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Bertha's Big Cold: The Giant and the Innocent Town


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Bertha’s Big Cold: The Giant and the innocent town


Part 1

 Big Bertha was a friendly giant and often times, could be quite useful to the humans in the town.  The thing was, when Big Bertha sneezed, the whole town shook. Not only that, but Bertha’s spray created a fine mist that spread over the areas in close proximity to her large hut.  It didn’t happen often, I heard, but when Big Bertha had a cold, it was awful.  The last time was 5 years ago, before I moved into town.


Well, it seems that Bertha had herself a cold.  Our house was across from Bertha’s hut and well within her sneeze radius.  The rumbling began last night. See,  her hut was open, just a roof to cover her from the rain.  


Simultaneously, the ground shook and the sneeze made a sound that echoed through the village. Then the mist shot out in all directions.  “GURRRRRSHHHHEEEEEEE!”  


I walked closer to Bertha’s house and stood in her front yard.  She sat on the grass under her hut, slumped over.  Her enormous nose dripped fluid.  She squeezed her eyes shut, tipped her head back, opened her mouth and:  “GRRRRRRSHEEEEE!”  This second sneeze was huge as the first and being right in the stream of it, sprayed me like a summer sprinkler.  “My goodness. BLESS YOU!” I remarked.  The mucus now coated the poor giant’s upper lip and dripped onto her shirt, just dangling there.  She used her hairy arm to wipe it off.  “Thank you. I’m catching a dreadful cold.” Bertha said.  “Oh goodness, did I sneeze on you?” Bertha remarked.  “Yes, you kind of did.” I said.  “Oh sorry. Didn’t see you there with the sneeze coming.”  “Do you need anything?” I asked.  Oh rats. Bertha was going in for another sneeze.  She put her hairy hands over her nose and mouth this time.  “GRRRRRRRSHHHHHHEEEEESHHHHHH!”  This sneeze was even bigger and wetter than the previous few.  Her hands did not contain the whole sneeze and I felt the spray mist my body.  “Bless you again!” I said.  The mucus covered her hands and face.

She wiped her nose with her messy hands.  “Thank you. I could use some large cloths for my nose.  See, I can’t seem to find the ones I used the last time I had caught a cold.”  The mucus bubbled out of the giant’s nose.  “Oh yes. Yes. For sure.  I will collect some large pieces of material for your poor nose!”  I scurried away before I got sneezed on again.


I went about the village knocking on doors, asking for materials for Bertha’s cold.  When I collected 3 large boxes full of extra large material scraps, I made my way over to Bertha. I was sure his cold had gotten worse, by the constant rumbling in the background.


Bertha was sitting in the same place as before when I arrived.  She was covered by enormous blankets, but was still shivering.  “Oh, you poor thing!” I remarked.  “I have your material scraps for your nose.” I said.  I placed them next to Bertha.  I saw the sneeze coming and shielded by body from the misty cold germs.  “GRRRRSHHHEEESSSHHHHH!  GAAAAAHHHHRRRRRSHHHHOOOO!”  Bertha sneezed out a pool of snot, which just lay on the grass, 10 feet in front of her.  “Bless You!” I said.  I took a piece of cloth out of the box and handed it to Bertha, who blew her nose.  “Thank you!  Uggggh! Such a bad cold!” Bertha said in between blows.  “Feel better!” I said as a quickly made by exit.  I was eager to get home and shower off all these germs.


I didn’t see it coming. “GUUUURRRRRRRSHOOOOO!”  A glob of snot flung onto the backside of me and the gust of wind knocked my whole body forward, causing me to fall.  “Bless you! I shouted to Bertha. Then, I got up and quickly ran back to my house, grossed out by the goo that clung to my body.




To be continued....

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8 hours ago, JohnnyOxn said:

Love me a Giant sneeze story. And amazing job describing the sneezes and wetness!

I second this!! Please keep it going!  If you have time you should check out my stories too! 

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The whole town began to shake as Bertha paced back and forth, up and down the the streets of the small village.  Delirious with fever and half asleep, poor Bertha wandered around the village looking for water.  People scurried away to avoid being stepped on or snotted on.

Bertha's nose tingled, like something was up there, tickling it.  She couldn't get a hold on this terrible cold she had come down with.  The moisture dripped off her hairy forehead and onto the ground, forming small puddles.  She rubbed her nose, trying to rid herself of the twitch.  I watched from the window of the bakery as Bertha's face conformed into a pre-sneeze formation.  People ran even faster, trying to get away from Bertha's windy sneeze of moisture.


I could see Bertha couldn't stop the sneeze that had been wanting to come.  In fact, I'll bet she welcomed it, just to rid her nose of the terrible twitch.  Bertha opened her mouth wide, flung back her head and sneezed.  "GUHHHRRRRRSHHHHHHOOOOO!"  The mucus both sprayed a radius of at least 50 feet and flung a thick ooze onto the street in front of her.  "Bless you." I mouthed from inside the store. I had to try and help poor Bertha. It seemed no one else wanted to get close enough to try.


I put my coat on and walked outside.  "Still got that cold, huh Bertha?" I said, trying to make light of her sneezing disaster.  "Water.. I'm so hot and thirsty..where is the water?"  Bertha mumbled.  "Follow me!" I said.  I walked on the sidewalk and Bertha followed me, thumping in the street.  I hoped she received her need to sneeze, at least for the time being.  After just a few minutes of walking, we arrived at a lake.  "There you go.  Lots of water for the thirsty Bertha!"  "She kneeled down on the ground and drank.  "Thank you. I feel so hot!" She said.  "Do you want to lie down and maybe I could feel your head?"  I suggested.  Bertha flopped on the ground, caused it to shake.  After getting my balance back I walked over to Bertha and started to use her long hairs to climb up to her face.  I touched her forehead.  "You are burning up!" I exclaimed.  


I sat on her forehead, waiting for the strength to climb back down when her nose scrunched up and she simultaneously hitched.  "HSSSSHHHHHHOOOOO!" Bertha sneezed and that first sneeze would have sent me flying off her head if I hadn't grabbed 2 large bunches of her hair.  The wind from her sneeze sent me flying up like a balloon and then crashing down when her nose calmed itself.  "Bless you." I managed to say as I started the climb down. At least I didn't get the bulk of her spray this time.  That was a relief!


I wanted to make sure Bertha got home safely, with her fever and all.  After making my way down to the ground, I said, "Hey Bertha, are you able to get up? Let's get you home, ok?"  "She nodded and stood up, shaking the ground with her movement.


We walked the short distance back to Bertha's hut and she got comfy in her hammock.  After suffering a coughing fit that swayed the hammock back and forth and multiple wiping of her runny nose on her large scrap of material, Bertha fell into a deep sleep.  Relieved that she was finally able to get some much needed rest, I headed back to my place.


Walking home, I felt a slight scratch in my throat and wondering if just maybe Bertha had shared her cold with me.  The thought then morphed into, would Bertha share her cold with the entire town?  Well, but she couldn't help it, right?  My thoughts were interrupted by a sneeze that felt tiny, compared to Bertha's explosions.  "HXXXSHEW!"  I sneezed into sleeve and rubbed my nose with the back of my hand.  Maybe, just maybe, I was coming down with Bertha's cold. Well, at least my colds didn't cause disaster for the whole town.  I opened my front door and went inside.


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56 minutes ago, sneezeagainplease said:

The whole town began to shake as Bertha paced back and forth, up and down the the streets of the small village.  Delirious with fever and half asleep, poor Bertha wandered around the village looking for water.  People scurried away to avoid being stepped on or snotted on.

Bertha's nose tingled, like something was up there, tickling it.  She couldn't get a hold on this terrible cold she had come down with.  The moisture dripped off her hairy forehead and onto the ground, forming small puddles.  She rubbed her nose, trying to rid herself of the twitch.  I watched from the window of the bakery as Bertha's face conformed into a pre-sneeze formation.  People ran even faster, trying to get away from Bertha's windy sneeze of moisture.


I could see Bertha couldn't stop the sneeze that had been wanting to come.  In fact, I'll bet she welcomed it, just to rid her nose of the terrible twitch.  Bertha opened her mouth wide, flung back her head and sneezed.  "GUHHHRRRRRSHHHHHHOOOOO!"  The mucus both sprayed a radius of at least 50 feet and flung a thick ooze onto the street in front of her.  "Bless you." I mouthed from inside the store. I had to try and help poor Bertha. It seemed no one else wanted to get close enough to try.


I put my coat on and walked outside.  "Still got that cold, huh Bertha?" I said, trying to make light of her sneezing disaster.  "Water.. I'm so hot and thirsty..where is the water?"  Bertha mumbled.  "Follow me!" I said.  I walked on the sidewalk and Bertha followed me, thumping in the street.  I hoped she received her need to sneeze, at least for the time being.  After just a few minutes of walking, we arrived at a lake.  "There you go.  Lots of water for the thirsty Bertha!"  "She kneeled down on the ground and drank.  "Thank you. I feel so hot!" She said.  "Do you want to lie down and maybe I could feel your head?"  I suggested.  Bertha flopped on the ground, caused it to shake.  After getting my balance back I walked over to Bertha and started to use her long hairs to climb up to her face.  I touched her forehead.  "You are burning up!" I exclaimed.  


I sat on her forehead, waiting for the strength to climb back down when her nose scrunched up and she simultaneously hitched.  "HSSSSHHHHHHOOOOO!" Bertha sneezed and that first sneeze would have sent me flying off her head if I hadn't grabbed 2 large bunches of her hair.  The wind from her sneeze sent me flying up like a balloon and then crashing down when her nose calmed itself.  "Bless you." I managed to say as I started the climb down. At least I didn't get the bulk of her spray this time.  That was a relief!


I wanted to make sure Bertha got home safely, with her fever and all.  After making my way down to the ground, I said, "Hey Bertha, are you able to get up? Let's get you home, ok?"  "She nodded and stood up, shaking the ground with her movement.


We walked the short distance back to Bertha's hut and she got comfy in her hammock.  After suffering a coughing fit that swayed the hammock back and forth and multiple wiping of her runny nose on her large scrap of material, Bertha fell into a deep sleep.  Relieved that she was finally able to get some much needed rest, I headed back to my place.


Walking home, I felt a slight scratch in my throat and wondering if just maybe Bertha had shared her cold with me.  The thought then morphed into, would Bertha share her cold with the entire town?  Well, but she couldn't help it, right?  My thoughts were interrupted by a sneeze that felt tiny, compared to Bertha's explosions.  "HXXXSHEW!"  I sneezed into sleeve and rubbed my nose with the back of my hand.  Maybe, just maybe, I was coming down with Bertha's cold. Well, at least my colds didn't cause disaster for the whole town.  I opened my front door and went inside.


This is really good!  

I have a suggestion.  Maybe we could see some allergic action from Bertha in the future? 

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I absolutely love Bertha!! I love giant/tiny situations with sneeze content and these two are so cute!! 

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