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Trying to dodge the Christmas cold


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Sarah loved Christmas. The gift giving, gathering together with loved ones, eating good food. Even as a twenty four year old, she still loved all the lights and decorations and hype of the holiday season. 

What she did not love however, were the rounds of cold and flu every year that approached as the festive season drew closer. Stressed out people crowding together in shopping malls all day long, even despite where she lives staying warm throughout the Christmas season, sneezy viruses would make their way around and every couple of years she would wind up coughing and sniffling and not getting to enjoy her Christmas after all. 

So this year Sarah was doing everything she could to avoid it. All her Christmas shopping had been done online, she'd "generously" brought several bottles of hand sanitiser to work for everyone to use, and kept her distance from several colleagues who she'd seen blowing their noses repeatedly. 

Then a few days before Christmas it seemed every other person had a cold. Sarah boarded the bus and to her horror, the lady she sat down next to immediately sneezed into her cupped hands. 

Snrrffff, she'd then sniffled wetly, wiping her nose on her hand. 

"So sorry, scuse be", she said. "I've got a bit of a cold". 


She arrived home to find her roommate on the couch, sniffling and coughing, struck down by a similar bug. 

"Hey Sarah, do you have ady tissues?" asked Natalie. "Mbide are all used up". 

"Are you sick?" Sarah asked. 

Natalie sniffled. 

"I've got a bit of a ruddy dose", she replied. 

Natalie's runny nose was quite red to look at and sounded very congested. She tore off a long piece of toilet roll and blew her nose wetly. 

"Tissues?" she asked again. 

"Sure", Sarah replied. She came back again with what little was left of the box of tissues from her dresser. 

Sarah was meant to be leaving to go stay with her family on Christmas Eve but she did not want to be around Natalie and catch a cold that would be in full bloom on Christmas Day. Tomorrow was the 23rd, only a day early, she had no work anyway so she would leave first thing in the morning. 


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