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Sneeze Fetish Forum

stuffy talk


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does anyone else hear LOVE stuffy talk? like, when someone has a very stuffy nose so their voice is all congested, and it makes certain letters/words sound different. it's so cute but so hot at the same time! especially when they're trying to talk and it's hard to understand what they're saying because their so stuffed up. bonus points if they have to stop to sniffle a bunch or their breath is hitching while they talk getting ready to sneeze. I LOVE IT. 

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Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes (but with a lot more hyperbolic exclamations and all the adjectives I can think of attached to it.)

It's just the best, is what it is.

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Oh yes, it's like an instant button-press for me :inlove: A congested interjection/announcement sandwiched between two sneezes is the best.

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I love when I can make this happen…. Induce myself and get congested and try to talk between sneezes hehe

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Oh yessss, stuffy talks are very very, very cute! Stuffed up sniffles and sneezes are absolutely adorable too. I do prefer them in fiction though! The idea of someone being uncomfortable in real life makes me want them to feel better instead.

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13 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes (but with a lot more hyperbolic exclamations and all the adjectives I can think of attached to it.)

It's just the best, is what it is.

This. 👆🏻 :yes:

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Yes I love it. Usually when I have a cold or at the moment my hayfever or allergies, I'm breathing heavily and kind of talking like my nose is stuffed up constantly. 

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Oh yesss!! I really enjoy it!

Only hearing it in other people though, I really hate having a congested voice myself (but unfortunately every single time I get a cold my voice gets all muffled and stuffy and I lose my m's and n's and honestly that's really annoying!)

But I do enjoy reading it in fics and listening to it in real life, even though I feel bad for whoever is not feeling well.

Oh, and don't get me started on trying to talk through the sneezing!

When someone's breath starts hitching but they try to announce their sneeze by saying: "I'b godda sdeeze!" but their voice is all shaky because they have to sneeze...

Oh, just amazing!

Also, it's even better if it's all complemented by a few wet, soupy/stuffed up sniffles! 

That's just soo hot, I'm in heaven just imagining it! 


Edited by Italiangirl
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Definitely. This is one of my favorite aspects of the fetish, which is why I include it in all of my stories from the earliest possible stage in them.

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Yes in stories.

In real life, even though I appreciate both male and female sneezes, I’m straight so I’d only appreciate the stuffy talk (and thus feel desire for caretaking etc.) from men.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel it make their voices deeper and I'm all in for that, so I would say Yes

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10 minutes ago, BlessMeAchoo said:

I feel it make their voices deeper and I'm all in for that, so I would say Yes

That’s how I get if I’ve been having a huge fit or induced a bit much hehe

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