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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Traffic Island (f, sick, original)


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Suki wiped at her nose for what felt like the 500th time during her walk home from classes. Around her, the heavy rain of a classic Nor'easter pounded down - her shoes were soaked, and all that shielded her from the pouring rain was a rickety umbrella which was already bending. The university student shivered in her thin rain jacket, damp hair plastered to her face. Her throat burned; her nose had been running like a faucet for hours. No question about it - Suki was sick. 

As she waited at the crosswalk, the white walk signal flashed on - she hurried across in a crowd of other pedestrians, sniffling hopelessly. She wished she'd thought to bring tissues - not that they would've lasted long in the downpour. Her nose was tickling fiercely; she was sure it was beet red, sinuses swollen with the virus that had hijacked her system. Suki tried to breath in through her nose, and her breath hitched as even the cool air from that small inhale made her nostrils tremble and flare. She could feel a sneezing fit coming on; Suki always got terribly sneezy with colds.

"eh! He...he...*sniff*...eyeee---ehh. *sniff*" 

The girl now stood on the traffic island, wedged in the middle of dozens of others making their way home. Her umbrella's webbing slowly collapsed inward, bowing to the incessant rain pounding down. As she raised a hand to wipe her twinging, itching nose again, rivulets of water poured down her wrist. Rubbing her nose did little good as the touch of cold, clammy skin to inflamed nostrils only made them widen further, irritated, flaring, desperate to expel the virus particles within.

"he...eeyeeh-EH..." Suki stammered, her breath was overtaken by hitching. She dropped her umbrella to the side, fully claspng her hands over her nose. She desperately needed to sneeze - but crammed in between so many other people, she couldn't! It'd be rude to spread this cold so carelessly. Suki's head tipped back, the sick girl no longer caring about making a scene as she desperately wrestled with her incredibly sneezy nose. "Eh-AH-HEYEHEE-EEEEEH-*sniff* EH!"

Suddenly the crush of bodies around her lessened - the crosswalk light had turned, not that Suki could have seen it, as her eyes were squinched shut, her lips quivering and mouth pursed open, her slight frame trembling in the cold, face contorted with the need to sneeze and sneeze and SNEEZE. As the rest of the crowd crossed to the other side of the street, Suki was left alone on the traffic island, slightly bent over as she gasped and wheezed, chest heaving under her soaked shirt. Her hands dropped to her sides as she lost the battle.


If any drivers on that street had slowed down during the next 30 seconds, they would have witnessed a bizarre sight: a soaking wet college girl bending and arching on the traffic meridian, erupting with enormous, screaming sneezes whose sound was lost to the rain.   

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