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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chapter 1: The Library Connection


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The First Encounter

On a crisp autumn afternoon, Penrose University’s library was a haven of quiet study. Gideon, immersed in his engineering textbook, was a picture of focus. His tall, athletic build was hunched over the table, his dreads with red highlights falling over his brow. Across from him, unbeknownst to him, was about to unfold a meeting that would change the course of his final year.

Kasumi, a petite, curvy figure, sat opposite him. Her hair was neatly tied back, and her eyes, usually bright and inquisitive, now flickered with discomfort. She was struggling, her concentration broken by the all-too-familiar tickle in her nose. She tried to focus on her biology notes, but the sensation was growing, an unstoppable force building within her.

Kasumi’s breath hitched, her eyes watering. She looked around the library, aware of the silence that enveloped her. Her hand reached subconsciously for her nose, pressing gently in a futile attempt to quell the impending sneeze.

Kasumi: (whispering to herself) “Not now, please…”

Gideon, his attention now diverted from his textbook, watched Kasumi with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He saw her distress and, without a second thought, slid a pack of tissues across the table towards her.

Gideon: “Are you okay?”

Kasumi’s eyes met his, a mix of surprise and gratitude flashing across her face. She took a tissue, her breath becoming more erratic, the tickle in her nose intensifying.

Kasumi: “I… I’m going to sneeze. It’s always loud, and I… I can’t stop it.”

Gideon nodded understandingly, a gentle smile on his face.

Gideon: “It’s natural. Don’t worry about it.”

Kasumi hesitated, then turned slightly away from Gideon, not wanting to disturb him further. The sensation in her nose was overwhelming now, a relentless itch that demanded release.

Her face contorted in the pre-sneeze struggle, her eyes squinting shut, her mouth opening involuntarily. The build-up was intense, a crescendo of discomfort and anticipation.


The sneeze erupted from her, loud and forceful, echoing through the quiet library. A few heads turned in their direction, but Gideon’s gaze remained fixed on Kasumi. She looked back at him, mortified.

Kasumi: “I’m so sorry, I warned you. It’s quite the spectacle.”

Gideon’s expression was one of fascination rather than annoyance. He found the honesty of the moment, the unbridled nature of her sneeze, intriguing.

Gideon: “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Kasumi: “Yes, just… embarrassed. I can never control them. They always come out so loudly.”

Gideon: “Don’t be ashamed. They’re a part of you, and that’s okay.”

Kasumi felt a wave of relief wash over her. Gideon’s acceptance was unexpected but deeply appreciated. They resumed their studies, but the ice had been broken. The occasional sneeze from Kasumi no longer felt like a disruption but rather a natural part of their shared space.

As the afternoon waned, their conversation flowed more freely. They discovered mutual interests, shared laughter, and an easy rapport. Kasumi sneezed a few more times, each one met with understanding and a shared smile. Gideon found himself increasingly drawn to her resilience and her unguarded nature. 

As the evening shadows lengthened in the library, Gideon and Kasumi found themselves enveloped in a cocoon of shared stories and laughter. Despite the calming environment, Kasumi’s allergies remained relentless, the persistent tickle in her nose a constant reminder of her condition.

Kasumi felt another sneeze brewing, more intense than before. Her breaths became sharp and quick, her body tensing in anticipation. Gideon noticed the familiar signs and felt an inexplicable urge to be closer to her.

Kasumi: (voice strained) “It’s happening again… I can’t…”

Her words were cut short as the sneeze surged forward with an overwhelming force.


The sneeze was loud and harsh, reverberating through the quiet library. Kasumi, embarrassed, quickly covered her face with her hands, but Gideon was unfazed. Instead, he found himself drawn even closer to her, a desire to be near her during these vulnerable moments growing within him.

Gideon: “Are you alright? That seemed like a powerful one.”

Kasumi: “Yes, it’s just so intense sometimes. Sorry for the noise.”

Gideon: “No need to apologize. I… I actually find it quite… intriguing.”

Kasumi looked at Gideon, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of curiosity. His candid admission and the softness in his eyes made her heart flutter in an unexpected way.

The evening progressed, and with it came more sneezes from Kasumi. Each time, Gideon found himself instinctively leaning closer, almost as if he wanted to share in the experience, to be part of this unique aspect of her life.

Kasumi: (feeling another sneeze) “I think another one is coming… I can’t stop it.”

Gideon moved his chair slightly closer, his presence a silent pillar of support. Kasumi’s body tensed, her face contorted in anticipation, and then the sneeze erupted.


The sneeze was as loud and forceful as the previous ones, but this time Gideon was closer, almost within the direct path of her release. He remained calm, his expression one of understanding and acceptance.

Kasumi: “I’m sorry, you’re right in the… line of fire.”

Gideon: “It’s okay, really. I want to be here for you, in any way I can.”

Kasumi’s heart skipped a beat. Never before had anyone expressed a desire to be close to her during such moments. Gideon’s acceptance and his subtle desire to be near her during her sneezes made her feel seen and appreciated in a way she had never experienced.

As the library began to close, and they gathered their belongings, Kasumi sneezed once more. This time, Gideon was even closer, almost embracing her as the sneeze came.


Gideon: “Bless you. And thank you, for sharing this part of you with me.”

They exited the library, the night air crisp and refreshing. Kasumi felt a warmth inside her, a budding affection for Gideon that was as surprising as it was welcome. His desire to be close to her, to embrace all parts of her, sneezes included, was something new and beautiful.

As they parted ways, Gideon’s thoughts were filled with the echoes of Kasumi’s sneezes – each one a reminder of the unique bond they were forming. He found himself looking forward to their next meeting, to being near her, to experiencing the unguarded honesty of her sneezes again. In Kasumi, he found a connection that was as real as it was unexpected, and he was eager to explore where this path might lead them.

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Chapter 2: The Movie Theater Dilemma

A Night at the Movies

Gideon and Kasumi decided to take a break from their studies and spend an evening at the local cinema. The movie they chose was a popular romantic comedy, a perfect escape from the rigors of college life. As they settled into their seats, the lights dimmed, and the room was enveloped in darkness, save for the flickering light from the big screen.

Kasumi, already nervous about the possibility of sneezing during the movie, felt her anxiety heighten in the quiet theater. She glanced at Gideon, who seemed relaxed and unaware of the internal battle she was facing.

As the movie progressed, Kasumi felt the familiar tickle in her nose begin to stir. She tried to focus on the screen, hoping the sensation would pass, but it only grew stronger.

Kasumi: (whispering) “Oh no, not now…”

Gideon, sensing her distress, leaned over.

Gideon: “What’s wrong?”

Kasumi: (whispering) “I feel a sneeze coming on. I don’t want to disturb everyone.”

Gideon looked around at the other moviegoers, then back at Kasumi. He could see her struggling, the internal conflict evident on her face.

Gideon: (whispering) “If you need to sneeze, it’s okay. I have an idea. Sneezing into my chest might help muffle the sound.”

Kasumi’s eyes widened at the suggestion. The thought of sneezing directly onto Gideon was mortifying, yet the alternative of disrupting the entire theater was equally distressing.

Kasumi: (whispering, hesitantly) “Are you sure? I don’t want to… you know…”

Gideon: (whispering) “It’s fine, really. I don’t mind.”

As the sneeze built up, Kasumi leaned towards Gideon, her face inches from his chest. She held onto his shoulders for support, her breaths quickening.


Her sneeze was powerful and forceful, but Gideon’s chest did muffle the sound significantly. Kasumi looked up at him, her face flushed with embarrassment and relief.

Kasumi: “I’m so sorry, Gideon.”

Gideon: “Don’t be. You didn’t disturb anyone, and that’s what matters.”

The movie continued, but Kasumi’s allergies were relentless. She felt another sneeze coming on, this one even more urgent than the last. She turned to Gideon again, her eyes apologetic.

Kasumi: “It’s happening again…”

Gideon nodded, understandingly. Kasumi leaned in once more, gripping his shoulders. Her body tensed as she prepared for the sneeze.


Again, the sneeze exploded into Gideon’s chest, a bit louder this time. Kasumi’s heart raced, both from the intensity of the sneeze and the closeness to Gideon.

Kasumi: “I can’t believe I have to do this…”

Gideon: “It’s okay, Kasumi. I’m here for you. Let it out.”

Throughout the movie, Kasumi had to rely on Gideon several more times. Each sneeze was a battle between her embarrassment and the necessity of the situation. Gideon remained supportive, his chest becoming a safe haven for her sneezes.

Kasumi: (after another sneeze) “YYYAAAAAAAAAATTTTCCCHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”

Gideon: “Bless you. Are you feeling any better?”

Kasumi: “A little. Thanks for being so understanding.”

As the movie ended, and they left the theater, Kasumi felt a mix of gratitude and affection for Gideon. His willingness to help her in such an intimate and vulnerable way was something she had never experienced before.

Gideon, on the other hand, felt a sense of closeness to Kasumi that went beyond mere friendship. The shared experience in the darkened movie theater, the sound of her sneezes against his chest, had created a bond that was both unique and profound.

As they stepped out into the cool night air, Kasumi sneezed one last time, a gentle “Achoo” into the night. They laughed together, the tension of the evening melting away.

Gideon: “I guess that’s your way of saying goodnight?”

Kasumi: (smiling) “Something like that. Thank you, Gideon, for everything.”

They parted ways, both knowing that their relationship had evolved into something special

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Chapter 3: Hide and Seek at the Party

The night was young, and the party at one of the campus houses was in full swing. Music pulsed through the air, mingled with laughter and the clinking of drinks. Gideon and Kasumi, having decided to join their friends, found themselves in the midst of a lively crowd. The host, full of energy, suddenly announced a game of hide and seek, much to everyone’s amusement.

As the game began, Gideon and Kasumi, sharing a mischievous glance, decided to pair up and find a hiding spot together. They navigated through the throng of people, eventually stumbling upon a small, seemingly forgotten closet.

The closet was cramped, barely enough space for two. Kasumi, without much choice, sat on Gideon’s lap, facing him directly. Their faces were inches apart, an intimacy neither expected but neither objected to.

The Dusty Closet

As they settled into their hiding spot, Kasumi noticed the dust swirling around them, disturbed by their movements. Her nose twitched, the familiar tickle of her allergies beginning to stir.

Kasumi: (whispering) “Oh no, Gideon, there’s so much dust in here…”

Gideon could already see the distress in her eyes, the prelude to her inevitable sneezes.

Gideon: (whispering) “Just try to relax. Maybe it won’t be too bad.”

But Kasumi knew better. The tickle in her nose intensified, becoming a relentless itch that demanded release. She tried to stifle it, covering her nose with her hand, her eyes watering.

Kasumi: (desperately whispering) “I can’t sneeze here… not in your face…”

Gideon, understanding her dilemma, whispered back, his voice calm and reassuring.

Gideon: “It’s okay, Kasumi. If you need to sneeze, just do it. I don’t mind.”

But Kasumi was mortified at the thought of sneezing directly onto Gideon, especially in such close quarters.

The urge to sneeze grew unbearable. Kasumi’s breaths became sharp and quick, her body tensing in anticipation.

Kasumi: “I’m sorry, I can’t hold it back any longer… I’m gonna sneeze… I don’t want to, but I have to let it out…”

Her words were cut short as the first sneeze forced its way out.


The sneeze was powerful, accompanied by a noticeable spray, directly in Gideon’s face. Kasumi’s eyes filled with tears, not just from the sneeze but also from embarrassment.

Kasumi: “I’m so sorry, Gideon…”

Gideon, however, was unfazed, his main concern for Kasumi’s comfort.

Gideon: “It’s okay, really. Just let them out.”

Kasumi, realizing the futility of holding back, gave in to her body’s demands. Another sneeze was building, even more intense than the last.

Kasumi: “I can’t… I can’t stop it… YYYAAAAAAAAAATTTTCCCHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”

Again, she sneezed directly onto Gideon, her body shaking with the force. She was overwhelmed by the need to sneeze, each one a desperate bid for relief.


The closet, their hidden sanctuary, was now filled with the echoes of her sneezes. Kasumi, between her sneezes, had forgotten they were hiding in a game. All that mattered was the overwhelming itch and the desperate need for release.

Gideon held her gently, a silent support through her sneezing fit. He was more concerned about her well-being than the game or the discomfort of being sneezed on.

Gideon: “It’s alright, Kasumi. Just breathe. I’m here with you.”

As her sneezing subsided, Kasumi looked at Gideon, her eyes glistening with tears of embarrassment and gratitude. Gideon simply smiled at her, wiping away a stray tear.

Gideon: “You okay now?”

Kasumi: (nodding, softly) “Yes, thanks to you. I’m… I’m just so embarrassed.”

Gideon: “Don’t be. It’s natural. And I’m glad I could be here for you.”

As they emerged from the closet, the game of hide and seek long forgotten by the others, Kasumi and Gideon shared a bond that had deepened in the most unexpected way. The night continued, but for them, the real connection had happened in the quiet, dusty confines of that small closet :)



I hope you all enjoy the first three chapters

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8 hours ago, NoV said:

I would very much like to read more of these two and their sneezy adventures :D 

This is high praise coming from you. Thank you so much! 

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Chapter 4: A Morning of Reluctant Surrender


The Struggle at Dawn


The first light of dawn crept into the bedroom, casting a soft glow over Kasumi and Gideon. As Kasumi awoke, she immediately felt the familiar and unwelcome itch of an impending sneeze. Gideon, sensing her discomfort, drew her close, his concern mingling with a hint of intrigue.


Kasumi: (anxiously) “Gideon, I need to sneeze… I really don’t want to do this to you…”


Her breathing became erratic, her eyes filled with alarm as the sneeze built up. Gideon positioned himself closer, a silent gesture of his willingness to be there for her.


Kasumi: (desperately) “No, I can’t… not on you… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


Her body gave in to the sneeze, a loud, wet burst directly at Gideon. Her eyes, filled with a mix of apology and desperation, met his. Gideon simply smiled, offering her comfort and reassurance.


In the bathroom, the morning routine was punctuated by Kasumi’s battles with her sneezes. She leaned over the sink, another sneeze imminent. Gideon, unwavering in his support, stayed close, his presence both comforting and conflicting to her.


Kasumi: (with rising panic) “It’s happening again… Please, Gideon, I don’t want to…”


Her face contorted in a pre-sneeze grimace, her breaths short and sharp. Gideon watched, a mix of concern and fascination in his gaze.




The sneeze echoed off the tiles, a testament to its force. Kasumi’s eyes conveyed her internal struggle - wanting to protect Gideon but unable to control the sneezes.


As Gideon cooked breakfast, Kasumi’s sneezes showed no sign of abating. Sensing another sneeze brewing, she tried to distance herself, her movements fraught with urgency.


Kasumi: “Gideon, stay back… I have to sneeze again…”


Gideon, however, moved closer, drawn to her side. Kasumi’s eyes widened in alarm, the inevitability of the sneeze dawning on her.


Kasumi: “I can’t hold it… I’m so sorry… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


Her sneeze, loud and unrestrained, found its way to Gideon once more. Kasumi’s face showed a tumult of emotions - the desire to protect him clashing with the reality of her cold.


Throughout the morning, each of Kasumi’s sneezes became a moment of reluctant surrender. Despite her best efforts to spare Gideon, she found herself unable to control the powerful sneezes.


Kasumi: “Another one… I don’t want to… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


Her sneezes were a mix of desperation and release, each one bringing Gideon closer, physically and emotionally. He remained by her side, his gaze filled with an affection that transcended her sneezes.


As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the windows, Kasumi and Gideon settled down for a game of board games. Kasumi, still wrestling with her relentless cold, felt a familiar tickle in her nose.


Kasumi: (anxiously) “Oh no, Gideon… I’m about to sneeze… I don’t want to…”


Her voice trembled with desperation. She tried to turn her head away, but Gideon gently but firmly pulled her close, their faces inches apart.


Kasumi’s breaths became rapid, her chest rising and falling quickly. Her eyes watered, and her nostrils flared.




The sneeze erupted, loud and wet, directly onto Gideon. He held her gaze, a look of deep affection in his eyes.


As they moved to the living room to watch TV, Kasumi clutched a tissue, anticipating more sneezes. She nestled against Gideon on the couch, feeling another sneeze building.


Kasumi: (panicked) “Gideon, it’s coming… I can’t… I don’t want to sneeze on you… Haa… Haaa… HAAA!… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


Her body tensed, then released the sneeze in a powerful burst. Gideon, undeterred, wrapped an arm around her, his presence comforting and intimate.


During lunch, Kasumi’s sneezes didn’t give her a break. As they sat together, Gideon observed her face, seeing the telltale signs of another sneeze.


Kasumi: (distressed) “Oh God, I’m about to sneeze… I don’t want to… But I have to… Haa… Haaa… HAAA!… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


She fought against the sneeze, her voice filled with a mix of reluctance and urgency. Gideon reached out, pulling her closer at the last moment, ensuring he was directly in the sneeze’s path.


Throughout the afternoon, Kasumi and Gideon shared a dance of sneezes and closeness. Each sneeze was a moment of intimate struggle for Kasumi, her desire to spare Gideon clashing with the overwhelming need to release the sneeze.


Kasumi: “I’m sorry, Gideon… I can’t hold it back… Haa… Haaa… HAAA!… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


Her sneezes were loud, each one a wet, desperate explosion. Gideon remained close, his fascination and affection only growing with each sneeze.


Their afternoon, punctuated by Kasumi’s sneezes, brought them closer in a way they never imagined. Kasumi’s vulnerability and Gideon’s unwavering attention created an unbreakable bond, a testament to their deepening affection and understanding.


The evening descended gently upon the house, with Gideon diligently tidying up. Kasumi, curled on the couch, was besieged by her relentless sneezes. Despite her protests, Gideon made sure to be close at hand, ready to offer comfort.


Kasumi: (sniffles) “Gideon, really, I can manage…”


Before she could finish, a sneeze crept up on her.


Kasumi: “Haa… No, Gideon, stay back… Haaa… HAAA!… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


Gideon, defying her pleas, moved in close, capturing the full brunt of her sneeze. His smile was one of unwavering care as he gently wiped away the aftermath.


Later, as they watched TV, Kasumi nestled into Gideon’s lap, a sense of security enveloping her despite her condition. Each sneeze shook her, and Gideon held her tighter in response.


Kasumi: “Sorry, Gideon… Haa… Haaa… HAAA!… HHHAAAATTTCCCHHOOOOOO!!!”


Her apologies were muffled against his chest, her sneezes creating a rhythm of their own. Gideon’s laughter mingled with hers, a shared moment of lightness amidst the sneezes.


The evening progressed to dinner, with Kasumi still under the siege of her cold. Gideon had prepared a warm, comforting meal, hoping it would offer some respite. As they sat down to eat, Kasumi felt the familiar tickle in her nose.


Kasumi: (anxiously) “Oh no, not now… I’m trying to eat…”


She attempted to stifle the sneeze, hoping to avoid disrupting their meal. Gideon, aware of her struggle, watched her with concern.


Kasumi: “I need to… hold it… Haa… Haaa… HAAA!…”


Her face contorted in a desperate attempt to suppress the sneeze. But it was a losing battle. As she took a bite of her food, the sneeze erupted forcefully.




The sneeze burst out, sending half-chewed food across the table and onto Gideon. Kasumi’s eyes widened in horror at the mess she had caused.


Kasumi: “I’m so sorry, Gideon! I didn’t mean to…”


Gideon, unfazed, calmly wiped his face and the table, his smile reassuring.


Gideon: “It’s okay, Kasumi. Don’t worry about it. Let’s just enjoy our dinner.”


As they prepared for bed, Kasumi, wracked with guilt over her incessant sneezing, suggested sleeping separately. Gideon, however, insisted they stay together, climbing into bed beside her.


Kasumi: “I don’t want to keep you awake…”


Gideon wrapped his arms around her, their faces close, his eyes conveying a message of togetherness.


In bed, the tension of a looming sneeze hung in the air. Kasumi’s face twisted in anticipation, the urge to sneeze growing stronger with each passing second.


Kasumi: “HAAAAA!… Gideon, I can’t… HAAAAA!”


As Gideon leaned in to kiss her, the sneeze’s inevitability grew. Kasumi was torn between the kiss and the impending sneeze.


Her eyes fluttered back, the sneeze taking over.




The sneeze erupted at the climax of their kiss, a powerful and uncontrollable burst. Gideon, caught in the sneeze’s path, simply pulled back slightly, a smile of understanding gracing his face.


Their night, filled with the echoes of Kasumi’s sneezes, only served to deepen their connection. Gideon’s willingness to be present during her most vulnerable moments solidified their bond, a testament to their love and understanding.


In the face of her sneezing helplessness, Kasumi found solace in Gideon’s embrace, each sneeze a reminder of his unyielding affection and the unique intimacy they shared.

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