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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How do you feel about your siblings sneezing?


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I am an only child, so I'm curious if anyone doesn't mind their siblings sneezes. I want to die when my mother sneezes. My fathers are mildly unpleasant, but don't make me want to jump out a window in the same way.

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Ya im going to be honest there is no other answer to this question other than NO. And anyone else who answers something different is not okay lol.

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It's a little less cringey than when my mom sneezes but not by much. But that could be that my sister is more respectful about basic hygiene. There's still that "ewwww family!" thing but it's easier for me to ignore it altogether and just move on with my life, while I want to jump off a roof when it's my mom.  


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It’s less brain stabbing inducing.    Mostly because they don’t talk about it and make a big deal over it.   As opposed to my mom who talks incessantly about anything nasal related.    

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2 hours ago, Melody said:

Ya im going to be honest there is no other answer to this question other than NO. And anyone else who answers something different is not okay lol.

So you're kind of on the fence about it Melody? No strong feelings either way? 😅

Like most of us, family sneezes have always made me uncomfortable and I find them quite gross. But now I'm a bit older, it honestly doesn't bother me as much as it used to. It helps a lot that no-one in my family really has allergies, or is a very sneezy person. And perhaps because of that, they're not compulsive blessers and they never particularly comment on sneezing.

It still makes me uncomfortable, but I guess I've gotten much better at tuning it out.

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Sends me in to such a primal rage that my parents sent me to therapy as a child. 

I can’t stand my sister to begin with. I want to hurt her and myself when it happens. 

I’m somewhere on the spectrum too so maybe that has something to do with it. 

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In similar response to how a lot of people have answered, that is going to be a resounding I very much mind seeing my sibling sneeze. It's just so cringe. I do my best to ignore it when it does happen. I suppose if my only two options were to witness my parents sneezing or my sibling sneezing I would elect my sibling over my parents, but preferably, I would never bare witness to any family member sneezing.

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Like others have said, I'd much rather never witness my siblings sneeze, but it's not as bad as my parents. Unfortunately, at least one of my siblings has serious allergies, so I kinda had to learn to live with the sound. With time, it got easier. It's still gross, but I can just shrug it off.

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Ugh, I haven't been on this forum in a couple weeks because everyone in my house (except me) was sick.  Between my hubby and kids, someone was always sneezing and I was uncomfortable and cranky about it.  

I'm a bit of a germaphobe, so between that and my kids sneezing, it was a nightmare.  Thankfully, everyone is feeling better and life is returning to normal.  Seeing/hearing my parents sneeze used to fill me with rage too.  ick!

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