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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Lots of Sneezing (F)


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I was out to lunch today and decided to stop on my way home to pick up some of my skincare products that I was running low on. I hadn’t even been in the store for more than a minute or so when I heard someone complain about not liking the smell in the store. In their defense, it was pretty powerful (considering there were a lot of open products for testing) but strong-smelling products like that don’t normally bother my nose, so I didn’t even think too much about the comment. 

No more than a few minutes later did I hear someone sneeze. It sounded like it came from the other side of the display that I was standing at due to how loud it was, and sounded like AHCHIEWW! When I stepped around the corner to continue in my search for the items I needed, I believe I was met the culprit. There was a girl on the other side of the display with dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and though she was facing the display, she audibly sniffled a few times. 

I didn’t see or hear any other sneezes while I was there, but did walk past a woman who was rubbing at her nose with the palm of her hand pretty harshly. 

Then I had to stop at my boyfriend’s, and as I was walking up to his front door felt a tickle in my nose. It built up pretty quickly and resulted in a triple that I wasn’t expecting (I normally sneeze doubles or singles), but they all sounded the same, HASCHEW, spaced a few seconds apart. 

Then, my boyfriends mom, who I’ve only ever hear sneeze and never actually see it, sneezed while I was in the bathroom. I had only been there a few minutes as well. Hers sounded muffled, and there was only one, sounding more like a classic ACHOO, then said something to my boyfriend about her nose bothering her. 

It was warmer than normal today, so maybe that was bothering our noses!

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On 12/9/2023 at 11:16 PM, linaevelyn94 said:

I didn’t see or hear any other sneezes while I was there, but did walk past a woman who was rubbing at her nose with the palm of her hand pretty harshly

It does always amaze me how many adults revert to the allergic salute to deal with their noses!

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