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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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I haven't posted in a while, but I thought today's conversation was post-worthy. My friend called me up today and said she was leaving work early because she's sneezing so much. She's my sneezy friend, and I've mentioned her before. But for reference, she's asian, curvy, and with D-cup breasts.

I met with her tonight, and she seemed fine. She knew of a good bar so we got ourselves seats and drinks. After a good half-hour, she suddenly froze and got that look. Her breathing slowed and her chest heaved, then she pinched her nose and semi-stiffled a sneeze ha-haaah-chgnck.

I blessed her, and she explained it was the smoke although usually smoke doesn't bother her. To my surprise, she continued talking about it. She said that she had such a sneezing fit earlier and that her nose was dripping all over the place! I casually asked her what happened, and she explained her co-worker practically bathes in perfume and that she's particularly sensitive to strong scents. Even when her co-worker isn't in the room, the scent lingers for DAYS and keeps her constantly sneezing! In fact, anything that her co-worker touches makes her sneeze. My friend needs to wipe down the phone before she uses it, otherwise she starts sneezing.

My friend said that today was especially bad, and that she had to hold back her sneezes while she was helping some customers. When she was leaving work, she started sneezing and sneezing and sneezing. As she was telling me this, her nose flared and she made a mad grab at the napkins. She caught her loud unstiffled sneeze HAH-CHEEW just in time. She apologized and said "Phew, that one just jumped right up on me" and dabbed at her nose with the napkin.

Just then, I felt a sharp tickle in my own nose. Not sure if it was the smoke, or all this talk and sneezes, but I definitely didn't want to sneeze right then so I rubbed my nose slowly and the tickle slowly went away. A couple minutes later, it returned with full force so I turned my head and sneezed a double Hehtchew hehchew! I almost always sneeze in multiples. She blessed me, and we spent the rest of the night sneezeless.

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Guest sneeze-suprised

Great post, and very nicely described! Thanks for sharing. Gotta love it when you can get people to talk about their sneezing habits. And may I say, you have a very specail friend there...so jealous...

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