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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Who Invited Hay Fever to Breakfast? (X-Men: Cherik)


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This is another little 2 part fanfic I came up with. Please give feedback and suggestions! Part 2 will have the sneezes!

- ❤️ Stargazer1122


Part 1:

Erik had woken up early that morning, delighted to discover that Charles was still dozing in his arms. The telepath had been up for hours the night before, unable to breathe on his back due to his congested sinuses that were the result of an overnight spike in the pollen count. The microscopic grains had caught the poor man off guard and without his morning antihistamines in his system. As a result he had spent much of the night sneezing and coughing due to the ungodly amount of mucus in his nasal passages. So Erik unwound his arms as gently as possible from the smaller man’s waist and attempted to swing his feet over the bed to finish his silent exit. “Where’re you goidg?” The usually cheerful voice of his lover had been reduced to a congested rasp that made Erik’s heart sink. He attempted to continue his quiet journey out the door, “Nowhere important liebling, just downstairs.” “Without be?” The smaller man protested. Without even turning around Erik was able to recognize the pout in the telepath’s voice. He sighed internally but continued on his path out of the bedroom. He cheered internally when he heard the bed covers rustle, assuming that Charles had just rolled over and gone back to sleep. As he walked down the hall, he made a mental list of ingredients he would need. When he reached the kitchen he had settled on scrambled eggs, bagels, fruit, and of course tea on the side for Charles when he woke up. He buttered a pan before cracking 4 eggs into it and popping the first bagel in the toaster. Humming, he walked over to the record player, something Charles had convinced him was a necessity. The telepath had insisted that “Music is an expression of innate creativity, one that can only inspire further imagination.” Rolling his eyes, he put the needle on the groove of a soft classical piece and walked away to check on his eggs. Giving them a quick stir, he leaned against the counter to wait for them to cook. As he did so he heard the quiet pattering of Charles’ house slippers on the hardwood floor. “Charles, breakfast isn’t ready yet. Go back to bed liebling,” he called. Much to his displeasure, the footsteps continued until he felt warm arms wrap around his midsection. “Charles,” the taller man reprimanded him lightly. His response was a thick snuffle and a light, hitching inhale. He turned around to face the telepath and watched as Charles brought the back of his wrist to his nose, rubbing vigorously in an attempt to stall the impending sneeze. Erik gently thumbed the corners of the telepath’s eyes that were crinkled shut as allergic tears slipped out from under his closed lids. Finally, chocolate irises met cobalt as the telepath blinked rapidly, lowering his wrist. Erik gave what he hoped was an intimidating look and was met with an equally innocent face. It quickly crumbled as Charles’ breath began to hitch once again. Turning away from the larger man he began to fumble in his bathrobe pockets for a handkerchief. Unable to find one, he began to fan one pale hand in the air in front of his face. The feeling of ants crawling in his sinuses intensified, causing his eyes to burn and stream as he found himself unable to do anything but hitch miserably as the tickle increased. Unfortunately it seemed that the sneeze was stuck and wouldn’t be coming out anytime soon. 

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Dang...cliffhanger much? You set up a tease like that and then leave us hanging? :laugh: This is really cute, I look forward to seeing Part 2.

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I enjoyed your Consequences of Mowing and Picnic fics, and this one is even more lovely.

I love it when Erik calls Charles “liebling.” 😊 

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Part 2 as promised, hope everyone enjoys it!

- ❤️ Stargazer1122


Erik scooped the eggs onto two plates and turned off the stove burners before stalking over to his struggling lover. There he weighed his options, usually just kissing Charles’ nose was enough to make him sneeze, but it only worked for small fits. The fact that he was so congested made it likely that he would continue to deal with stuck sneezes for the rest of the day. Fortunately they had just gotten rid of a large goose feather pillow that had been leaking feathers for quite some time. They had discovered this when Charles had woken several times a night with seemingly endless sneezing fits after the pillow’s purchase. It was only after noticing the small hole where Charles’ nose had been and seeing the bits of grey fluff that he had sneezed out after a particularly long fit, that they had discovered the culprit. He retrieved two fluffy feathers from the pillow and returned to the kitchen. There he found that the poor man had moved to face the window in an attempt to use his photic reflex as a way to induce the sneezes. “Here libeling, let me help you,” Erik coaxed. He gently brushed one of the feathers under the reddened nostrils, smiling as it flared in response. Passing the feather beneath his lover’s nose he a few times, he finally poked the tip of the feather into one of the rosy nares. Charles didn’t think his nose could tickle any more than it already did, even when he cut the grass in the spring he had never experienced anything close to this. Every nerve ending was on fire and it felt like he had inhaled millions of tiny feathers that were swirling around inside of his poor nostrils. The only thing he could do was hitch and pray that the sneeze would come out. Taking pity on the older man, Erik pulled the feather out and plunged the new one into the telepath’s left nostril, swirling it in circles. Charles heaved an almighty breath before finally surrendering to the tickle in wet, rapid-fire bursts. “ESH-ESH-ESH-ESH-ESH *gasp* ESH-ESHH- HEHH… ESHHIIEWW! ESHH-SHIIEWWW-shiieeeww-sheeww-sheeewww.. HEHHHESHHIIEEE-esheee-esheee-sheew.. *snuffle* ESHHHIIIEEWW… SHIIIEEWWW- HEHH-iiieeww!!!” The first few sneezes had been sprayed openly with no restraint or cover, dampening Erik’s undershirt. After which, Charles attempted to turn away from him and blindly aimed the rest at his robe sleeve a few inches from his face. Erik watched as the crystalline spray from each sneeze penetrated the air, twinkling in the sunlight as it descended onto the hardwood floor. A few minutes later, the telepath finally looked up and Erik’s heart sank at the miserable expression on his face. The poor man had strings of mucus hanging from his chin and tears streaming from his eyes. The larger man tsked and gently picked up a kitchen towel and ran it under the faucet. When it was slightly damp, he gently began to wipe off Charles’ face. Despite several noises of protest and attempts to squirm away by the telepath, Erik continued his efforts until the smaller man’s face was clean. “I could’ve clead byself ub,” Charles’ grumped. Erik gave him a fond smile and resumed his breakfast preparations, popping the bread in the toaster. The telepath sighed congestedly and ambled off. “Where’re you going liebling?” Erik inquired, but received no response. He rolled his eyes when he heard the front door open and the wet sneeze that followed. A few minutes later it closed again and the telepath shuffled back into the kitchen. “I dee- deedehhh-SHIIEEEW…ESHHH-ESSSHH-Huhh-ESHHHIIIEEEWW!! Egscuse be, I deeded the paper,” Charles replied. Erik gave him an exasperated look as he buttered the toast. Charles blushed and attempted to hide his face behind the paper. “I’m sure there’s a bunch of pollen on that paper Charles,” Erik pointed out. “I’ll be fide Erik,” the telepath responded stubbornly. Erik rolled his eyes and bit into his toast, waiting for the carnage that would ensue. A light hitch broke through the silence followed by soft squishing noises. The paper dropped after a couple of sniffles and Erik could immediately see why. Charles’ nose had reddened considerably and his nostrils were poised in a permanent flare. Ruse abandoned, the telepath rubbed his nose vigorously with the heel of his palm. After a few seconds he gave up and cupped his hands together a few inches from his face as his eyebrows furrowed. “HGG-SCHIIIEEWWW!!… HEH-ASHHiiieeeww!-shiieeeww-sheeeeww!! *sngk* HUHH-ESHH! ESHHH! ESHHH!! ESHH!! *gasp* ESHIIIEEEWWW!!” The first sneeze escaped uncovered, mist settling on the tabletop. The rest of the fit was mostly blocked by his palms, with a fine spray escaping around the edges. Erik sighed and used this opportunity to move the paper from Charles’ reach, frowning when he noticed the yellow dust that coated the smaller man’s palms courtesy of the paper. The telepath continued to hitch, blindly patting the table for his napkin as he did so. Erik gently nudged the napkin closer to his hand and he finally picked it up. After giving a few lusty blows, the telepath gave his husband a teasing grin. “See, I’b f-hhh-fide… RRRSHHIIIEEEWW”. Erik rolled his eyes as the effect was ruined by a massive sneeze. As Charles reached to give an allergic salute, the larger man grabbed his hands and led him to the sink. “What’re you doig Erik?” Charles questioned “There is pollen all over your hands liebling. I’m trying to wash them so…” Erik responded as he bent to retrieve the soap from the cabinet beneath the sink. When he turned back around, he discovered that the telepath had begun rubbing his nose with his hands again oblivious to his response. He sighed and pointed, “pollen”. Immediately the smaller man’s eyes widened comically as he took in the yellow dust settled on his hands. Erik just washed the telepath’s hands like a toddler and gently patted them dry. He then moved to wipe down the table that Charles had sprayed during his previous allergy attack. When he had finished, he set the table and placed their breakfasts down as well. Turning, he found the kitchen empty of Charles, but smiled when he heard the familiar footsteps once again. The telepath sat and produced a large white handkerchief from his robe pocket that he then placed on his lap. They smiled as they ate their breakfasts together, interrupted only by the occasional wet sneeze from Charles and blessing by Erik.

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  • 2 months later...

I love it! It's so satisfying🤤.  I would love for you to make a fanfic where Charles simply can't stop, he can't even talk and Erik has to help him.

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