with a pulse. Female animated characters are awesome too. But when it comes to men sneezing, only really specific situations get me going.

I'm not sure funny is the word I'd use, from what I've seen around (and experienced) this is fairly common! (Though take that observation with a grain of salt since I haven't been active in the forum for very long.) That's another interesting thing, how many of us have things that get us going for all genders regardless of usual gender preference. It's really nice to see the variety in people.

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I always love intense, "dangerous" moments when it comes to listening to sneezes - be it real, animated, or in written-form, male or female. The ones that just kind of build up that anticipated and 'oh no' moment that builds up to a strong finish; that's not to say I don't mind listening to or reading about casual sneezing scenarios, but anything where the sneeze has to be powerful, wet, or if the stifle is "broken through" if that makes sense? Like if a character stifles long enough that they have to let it out from being unable to contain it. Those things drive my arousal the most.


I guess one knock against animated, overacted sneezes though is when there's a soft "-choo" at the end. I mean it's cute, but, lol...

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Yup, itโ€™s gotta be rapid for me. Something that causes a scene. Something where the sneezer might as well have a warning label that says DO NOT BLESS because there will be more ๐Ÿ˜‚ sadly of course this is very rare but I gotta get lucky eventually lol

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23 hours ago, aridynamic87 said:

I always love intense, "dangerous" moments when it comes to listening to sneezes - be it real, animated, or in written-form, male or female. The ones that just kind of build up that anticipated and 'oh no' moment that builds up to a strong finish;

Oh, HARD agree! When things get big and threatening and suddenly the sneezer is a spectacle, something to keep all your attention on otherwise it's your safety on the line. I've always loved a sneeze with consequences: something terrible will happen if they can't hold back but eventually... it just has to be released ๐Ÿ‘€ It heightens the element of desperation that a sneeze has by default, both to staunch and unleash. It seems to make everything more potent (for me, anyway :P )

10 hours ago, ALSF said:

Yup, itโ€™s gotta be rapid for me. Something that causes a scene. Something where the sneezer might as well have a warning label that says DO NOT BLESS because there will be more ๐Ÿ˜‚ sadly of course this is very rare but I gotta get lucky eventually lol

And this is exactly what I mean! Like, you didn't choose that, it's just how your brain works! I don't know, it's really cool to me how we all have that wire crossed where sneezing is sexy but everyone's wire also crosses with a hundred other, smaller wires completely unique to the person. I can't articulate it exactly, but something about the scope of that is very humbling, I suppose.

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