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Oh my. Can we please talk more about Sneeze Tumblr. It's amazing! It's so full of creativity and of course amazing sneezes. Lots of wonderful stories, fanfic and original. It's like a little sanctuary for sneeze fetishist like us. 

I really adore the SFF! Really I do! 

I just think that Tumblr is a great addition to our beloved forum. 

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Snzblr is a lot of fun, I’ve lurked on there in the past, and though this forum is kinda the central hub for us, the tumblr community has a lot more room for user interaction and personality with messaging, bios, reblogging… Would definitely recommend it!

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I'm just starting my official foray into snzblr and it's a little nerve-wracking, but I've been lurking for years and it's great!

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I have signed up there, ages ago, but I'm deeply intimidated by the whole thing.  It feels like trying to break into a tightly knit close friend group that has been around for ages and it's scary! I want to add that nobody actually made me feel that way and I bet everyone's really nice, it's my own head going "You won't do it right and nobody's going to like you!" and I chicken out.

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I do like tumblr, but the layout/functionality thing is really difficult for me. It's so hard to find posts/fics, even your own when you want to add new parts, and I guess I'm just old but the way the forum is set up works better for me. More order. :lol:  And forum posts are set up for interaction, I feel like on tumblr it's more about liking and reblogging and not necessarily SAY anything, but the majority of users aren't as old as I am so it could be that again. :rolleyes: 

I also have that feeling of not really fitting in, but I have that feeling on here as well, it's just me in any social - including online - setting I guess. :lol: 


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4 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

I do like tumblr, but the layout/functionality thing is really difficult for me. It's so hard to find posts/fics, even your own when you want to add new parts, and I guess I'm just old but the way the forum is set up works better for me. More order. :lol:  And forum posts are set up for interaction, I feel like on tumblr it's more about liking and reblogging and not necessarily SAY anything

That describes some of my feelings as well. I'll add that's it's very hard for me to find stuff I like there and even harder to filter out stuff I don't. Also, it seems to me that a lot of tumblr is people coming up with tropes or ideas and not actually following through with them and that can sometimes be frustrating (not judging since I sometimes do it myself 😅). One last thing that personally bothers me is seeing some tumblr blogs that might have stuff I like but are so hostile towards people who share some generic traits with me. It kinda makes me sad.

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I am on Tumblr, if anyone wants to check out my page. I'm kind of just starting out so there isn't too much on my blog yet. But feel free to take a look!

My blog is under Kawaii Kushami Love.

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i was an avid tumblr user back in 2011-2014 ish. snzblr had me making another account out of curiosity just recently. i like it and am also always glad to see other active communities 🙂

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