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Summer Cold - I hate it


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Okay, so while my allergies were bothering me the last few days I caught a summer cold yesterday and I hate it. My nose is so stuffed up, I can't breath through it. It's so raw from all the sneezing and nose blowing. I loathe it. My throat is itchy too. Having allergies is more 'fun'. Being sick is just a bother. Really. My head hurts all the time. I'm so congested. My sneezing is so sneaky, so strong. Lots of hitching and false starts. I induced myself because I was so stuffed up and I needed some relief. It helped a bit. I dislike my allergies but I really do prefer them over this stupid summer cold. 

What do you prefer? Allergies or Cold? Let me know. 

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38 minutes ago, AntheaHolmes said:

Okay, so while my allergies were bothering me the last few days I caught a summer cold yesterday and I hate it. My nose is so stuffed up, I can't breath through it. It's so raw from all the sneezing and nose blowing. I loathe it. My throat is itchy too. Having allergies is more 'fun'. Being sick is just a bother. Really. My head hurts all the time. I'm so congested. My sneezing is so sneaky, so strong. Lots of hitching and false starts. I induced myself because I was so stuffed up and I needed some relief. It helped a bit. I dislike my allergies but I really do prefer them over this stupid summer cold. 

What do you prefer? Allergies or Cold? Let me know. 

@AntheaHolmes Awww I wish you felt better.  If I was close to you I’d bring over a care package.  For me it’s definitely allergies.  Cold sneezes are okay, but the thought of me being able to get sick is a quick turn-off!

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Aaww, summer colds are the worst!

Feel better soon!

As for me, I absolutely prefer allergies as I rarely feel like really bad because of them. My whole face starts itching, I'm a bit sniffly and I get some really sneezy days but that's it.

Instead, when I get a cold I just feel horrible: I don't get sneezy colds so I can't even enjoy the sneezing (which is honestly the only enjoyable part of being sick, at least for me).

I really dislike the horrible congestion, the coughing and the sore throat I get with a cold, I hate being sick! 

Plus, in my case cold meds don't really work that well I don't know why, instead with allergies I can keep things at bay with antihistamines.




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Bless you! 

I don't  have allergies, but I am fascinated by them. I do love getting a cold once un a while, though. Hope you feel better soon. 

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Honestly, it's hard to say. I probably prefer having allergies over colds except allergies can make me feel just as awful as colds do when it's bad and everything is itchy and the sneezes barely relieve the tickle. 

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2 hours ago, ID2006 said:

Honestly, it's hard to say. I probably prefer having allergies over colds except allergies can make me feel just as awful as colds do when it's bad and everything is itchy and the sneezes barely relieve the tickle. 

I agree with this. It's not often that I get allergies but the sneezes aren't as relieving as I just keep feeling like I need to sneeze again. 

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1 minute ago, kiku said:

@AntheaHolmes Gesundheit! Und gute Besserung. ❤️ 🌷 I hope you're feeling a bit better today.

Dankeschön my dear. 🌻 The sneezing is better today but I developed a ticklish cough and it bugging me. Still on sick leave and hope it gets better next week. I really hate being sick. It's so mentally draining. 

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@AntheaHolmes Awwwww, I'm sorry to hear that. I know what you're talking about - when I catch a cold, I almost always have that kind of annoying ticklish cough too. Very awful. 🤒 I'm sending a bunch of healing energy-waves your way! 🌊🍀🌊🍀🌊🍀

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Spring and summer colds are the worst! It’s even worse  when you already suffer from allergies, you get into a pattern with them and then all of a sudden you feel even worse!  The cold just amplifies everything.  My sneezes will get even more intense then they normally are and I’ll go through hankies and tissues like crazy. Most of the time I’ll lose my voice as well.  I definitely will take my allergies over a cold any day. With somebody else I guess a cold makes the caretaker in me want to help although that can apply to bad allergies as well.

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