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Camilla has the worst cold ever! (oneshot)


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All I have to say is that I had so much fun writing this story and I'm really happy with it! 😁😁

I'm sorry about the unimaginative title but I honestly couldn't come up with a better one πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

It's a oneshot so there will be no more updates.



That freezing winter evening Camilla was on her way back home, struggling to walk not only because of the incredibly strong, cold wind but also because of her terrible, pounding headache.
She felt the wind beat against her pale, sensitive skin and she just couldn't stop shivering despite the fact she was wearing a warm coat and had a thick scarf wrapped around her neck.
The truth was Camilla couldn't wait to get home, have a steamy hot shower, get under the covers and just sleep...
A horrible cold had been wreaking havoc in her nose, throat and chest for 3 days now and she was utterly miserable, not to mention so tired of it.
She was ridiculously congested, to the point where there was barely any air coming in or out her tender, terribly swollen nasal passages, her head was full of thick snot and about every 20 minutes a deep, unstoppable itch slowly started torturing her poor sinuses and finally caused a massive, snotty and harsh-sounding sneeze.
At one point, a strong gust of wind hit her right in the face, causing her to shiver violently: some of the cold air made its way into her blocked nose (somehow), making the intense tickle already teasing her poor, cold-battered nostrils unbearable...
Camilla's weary, glassy-looking eyes closed swiftly, in preparation for an almighty explosion: "Haaahh... hhaah... hhaah... HHA-HAAPPSSHOO!!"
That sneeze was so powerful that it made her bend at the waist!
She wasn't quick enough to grab a tissue so she just sneezed into cupped hands instead, filling them with her nasty cold germs.
As she opened her eyes, she let out a congested sigh and started desperately scrambling for a tissue: her handbag was full of crumpled, very used tissues and Camilla winced in disgust when she noticed that the freshest ones were still wet to the touch.
The sneeze had done nothing to relieve the horrid congestion... if anything, it had made it worse and now her nose was running profusely...
At one point she stopped looking for a fresh tissue and vigurously rubbed her reddened, cold-stricken nose.
The rubbing was followed by a thick, wet and snotty sounding sniffle...
That was a bad idea: the sniffle made the congestion move down into her throat and chest and the poor Camilla started coughing uncontrollably into her fist...
She had a bad, wet cough and every time she coughed it felt like an elephant was sitting on her inflamed, congested chest.
After that exhausting coughing fit was over, Camilla cleared her throat, which felt like it was on fire and then she sniffled wetly again.
She finally found a fresh tissue, wrapped it around her sore nose and blew as hard as she could...
The blow went on for ages as with that monster of a cold, no matter how many times she blew her nose, it was just impossible to clear it!
At one point she finally stopped blowing and looked at the tissue: it was drenched in snot and yet her nose was still so bunged up that she could barely sniffle.
"SSSNNNRRRKK!! Oh by God..."
As she said that, all of a sudden another deep itch took hold of her poor nose and her head shot forward as she let out another strong, tired-sounding and messy sneeze into a tissue: "HAAAPPPSSSSSHH!!!!"
It was so strong that it made her ears pop and now her nose was literally streaming...
She held a tissue up to her nose and wiped away the moisture that was relentlessly threatening to trickle out of her bright red, wet nostrils...
As she did that, she could feel a drop fall on her head: "Oh do! It's raidig!" She exclaimed, her voice sounding even more hoarse and thick with congestion than it was before.
Unfortunately, the rain intensified and she had left her umbrella at work!
Plus, it was so windy that her small, flimsy umbrella would have been useless.
She wanted to run in order to reach her house as soon as possible but her tired, slightly aching body refused to obey her.
She kept sniffling thickly and coughing every 2 minutes, while trying to walk as fast as she could and the rain didn't seem to want to stop.
When she finally reached her house, she rang the doorbell and waited for her boyfriend Liam to open the door.
When Liam opened the door, he couldn't believe how sick his poor girlfriend looked: soaking wet from head to toe, shivering like crazy, her teeth chattering from the cold.
Her skin looks extremely pale and discoloured, with the exception of her crimson, chapped cold-ridden nostrils, which are constantly flaring from the incessant tickle that constantly threatens to cause the umpteenth snotty, explosive and body-bending sneeze of the day.
Her eyes are noticeably tired and half-closed, not to mention all glassy from a probable fever and her lips are parted because she has to breathe through her mouth.
And there it was once again... a familiar itch suddenly manifested itself in Camilla's inflamed nasal passages: her eyes squeeze shut, her mouth opens wide as her breath inevitably begins to hitch, her head leans back revealing how red the rims of her poor nose are and finally she succumbs to the sheer force of that impending sneeze: "HAAAPSSSHOO!!!"
She sneezed into the sleeve of her coat, which was now glistening with sticky snot.
"Oh my! Camilla! Bless you!
Oh my God, you're soaking wet!
You need a hot shower!"
"I... kndddooww... I'b... wweee... weet!
It started raidig ad... ad... hhaahh... Haassssshh!!"
Camilla was struggling to talk through the serious shivering she was doing and her teeth chattering.
She sniffled back the fluid that was about to run down onto her lips from that wet sneeze and whimpered.
"Ugh, I feel biserable... SSSNNRRRKK"
She announced in a whiny voice and her statement was punctuated by an unbelievably congested sniffle.
"Poor baby! It sounds like your cold is even worse than it was this morning!
Do you want a hug, sweetie?"
"Do... all I deed dow is a hot shower ad... sleep... haaaapsshoo!! Haaah... Haasssh!! Heeeeeesssshoo!!! Haaah... haaapssshoo!!
Oh dear!"
That overwhelming sneezing fit had made her dizzy and even more congested (if that's possible).
"Oh my God, babe!! Bless you! You're so sick!!
Come on, let's get you out of those wet clothes"
After a long-awaited hot shower Camilla had finally stopped shivering violently, but the sneezing, coughing and horrible congestion were still hanging on.
She was now dry and tucked up in bed under the covers with a hot water bottle on her lap and a new tissue box beside her.
"Babe, your eyes look a bit glassy... are you sure you don't have a fever?"
"Do, I dod't... stop it!"
Camilla was always grumpy when sick and Liam knew that, but he also knew that she got so emotional and secretly needed lots of TLC.
Camilla was blowing her stuffy nose for the 300th time and she'd closed her eyes in order to blow even harder, so Liam took his chance and sneakily felt her forehead.
"Oh, babe! You're burning up!!
Poor you, you have a fever!!"
Camilla wanted to protest but her pounding head, achy body and heavy sinuses were preventing her from speaking: she felt too exhausted to even say anything.
"Do you want a hug now, babe?" Asked Liam, looking at her with his signature puppy eyes (that always worked).
Camilla smiled a little and nodded, sniffling and then sighing congestedly.
Liam hugged her and whispered into her ear: "I'm so sorry you caught my cold, sweetie... I know that it's terrible but I will do everything in my power to make you feel better!"
In response, Camilla hugged him even tighter: she wanted to tell him that it was okay, that she wasn't mad at him and that she loved him to the moon and back...
But she felt terrible and her throat felt so swollen and sore that talking was not ideal in that moment, so all that came out was a weak, raspy and hoarse-sounding: "I love you".
As she said "you", her voice cracked and the poor Camilla had a miserable coughing fit that left her breathless.
As she recovered from that, an itch developed deep in her nose: "HAAAAPSSSHOOO!!!" she sneezed into a tissue.
She sniffled but the wall of thick congestion in her swollen, irritated sinuses wasn't budging...
That was probably the worst cold she'd ever had in her whole life and she was over it.
She sighed tiredly and closed her weary eyes.
"Bless you, babe!! Poor thing, you must be so congested!
Do you want me to rub Vicks on your nose?"
Suggested Liam.
Camilla nodded.
Liam dipped his fingers into the green ointment and started rubbing a generous amount on his poor girlfriend's nose, which was so sensitive that just barely touching it caused a wet sneeze: "HAAASSSHHH!!!"
She was too exhausted to cover her nose.
"I'b sorry I did't cover, babe" she muttered.
Liam told her not to worry and kept rubbing Vicks on her crimson, sore nose: the cool, minty substance felt so good on her chapped skin and Camilla finally felt like she could breathe again!
After Liam was done rubbing Vicks, he also gave her some cough syrup so that she could finally get some sleep.
Camilla kissed Liam and muttered a slightly less congested-sounding, grateful "Thank you".
She closed her eyes and finally drifted off, snoring congestedly, her arms wrapped around Liam, with a blissful expression on her pallid face.

That's it guys! Leave a comment down below if you like!

I love your feedback, everyone!Β πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


Edited by Italiangirl
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  • Italiangirl changed the title to Camilla has the worst cold ever! (oneshot)

Lovely story! Sounds like she caught a really nasty cold. I've always wanted to Liam in that situation :)

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Awwwwwwwwwww poor Camilla!... You're really so good at describing those severe cold symptoms I actually feel her pain! :cold3:

But how wonderful that she's got such a loving, caring partner like Liam by her side. He's such a sweetheart! 🫠 My favourite part is (surprise, surprise πŸ˜…) when he rubs Vicks on her nose, and his gentle touch makes her sensitive nose tickle so she has to sneeze... 😊 🧑

Keep up the great work, @Italiangirl !

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