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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fisherman's Friend 🇩🇰🚢


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Authors Note: 
Hello my friends-Hope everyone is having a great holiday season! The muse has struck me again haha and I have been writing a very brief little prequel that details the ahem Aquavit incident on Fastelavn that was mentioned in part 2 of the The Catch 😅 (WHICH is up now in case anyone is interested- shameless plug haha)
But I thought it would be kind of a good opportunity to world build some more since the original is set after Chris and Sybil are already married- and I wanted to write about them when they first started dating.
I thought it might be sweet to explore all the awkwardness of budding romance and all of the nervous weirdness that comes with it- makes one feel like you might throw up but at the same time it’s all very exciting 😂 
There’s not a lot of sneezing in the very FIRST half of the story since I wanted to set up Fastelavn (because Festelavn in the fcking best)… but rest assured it starts as soon as they start drinking haha
This whole idea was actually sort of inspired by a video I saw forever ago 🤭this German guy has this huge sneezing fit because him and his buddies were out all night drinking- and his friends are just busting up over it and ribbing him, and it’s all very amusing
I’ll link the video here in case anyone wants to give it a watch: 

... Might be worth checking out- the gentleman is VERY handsome and it’s honestly hilarious- kind of a cute quirk- I’ve never actually seen someone sneeze like that because of drinking 😅 but it happens to some people because it can mess with the blood vessels in your sinuses- weird science 
Anyway I’m going to stop rambling- I’m only human after all haha so I’m always a little nervous to post this kind of stuff BUT 
without any further delay, I present to you:


Fisherman's Friend 🇩🇰🚢


The Danish winter had been particularly harsh that year, but as February rolled around, the excitement for Fastelavn was palpable- and the party was in full swing at Frederik’s. The quaint local haunt buzzed with an eclectic symphony of laughter and chatter, its patrons adorned in a kaleidoscope of costumes – from whimsical fairies to outlandish mythical beasts. Paper decorations, barrels, and branches of budding birch adorned the place, adding to the festive atmosphere.
Sybil stood alone, somewhat awkwardly near the entrance, feeling both alien and excited. If she was being totally honest, her knowledge of Fastelavn was limited- mostly gleaned from Christoffer's enthusiastic descriptions and some hasty internet research. The idea of 'beating the cat out of the barrel' seemed both quaint and slightly barbaric to her American sensibilities. 
They had been seeing each other- sort of. Group outings, cautious conversations, and the occasional lunch together. But tonight was different- the party was an opportunity, perhaps, for something more- a prospect that both excited her and made her feel a little like she might hurl. It wasn't a date per se- but Sybil couldn't help but hope in her heart that it would turn into one
Christoffer's presence was hard to miss. He towered above most, his rugged Nordic features and broad shoulders making him a distinctive figure in the crowd. Dressed in a heavy fisherman's sweater and jeans, he seemed slightly out of place among the sea of costumes. He was more at home on the deck of a ship than amidst the frivolity of an event like this. He navigated the crowd with a sailor’s ease, blue eyes scanning for a particular head of auburn hair. 
"There you are!" he boomed over the hubbub, a big grin lighting up his face. He was still fine tuning his English, and the presence of his American date somehow made every word more challenging to form- but the Dane was both excited and nervous at the prospect of spending the evening with Sybil. 
"You look... spellbinding?" he ventured, a playful twinkle in his eye as he took in her costume.
Sybil laughed, her nerves easing slightly. "Thanks, Chris. You're quite the convincing fisherman yourself," she teased back, feeling a flutter of butterflies in her stomach, unable to deny the charm of her lumbering companion- Chris truly was a big lug in every sense of the word. 
Christoffer rubbed the back of his neck, a bashful smile playing on his lips. "It's the one costume I know best," he admitted, his gaze lingering on her just a moment longer than necessary.
Sybil glanced around the pub, taking in the lively scene. "So, um- this is quite the shindig- it's like Halloween but... in February?" Her full lips pursed in a playful smile as she watched the group of rugrats outside  dressed as knights and princesses.
Christoffer's laugh, deep and hearty, cut through the noise. "More about welcoming spring than ghosts and goblins. It's cozier, you know.”
Sybil's dark green eyes crinkled with amusement- hey it was all Greek to her- the whole thing still seemed like Halloween or Madi Gras maybe, but she wasn't about to argue with her Norse god of a date. "You mean hygge, right? I’m learning."
"Yes, exactly! Hygge- You're picking up Danish quickly," Christoffer replied, his dimpled smile broadening at her effort to learn the language and culture.
Their conversation was interrupted by a loud crack from the street outside, followed by cheers as the painted barrel finally broke, spilling sweets onto the cobblestone. The kids scurried to collect their prizes, shouting and laughing with excitement.
"It's like a piñata," he offered, fumbling to find the right words amidst his nerves. "We hit it to get the candy and... chase away the winter."
Sybil didn't seem to notice, and she clapped a little in spite of herself, caught up in the excitement. "I'm game- We get to hit it too right?"
"Oh, we definitely get our turn. It's not all child's play. You'll see."
Sybil laughed at Christoffer's explanation. "Okay, sounds festive." Her eyes scanned the lively scene around them. "And everyone seems to know each other."
Christoffer nodded, following her gaze. "Yes, it's a tight-knit community. Speaking of which..." He trailed off as his gaze settled on a group approaching them. His face lit up with a mix of pride and mild embarrassment as he spotted them.
"Here comes trouble," he murmured  to Sybil, a playful gleam in his eye. Before Sybil could even open her mouth to reply, a boisterous bunch of sailors, each one taller and brawnier than the last- approached with wide, albeit slightly inebriated grins.
Lars, the most imposing of the trio with a booming voice and an infectious grin, was the first to reach them. "Christoffer, we've been waiting for you to join us," he bellowed, his enormous hand coming down on Chris's shoulder with brotherly force. "Who's your lovely friend?"
"This is Sybil," he began with a hint of pride, his arm finding a natural place around her shoulders. "Sybil, these are my good friends, Lars, Soren, and Erik-" He paused, scanning the crowd. "Where's Erik?"
Soren, with a quick, mischievous smile, nodded towards the bar. "Trapped in conversation with a bottle of Schnapps, where else?"
"Erik!" Christoffer boomed over the cacophony, "We have an American here who needs to experience a real Fastelavn!"
A bearded giant detached himself from the bar, a pair of drinks in hand, and ambled over with a wide grin.
"Ah, an American? Then we have to show her how it's done. Let's get her a bat and find a barrel to beat!"
The kids had already had their fun, and now it was time for the adults to take their turn.
The group made their way through the crowd and stepped outside, the chill of the Danish winter nipping at their noses. They finally found a suitable barrel, and Erik revealed the rules of the game- Sybil's Danish was a little rusty, she had to admit but it seemed straightforward enough- beat barrel with big stick- no peeking. Sybil wrapped her arms tightly around her ribs against the cold, feeling a little stupid. Her jacket, more fashionable than functional, was no match for the biting wind. Christoffer, ever observant, slipped off his heavy coat and draped it over her shoulders. His gesture, simple yet thoughtful, sent a warm flush through her. It smelled woodsy and- damn delicious frankly- like aftershave and cologne and something distinctly Chris. 
"Thanks," she said gratefully, feeling warmer though a little embarrassed. "But you're going to freeze to death out here."
"I'm a sailor, Sybil," Chris assured her with a chuckle, his breath misting in the night air. "We're made of strong stuff."
Sybil felt her heart race, momentarily distracted from the task at hand, but Erik's boisterous voice brought her back to Earth.
"We'll sacrifice the American first," He announced and the group laughed.
"Fine-" Sybil huffed, sticking her tongue out at him. "Watch and learn, gentlemen."
She took the bat, hands trembling from a cocktail of excitement and nervousness. She had never swung at a barrel before, let alone in front of an audience that included a man she was desperately trying to impress.
"Remember, it's all in good fun," Christoffer encouraged, his voice warm and reassuring.
Sybil nodded, focusing on her target. She swung once, missing by a hair's breadth, eliciting a few good-natured chuckles from the group. Undeterred, she adjusted her stance, took a steadying breath, and swung again. This time, the bat connected with a satisfying thwack, causing a few candies to tumble out.
"Nice hit!" Christoffer whooped, patting her on the back. "You're a natural!”
When it was Christoffer's turn, he approached the task with an easy going determination. 
"Just imagine it's a giant fish, Chris!" Soren yelled out, eliciting a giggle from the group.
With a powerful swing and a resounding crack, Christoffer burst the barrel open, showering candies onto the cobblestones. The children, and a few spirited adults, scrambled to collect the sweets, their laughter echoing in the night air.
The friends migrated back inside the pub, eager for warmth and more drinks. The festival's energy was still in full swing, and the atmosphere had become even more lively.
Kim Larsen played over the radio and Sybil found herself a little more at ease, her initial awkwardness melting away in the company of Christoffer and his friends. They settled around a large table, pints of frothy beer and plates of food spread out before them. As they settled, Lars began shuffling a deck of cards with an expert flick of his wrists. "Anyone up for a game of L'hombre?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with a wicked glint.
Christoffer returned from the bar, burly arms laden with a tray carrying Aquavit and more beers. "Looks like I'm back just in time," he said, placing the drinks down with a flourish.
"Sybil, you must try this," he added, sliding a glass of the clear liquid towards her, his eyes alight with playful challenge.
Sybil eyed the clear liquid warily. "Is this- what is this? Vodka?" 
He chuckled, "No, stronger than that- Just sip it."
Her reaction to the Aquavit was instantaneous- Chris wasn't lying- It was enough to put hair on her chest, and Sybil couldn't help but cough.
"Delicious- Should we be drinking this stuff so close to an open flame?"
Christoffer's laughter rang out, deep and infectious. "It's an acquired taste," he said with a wink. "But it's the best way to chase away the cold."
The group's attention momentarily shifted to the game, but Sybil found herself more interested in Christoffer. Her curiosity piqued, she leaned forward, big eyes reflecting the candle's orange glow. 
"So, you’re really a fisherman?" she ventured after a moment. "Sounds... intense."
Leaning back in his chair, Christoffer watched her with a warm, fond look, his love for his profession evident in his expression. 
"Yes, it can be. The sea is unpredictable, but there's a beauty in that unpredictability. Every day is different,” he replied, his voice low and inviting. Sybil listened, captivated by his stories of the sea’s beauty and power, and the thrill of the catch. There was something about the way he spoke about it that made her see him in a new light – not just as a rugged sailor, but as someone deeply respectful of and connected to the natural world.
"The sea sounds amazing. And terrifying," she added with a laugh. "I can't even imagine what it's like out there."
"It's hard to describe," he admitted. "It's a world of its own. You should see it sometime."
The suggestion hung in the air between them, charged with possibility.
As the night wore on, and more rounds of Aquavit were poured, the atmosphere in the pub became increasingly festive. Sybil watched with amusement as Christoffer played the old sailor's game, his focus split between the deck and her.
Suddenly, his merry expression changed- his broad chest swelled as he drew an involuntary breath, and he lowered his hand of cards, brow knit with a look of clouded, gathering dread.
He buried his face into the crook of his arm and snapped to the side with a muzzled sneeze. "IhhHRSSHoo!"
Surprised at his own outburst, he blinked away the moisture that had gathered on his blonde lashes. Sybil stared at him confounded, her expression caught between amusement and disbelief as he geared up for another.
"hrRR’ISSCHHhhoo!!… IhhHRSSHHHuh!"
"Damn! Bless you Chris! I hope you're not coming down with something."
Sybil suddenly felt a little guilty for wearing his coat all night. She reached out, hesitating before she bolstered her apprehension to brush a hand across his brow, checking for a temperature. No fever- Christoffer's tan skin was cool beneath her touch. 
"I'm not- '' Chris managed to assure her through a damp sniffle once he had gained back a little composure- his face burned bright red as embarrassment hit its boiling point. "It's the alcohol."
Sybil gawped at him, taken aback for a moment as it dawned on her and she couldn't help the genuine laugh that bubbled up from her throat. 
"You're telling me that you're sneezing like this because you're... drunk?" she giggled, feeling a little warm and fuzzy herself. "Seriously? That's the cutest thing I've ever heard."
Erik slid in with a satisfied smirk and a theatrical cough, casting his friend a knowing glance. "Every time our dear Christoffer gets a little soused he starts sneezing like it's springtime!"
The group around the table erupted in laughter, Christoffer included, his embarrassment melting away under their good-natured ribbing.
He rolled his eyes in mock irritation but a sly grin dimpled his cheeks as he playfully tugged on a lock of Sybil's long hair. 
"Don't listen to him Sybil- I'm just allergic to Americans in pointy hats," he teased over the noise earning a playful swat from his date.
"Hey, don't make me drop a house on you, Tin Man."
The friends chuckled at their exchange- they were all here to enjoy the festivities, but it was clear to all that there was something special brewing between Sybil and Christoffer.
The laughter and chatter in the pub reached a crescendo, mixed with the clinking of glasses and the occasional drunken burst of song. The air was thick with the scent of spiced wine and the warmth of close bodies. 
Sybil, her cheeks flushed from drink and the bustling atmosphere, watched Christoffer with a mixture of amusement and a little concern as he hastily buried his face into the crook of his arm- yet again- sparing her the brunt of his sneeze.
"h!...k'XXt'xsh!... IhhHRSSHue! "
She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of his sudden outburst and a chorus of "Bless you's" echoed around the table.
"He's allergic to losing at cards!" Erik shouted over the din, earning a playful punch from Christoffer.
"Um- prosit? is that right?" Sybil teased, her inhibitions lowered as she reached out to rub his back consolingly. "You sure you're okay? You're not usually this... sniffly."
Christoffer sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit like a schoolboy under her gaze. This was not how he had imagined impressing Sybil. 
"You're a fast learner." His voice, usually so confident and booming, was muffled and stuffy. "It's just this Aquavit... gets me every time."
Sybil observed him carefully, feeling both amused and apprehensive-  It was a strange but endearing sight to see a man of his size and strength reduced to sniffles because of a drink. 
"Come on, let's escape this sauna for a second," she said after a minute, her voice carrying a note of concern, yet a playful undertone lingered. She extended her hand, emboldened by the warm glow of the liquor. "Get some fresh air."
Christoffer hesitated for a split second, then took her hand in his.
"Good idea. Let's go for a walk."
His grip was warm and sure, a stark contrast to her cold fingers- he was a bit taken aback by her assertiveness but pleasantly so. As they navigated through the crowd, the noise of the pub began to fade, replaced by the quiet hush of the night outside.
The cobblestone streets were quieter now, the festivities confined to the warm glow of the pub behind them. A hint of saltwater hung in the air, and they walked in silence for a few minutes, the quiet broken only by the sound of waves and their footsteps on the cobblestones. The vast, churning sea stretched out before them, dark and mysterious in the moonlight.
"I’m sorry- about the sneezing," Christoffer apologized after a moment, the deep timbre of his voice still a bit nasally. "The Aquavit- it always gets me."
Sybil's husky laughter was tinged with genuine curiosity. "I've never seen anyone react to alcohol like that," she admitted, feeling a blush creep up her neck at her own confession. "It's honestly sort of... charming?"
Christoffer quirked a brow, smirking at her unusual choice of words. "Charming, huh?" he echoed in accented English. "I'll remember that for next time I make a fool of myself."
"You could never make a fool of yourself in front of me," Sybil said earnestly, stopping to face him. Her green eyes were dark and unwavering as she spoke. "I'm having a great time with you. Seriously Chris, don't be embarrassed. I'm just glad you're not getting sick."
Christoffer felt a swell of affection for Sybil- she was strange in a way, so straightforward and surprisingly kind- she was unlike anyone he had ever met. The air between them was charged with a new energy, a silent understanding that something significant was unfolding. He leaned in a little closer too, the cold wind nipping at his nose and ears, but he could care less.
"Can I- can I kiss you?" he whispered, heart pounding in his chest so loud he wondered if she could hear it too. 
She leaned in towards him, her full lips just inches away from his, her warm sweet breath ghosting across his jaw.
"Yes," she breathed, her heart racing as she stood on her toes to close the gap between them. 
Christoffer's lips met hers in a soft, chaste kiss, and her blood roared in her ears.
They paused after a moment and the silver moon illuminated their faces. For a brief moment, they simply looked at each other, the silence between them thick with unspoken words. 
"I like you, Sybil," Christoffer confessed suddenly, his voice low and serious. "I don't know how else to put it."
Sybil felt a little weak in the knees at his admission- the butterflies in her stomach turned into a swarm of killer bees and she took a steadying breath. "I like you too, Chris," she replied, giving his hand a squeeze. " A lot.  I really do."
Christoffer's blue eyes lingered on her pink lips and he leaned in for another kiss. This time it felt different- it was searing and filled with the promise of something more. Sybil could feel the heat of his body through his sweater- the piney scent of his aftershave was making her head spin. 
His breath caught against her lips, and before she could even register what was happening Christoffer wheeled away in embarrassment and snapped into the crook of his arm with a powerful sneeze.
"God bless you, Chris!" Sybil giggled breathlessly, her face still aflame. "I've got a hunch that you really are allergic to Americans."
"Maybe I’m just bad at cards," he chuckled. Christoffer sniffled- his nose was really starting to run now in the cold air. He blotted it with the sleeve of his sweater and she chuckled, amused by his rough behavior.
"Come on- Let's go back inside before we freeze."
He took her hand in his, his grip warm and sure as they started back together. Christoffer's vulnerability had only deepened her affection for him. Maybe it was the alcohol, but she could feel her heart hammer against her ribs as they made their way back to the pub.
“Sybil, I was thinking- you would… ah I mean would you... like to go out? Just you and me. For dinner?” There was a vulnerability in his gaze, a hopeful expectancy that made him seem less like the sturdy fisherman and more like a boy asking for his first dance.
Sybil fought to keep the grin off her face but she glanced back up at Chris with her warmest, most genuine smile. No doubt about it- she was totally smitten, head over heels. "You've got yourself a date, Chris." 
As they stepped back into the pub, the lively sounds of the festival wrapped around them. Yet, amidst the cacophony, there was a newfound electricity between them. Chris, with a newfound buoyancy in his step, led Sybil back to their table. As they rejoined their friends, the atmosphere seemed to shift subtly around them, their shared secret creating a bubble of intimacy despite the surrounding festivities.
Erik, noticing their linked fingers and beaming faces, raised an eyebrow in playful suspicion. "Look at these two. What did we miss while you were out catching a cold?”  he teased, his voice rich with implication.
 Christoffer couldn't resist. "We're going on a date,” he said with a smirk. 
Erik let out a low whistle, impressed by his reserved friend's sudden boldness. "Well,  well. Our Christoffer, the romantic- Who knew?”
Chris shot him a playful glare, and he turned to Sybil, gaze softening. "I've been wanting to ask you out for a while now," he confessed. "I'm glad I finally did."
Sybil's freckled face split into a wide, toothy grin. "Me too, Chris. I'm really looking forward to it."
When it was time to part ways, Chris offered to walk Sybil home. The streets were quiet, the earlier excitement of Fastelavn settling into a tranquil hush.
As they reached Sybil's door, Chris hesitated, a hint of something shy in his eyes. “I'm looking forward to dinner," he said earnestly. 
Sybil's heart leapt into her throat at his words. "So am I, Chris. Thanks  for showing me a great time tonight."
They shared a brief, tender kiss under the soft glow of the streetlight, a promise of more to come. As Sybil watched Chris walk away, his tall figure gradually disappearing into the night, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for the future. She knew, in that moment, that something special had just begun.

The End ❤️ (or the beginning 😏👀)

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On 11/29/2023 at 4:30 PM, secret19 said:

The beginning! Please! I beg!


On 12/6/2023 at 2:54 AM, Random Magic said:

Love this! Great writing and I love how you set up the sneezing - it feels really immersive! 


On 12/6/2023 at 9:03 AM, solitaire-au said:

Ooh, I loved seeing Christoffer and Sybil’s relationship begin! ♥️

Please continue!


On 12/6/2023 at 12:23 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

Love this. Very nice. 


On 12/7/2023 at 1:49 PM, Catsgotyourtounge said:




On 12/14/2023 at 3:58 PM, Barbie said:


Hello my friends- first of all I just wanted to say thank you all so much for your kind words!! To be honest I totally thought that this story would completely flop haha so I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you guys enjoyed reading it 🥹 I love to write creatively and even though this was totally just for fun (…and is also a shameless self indulgent fantasy lmfao) I am so happy that people resonated with the story and liked the writing 😩🙏 

SO all this to say I kind of left a few odd ends and maybe implied some stuff in case anyone wanted to see this continued… 

I know that I’m writing this so it’s kind of my job to figure out what happens next BUT I am also interested in giving the people what they want- there’s plenty of fabulous writers and creative folks on here - so I’d like to open the floor to you all for where you want this to go if there’s anything specific you’d like to read- I could write about their date or since the holidays are here perhaps a little Christmas special or something 🤭

I have had such fun just dreaming this up and I think it’s made me a better writer so I would like to continue this one or at least write more in the collection 

Since Christmas is coming up and I’m going to Europe for a month to spend it with my family I’ll have plenty of time and ahem… inspiration to write 👀👀 

I value your opinions and I live for feedback haha so if anyone feels inclined to suggest or request something I will do my best to fulfill your wishes 


Thanks so much for the love and I hope you all have a very happy and safe holiday season 🤍🌨️🕯️



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