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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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The day of moving in had come. I actually didn't have a lot of furniture for the new house. Tommy had decided that we would just buy a lot of things new, it wasn't particularly ecological, but Tommy wanted a clear new beginning.

A new beginning for ourselves and the first house together as the beginning of our relationship. We would keep the wood panelling in the hallway and entrance area. I found it mysterious and somehow chic. For the kitchen we opted for a light sage green. Green is supposed to have a relaxing effect, I hope it works and has a really calming effect. Tommy's job is quite stressful most times. As a young politician you are often very busy and there were days when I hardly saw him at all, but Polly said he was always a workaholic.

It all started with moving to London. Not only the stress, but also Tommy's many allergies and I'm wondering if it could have something to do with the increased stress or if it's the new environment and the various additional allergens. I was able to enlist a few friends from work and Tommy had Polly at his side, when the big moving truck was parked in front of the house and after all the boxes were in the house, unpacked and tidied, we ordered some pizza, ate and everyone went home after a long hard working day.

Tommy and I are finally sitting on the bed we made up and cuddle with each other, but not only am I just completely exhausted but happy, I also don't miss the slightly red coloring of his nostrils and the rapid exhalation.

He quickly raises his index and middle fingers to his nose and thus suppresses three sneezes. I purse my lips and sigh. Tommy shouldn't always do that, it's not healthy at all and at some point a vein will really burst. I'm really afraid of that.


"You shouldn't always do that, it's not good. What if a vein really bursts?!" I looked at him with desperate eyes. Tommy looked puzzled, for him it was an automatism that he had acquired at some point due to the many allergies that had suddenly appeared in his life. He cupped my face in his hands and planted a kiss on my forehead.


"Sorry Helena, I can see that you are worried, but believe me, everything is fine." He smiled confidently before his face took on a comical expression, his eyelids closed, he tilted his head back and his lips slightly parted and with another inhalation he sneezed several times, snorting rapidly and heavily.


Tommy didn't have time to even look for a handkerchief, so his sneezing fit hit my voluptuous bosom with full force. With red eyes and a sniffling nose, Tommy looked at me in shock and apology, but I just grinned and kissed his red, allergic nose. All the dust from the move and the pollen from outside must have tickled his nostrils so much he couldn't suppress it any longer.


"Oh Tommy, that was just sexy." I smiled and kissed his lips. His breathing was still rapid and I could feel his heart in his chest as I put my hand on it. After about ten seconds Tommy seemed to have regained his composure. "I still don't understand how you can find something like sneezing attractive and sexy, but I just love you Helena, your easygoing nature, this lightness. Everything about you is so loving and positive. Your naive curiosity, your trust and your laughter." He smiled and rubbed his nose.


I kissed him passionately and straddled his hips. He took my waist in his hands and pulled me closer to him. Our faces were only 10 centimeters apart and I could see his reddened, slightly twitching nose more than clearly. It twitched slightly and shook with every breath he took in, as if it was still tingling and tickling badly.

"I think your nose needs my attention." I say teasingly, kissing the tip of his nose before he inhaled again and abruptly began to sneeze. "HehHh-HETCHOO! ETCHOO! EHHHHHHHSHIEW! AAH-aAHh-AAAAAAASHIEW! AAASHIEW, AAASHIEW, AAASHEEEE! AAAASHIEW!"

This time his sneeze hit me in the face and I felt the cool wetness of his sneeze explosion. I moaned softly and kissed him passionately on the lips, my tongue seeking the entrance. He granted it and so our lips met and my hands trailed down his chest. Tommy sneezed again and again, but it didn't bother me, it just made me even more passionate. I stretched my body against his and he too began to explore my curves.

"Oh Tommy. Would you allow me to tease your nose a little bit more, I'm sure there are still some wonderful sneezes hiding in there." He looked at me wide-eyed, but there was a warmth and familiarity about them that I knew Tommy wouldn't refuse my request.

"What you up to?" he asked kissing my neck, his nose was a little stuffed up now and so the question sounded more nasal than usual, more like he sounds early in the morning before his daily morning sneezing fits. God how much I love it, it's such an amazing and fascinating experience.

Like Tommy's body wants to punish him for waking up and rejecting consciousness. Sometimes a morning sneeze fit lasts only 5 minutes, like in winter, when it's mostly due to the dust and dry air, but in spring, summer and also autumn, it can last up to half an hour before the last sneeze has left  his nose. His pollen allergy is by far the worst, then dust and perfume and I would say fur and horse dander is last, but maybe it wasn't that bad because he took an antihistamine. I'm still curious how I can be allergic to dogs but he isn't. It's like weirdly impossible with all his allergies. 

I still think we should get an allergy test done. Right now it's more like a trial and error. Always waiting for him to sneeze because of a new irritant and allergen. 

"We still have the perfume you bought and then were allergic to. We could test that extensively today." I said with a teasing smile and stood up. In the adjoining bathroom, I got the perfume out of the small mirror cabinet and took some Q-tips and tissues with me. I sat astride his hip again and looked at him with wide eyes.


"You know what that perfume does to my nose." he says, probably hoping it would put me off, but the opposite was the case. My surging lust for his sneeze explosions and his allergic nose made my nipples even harder and I clasped his lower body with my legs. "Ready when you are." He just nodded and I opened the perfume bottle and sprayed a few puffs into the air. Immediately the tart, herbal and yet slightly powdery scent spread and I saw Tommy's nose immediately redden and his nostrils widen and mucus dripping down.


It wasn't twenty seconds before Tommy leaned his head back and shot forward with a massive sneeze salvo. His massive sneezes hit my bosom again and was dunked in mucus and snot. "HehHhhhh-HEHHHSHOO! HREHHHHHHSHOOO! HETCHOO, ETCHU, HAH-HAH-HAAAAAAAARSHOO! HAAAAAARSHOO! EHHHHHCH, EHHHHHCH, EHHHHHHCHIEW! EHHHHHCHIEW! EHHCHIEW EHHHCHIEW AAAAAAASHIEW! HAAAAAAASHIEW! AHHH -AHHH-AHHHHHTCHOO! ATCHOO, ATCHOO, ATCHOO, ARRRRRRSHOO!!"


I moaned loudly and kissed his nose, his lips and his neck. Tommy's nose was twitching and tingling and again he sneezed several times in rapid succession and I held a handkerchief in front of his nose but within seconds it was completely wet and soft. "May I go a little further?!" I asked in a lustful voice, breathing the question into his ear. His whole body was shaking from excitement and sneezing fits.


He looked at me with teary eyes and a sniffling nose and nodded briefly. "Oh Tommy. You make me the happiest woman in all of Belgravia." He took another handkerchief from the box I had put on the bed and blew his nose loudly and thoroughly. He sneezed again and then blew his nose again.


In a hoarse voice, he said, "You can play with me and my nose a little longer, but then it's my turn." He was grinning now and I was curious what to expect. I wondered if my sneeze fetish rubbed off on him and Tommy wanted to make me sneeze afterwards. That would be an interesting twist and I grinned as I picked up a Q-tip, sprayed perfume on it and gently, almost imperceptibly, slid it down Tommy's nostrils.


His red, allergic nose immediately reacted with violent protests and he sniffled and snorted. Snot ran down his lip and when I slid the Q-TIP a little deeper inside his nose, he exploded with the most violent sneeze fit I've ever seen. His sneezes came so fast and strong, so loud and manly that Tommy had little or no time to catch his breath in between.




My bosom was hit by his massive sneezes and I leaned into his body and touch. In a total trance I stared at his nose, his face was red from the force of his allergy and his nose still trembled violently. I reflexively grabbed his nose and held it tight.Tommy breathed heavily in and out through his mouth a few times and I massaged his red, allergic, twitching nose with vigorous movements.

Still breathing heavily and with a flushed face and tearing eyes I let go of his nose and helped him blow his nose. Tommy's sneezing fits still linger in my ears and I couldn't help but kiss his nose that was so red and swollen again. "Oh Tommy, that was so magical. I've never seen such a sneeze explosion before. Oh your sneezes were so stunningly beautiful and so manly. So loud and powerful. So tingling and tickling."


He blew his nose for the third time and replied, a little out of breath, "Oh woman, what are you doing to me and my nose. I think I deserve a reward for my sacrifice. My nose is going to be itchy and sneezy all night. You just had to spray the perfume in the air." I grinned and kissed him passionately and full of love. "Thank you my darling for this beautiful first evening in our home. I'm so excited for all that is to come and can't wait to hear your morning sneezing fits."


Tommy nodded and he now noticed that my bosom was covered in mucus and snot and he took a handful of handkerchiefs and cleaned it for me. After he finished he kissed me passionately and said "I'm going to take a shower now. In the meantime you can turn on the room filter and change the bed linen and if you're quick enough you'll still have time to shower with me."


Now he grinned cheekily, got up and went to the bathroom. I sprinted to the room filter, which was the first thing we bought, hoping the pollen and other allergens would go down a bit, and then stripped and re-rigged the bed. Egyptian cotton. Another luxury that Tommy was happy to allow himself. Everything was done within 5 minutes and I sprinted to him in the bathroom.


He just grinned and said "You and your ambitions Helena!" I got into the shower as well and we spent another enjoyable evening and a nice first night in our new home together. Tommy's "warning" was to be fulfilled and several times during the night I was awakened by his sneezing fits and each time I was more than thankful and happy for the man at his side and his highly allergic nose.

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@AntheaHolmes Wow!! 🔥 That was an "explosive" first night indeed! 😀 Tommy is very brave to let his sweetheart tease his nose like that. 👃 My favourite part is when Helena sees Tommy's nose twitching with itchiness, and says, "I think your nose needs my attention", kisses the tip of his nose, and he sneezes again... AWWW! 🫠

Now you made me curious if Tommy manages to make Helena sneeze too, and if so, how he will feel about her sneezes?... 😉 Keep up the great work!

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3 hours ago, kiku said:

@AntheaHolmes Wow!! 🔥 That was an "explosive" first night indeed! 😀 Tommy is very brave to let his sweetheart tease his nose like that. 👃 My favourite part is when Helena sees Tommy's nose twitching with itchiness, and says, "I think your nose needs my attention", kisses the tip of his nose, and he sneezes again... AWWW! 🫠

Now you made me curious if Tommy manages to make Helena sneeze too, and if so, how he will feel about her sneezes?... 😉 Keep up the great work!

@kiku Thank you! Always happy to see your comments. 😊 Happy you like it. 

I think Helena will learn to like her sneezes because it's a funny story. Also maybe Tommy will like it to make and see her sneeze. 😁 I think it has to evolve but it's possible. 

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I loved the idea of Tommy's twitchy nose as well! He seems so cute haha, I'd love to see Helena's reaction if he started stifling or did an unusually small/ cute sneeze? She's always so endearing towards him, I can only imagine how she'd react if he was even cuter than usual! 

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2 hours ago, dwaekki said:

I loved the idea of Tommy's twitchy nose as well! He seems so cute haha, I'd love to see Helena's reaction if he started stifling or did an unusually small/ cute sneeze? She's always so endearing towards him, I can only imagine how she'd react if he was even cuter than usual! 

Thank you so much. Will definitely think about that and maybe include a softer sneeze in the next story. Maybe when he catches cold. 

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