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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Math class

Guest Oleander

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Guest Oleander

okay. today, we had a pop quiz, and we weren't allowed to talk at ALL until every test was handed in... so, of course i was the first to hand in the damn thing :blushing: so i'm sitting there, my nose is itching and tickeling so bad it fells like it's going to jump off of my face, and i'm bored... great combo, huh? and then i have to sneeze... in a completely silent room. there's 15 minutes of class left, and i'm afraid i might die by then. then i think to my self 'ah, the hell with it' and stifle a sneeze into my arm, "Ek-schh!"... and the guy in front of me turns around and passes me the box of tissues, wich i didn't get a chance to use because i was still sneezing :) so i sat there. sneezing. I WANTED to DIE!! I blush really easy, so i'm sure my face was red to match my nose :bleh: and then the bell rang. i took off like a friggen banshee, out the door to my next class.

not the greatest, but hey, take what you can get :blushing: just kidding.

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