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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Annoying Cold (Self, F)


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Around this time last week, I started feeling like I was getting sick. It's that time of year, and since I'm working in a school, I figured I must've gotten something from one of the kids. It initially started with some irritation in my throat, and since I had plans towards the end of the week, I went to the doctor to make sure it wasn't anything crazy. My throat was bothering me for the next few days, and I went back to work on Friday luckily without any irritation, but congested as hell.

My nose was bothering me the whole day, and I kept having to blow it in between periods. No matter how much I did, however, one nostril was permanently clogged, and it would switch on and off. I wasn't even in my car for five minutes after I left before I had to sneeze. I don't normally get sick, and a cold like this where I get a little congested isn't out of the ordinary for me, and even then I rarely sneeze a lot during them. This must have been some super school-type cold, because I could not stop sneezing the rest of the day. I sneezed a few times in my car on my drive home, and the rest of the night found myself sneezing doubles or triples 2-3x every hour or so. I even took a Covid test just in case (and because of plans for the weekend, it was negative) but surprisingly enough, the swabbing of my nose didn't cause any sneezes (it has other times). 

Saturday I had plans with some friends later in the day and I luckily woke up feeling better than I had the day before, but was still sneezing constantly. One of my friends gave me an extra bottle of nasal spray she had when I saw her that morning, and though it cleared up the congestion, it didn't stop the sneezing. The sneezes on Saturday were a lot stronger and more wet, and every time I would pull my head back from my elbow, it was always slightly wet from the strength/spray. Fits of mostly doubles and triples, they were annoying sure, but the only thing really bothering me.

Since then I've barely sneezed in comparison to how much I did between Friday-Saturday, but my nose has still been super congested, and I've been blowing it constantly. Today's not as bad as yesterday and Sunday, but I'm just shocked at how long this has been going on. Normally I'd be all clear by now, so I'm hoping this will stop by tomorrow or so.

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