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Sneeze Fetish Forum

In a State of Repair (1/?)

Rock And Roll Boy

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Hello everyone. Seeing all of the wonderful TLC stories recently inspired me to overcome my writer's block and make one of my own. Hopefully more chapters will be added in the future. Comments are greatly appreciated.


The background: 

Claire has been somewhat screwed over when inheriting one of her family's properties; this manor being in a horrible state. Unable to afford all of the repairs, Claire and her girlfriend Ida move in and try to fix the place up themselves. 


Chapter 1

Claire awoke to her slightly unfamiliar, new, dusty bedroom. With this new house came a ton of repairs, cleaning, D.I.Y and a lot of late nights. From next to her sounded a brief, faint hitch from her girlfriend Ida. This place was an absolute nightmare for Ida, in a different way; her dust and mould allergies. Due to the age and state of the building, every inch and corner of it was either coated in a thick layer of dust, or had mould growing, or both. Slipping her glasses on, Claire gave Ida a kiss on her forehead, seeing her slightly puffy, closed eyes, and pink nostrils that occasionally quivered.
"Poor thing" Claire murmured, Ida's nostrils now flaring like crazy, a concise hitch escaping her mouth. Taking a tissue from the couple boxes on the nightstand, Claire tried to ease her lover's discomfort by pressing the delicate fabric against her torturous nose. A smile embedded itself across her face as Ida seemed, after a minute, to relax, an audible sniffle soundings from her along with a sigh. Claire moved the tissue away, setting it next to the pile of tissue boxes where it resided.

Deciding to spend a little more time in bed, Claire laid back down, snuggling up close with Ida, being careful not to wake her. Although Claire's eyes soon wandered around the bedroom, eyeing all of the work and cleaning that was still in need of doing. Her compulsions to amend it all began to knaw at her, Claire mentally fighting it.
"Just ten more minutes. Then back to it" she found herself saying aloud, unaware that Ida was rubbing at her nose in her sleep.
"Hehhh..." Ida soon hitched softly, sniffling again, Claire looking over at her, hearing her tell-tale signs of a sneezing fit. Before Claire could do practically anything, Ida inhaled sharply, tensing before screaming out a series of deep, raspy sneezes.


Each sneeze was louder than the last, echoing against the ragged walls that hadn't been touched for however long. A thick layer of spray escaped Ida with each sneeze, her body lurching forwards. Claire held her for support as Ida regained her bearings, hands scrubbing at her nose.

"Bless you, love. Are you alright"? Claire had some more tissues ready for her, Ida coughing for a couple of seconds.

"Uh huh. Just about, thanks" Ida almost wheezed, blowing her nose into the wad of tissues Claire provided for her. Claire caught a glimpse of a rash developing on Ida's ebony arms, her concern growing.
"I didn't wake you, did I? I'm sorry if I did".
"You didn't, don't worry. Even if you did, I wouldn't ever hold it against you".

Ida laid herself back down, with a soft thud as she hit the pillows, Claire taking her hand under the sheets, caressing it with her thumb. Ida rolled onto her side, looking into Claire's eyes that expressed empathy and concern behind her thick spectacles.
"Don't worry about me, Cece. I appreciate it but I knew what I was getting into with this place".

Claire's heart fluttered, knowing that Ida knew she loves being called by her nickname. Claire reciprocated the gesture with a kiss, Ida's lips dry but tender.
"You take it easy today, love. I'll get us both breakfast and we can spend the rest of the morning here in bed" Claire spoke elegantly, Ida rubbing her eyes gently with her free hand.
"Are you sure? We've got so much work to do with this place".
"Absolutely. We both deserve a lie-in, and a nice warm breakfast".

Ida planted a sweet little peck between Claire's eyes, pushing her glasses back up for her afterwards.
"That sounds perfect, Cece".


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Love this idea for a story and love the caretaking aspect. Looking forward to the next part! 

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On 1/25/2024 at 6:18 PM, TartanSneezer said:

Love this idea for a story and love the caretaking aspect. Looking forward to the next part! 


19 hours ago, Vipiyoh said:

This is sweet - I’m looking forward to part 2!


7 hours ago, MIN said:

Ooh I like this premise! Love the sneeze spellings too!

Thank you all for the nice comments. Here's chapter two for you.

Chapter 2

After breakfast was made and served, Claire and Ida shared a lovely morning in bed together. Claire held Ida again as she has another allergy attack, her warm bodies snuggled up together. 

"Bless you, love" Claire whispered as Ida finished another fit, Ida thanking her after blowing her nose. 

Ida gave her beloved a deep kiss, their noses brushing against each other, Claire's nose piercings being accidentally nudged.

"Hegghhh... iihhhh..." Claire moved away a little, Ida rubbing her own nose instinctively. 

"Sweetie? Are you okay"? Ida asked quietly, Claire placing a finger underneath her nose. After a minute, Claire moved the finger away, sniffling.

"Fine, love. Just remember about my piercings; they can irritate my nose if moved around enough".

"I'm sorry; I completely forgot".

"Don't be; it was an accident. You didn't mean it". 


Spending more time together, immersed in comfort, Ida eventually needed to sneeze again. She tried to move away, her head facing Claire's, but to no avail as Claire cuddled her tight.

"Hhehhh... Cece..."

"Just sneeze into my chest, love. I don't mind" Claire mumbled, half-asleep, her glasses awkwardly angled as she hadn't bothered to take them off. 

"I... I don't... want... hehhhhhhh..." Ida struggled to even speak as she couldn't hold this fit back for long. Managing to bring her hand near her face, Ida tried her best to rub her nose, or even just try and nudge it, in a vain attempt to compose her sinuses. The best she could manage was a few pokes and strokes with her fingers, unable to bring her hand up further due to Claire's grip. Ida tilted her head up, breathy hitches continuing to sound from her before the inevitable.




Claire's shirt got repeatedly sprayed, as well as her face and glasses, Ida's sneezes being bigger than she'd anticipated. Ida coughed twice, her throat feeling like it had been scraped with sandpaper due to the ferocity of her sneezes. 

"Bless you, love. Is that better"? Claire pecked her love's nose, Ida nodding slowly with a "mmm hmm". Although Ida did have a few beads of mucus running from her nose, Claire getting her a tissue and helping her blow her nose. 

"HU'RUSSHHYYOOOOO"! Ida suddenly sneezes again, Claire looking unbotherred, giving her another tissue.


"Thanks. Sorry, Cece".

"Again, don't be. I don't mind. You're my girlfriend". 






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Ida seems most delightfully sneezy :D Love how powerful her fits are. Are we to see more of these two...?

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6 hours ago, NoV said:

Ida seems most delightfully sneezy :D Love how powerful her fits are. Are we to see more of these two...?

Thank you for the unexpected, but most welcome, comment, NoV. Ida's definitely a sneezy one when it comes to her allergies. And yes; 

I have the next chapter ready.

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Chapter 3

Late into the afternoon, Claire and Ida continue their D.I.Y work, having already completed a fair amount over a short space of time. Various tools and such were spread out amongst the floorspace, primarily in the basement, as this was the room in need in dire need of repair. As well as cleaning.


"Bless you, love".


Ida gratefully accepts another handkerchief from Claire, who was also caked in viscous layers of dust and dirt.
"How about a little break"? Claire suggests, removing her glasses that were also layered with dust.
"I cad keep workigg; I cad handle mby allergies" Ida almost immediately, looking in Claire's direction.
"We had a break half ad hour ago adyway".
"I know, I still worry about you though".
"Cece, please. I cad haddle id".
"I didn't say you couldn't. You know how I get sometimes".
"Well please just... hheeeghhh'RUUU! RU'SSHHAAOOOOOWW! HU'CHRRRUUUUOOOOO"!
"Gesundheit, dear".

Resuming her work, Ida feels a hand rub up and down her back.
"Claire, I said stop worryigg. Please".
She still feels the touch of the hand, Ida rubbing her nose before turning around in frustration, seeing no-one.
"Claire? Claire, where are... RU'HHOOOOOOOO! RA'SSHHHOOOOOO! Where are you"? She almost stammered, her girlfriend nowhere in sight, a finger pressed underneath her teased nostrils. Getting to her feet, Ida searched around for Claire, unaware of the numerous, thick clouds of dust forming and rising as she walked along the disregarded floor. Every inch of her nasal passages were soon filled with dust as Ida nonchalantly sniffled, instantly regretting it as her sinuses screamed with the delicate dust caressing them, her eyes watering as she tilted her head back, pinching her nose shut and massaging it in an effort to quell the tickle.


Practically shrieking out her strongest fit yet, Ida barely caught herself as her body almost threw itself forward with each sneeze. A thick cloud of spray descended onto the ground, Ida's nostrils seeming to quiver in response, as well as thick bead of mucus that hung from her lips.
"Fuck mbe sensdless" Ida cursed, hearing footsteps. Too drained to even turn around, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Bless you". Claire whispered, pressing a wad of tissues against Ida's now-pink nostrils.
"Thadks. Add where did you go a mbinute ago"?
"Poor dear. I went to get you some more tissues".
"So that..."? Ida started before coughing, her throat becoming more difficult to use as it felt like she'd become the embodiment of a desert.
"Come on, love; you need a sit-down. Away from all this dust".
Ida nodded weakly, Claire leading her upstairs and to the lounge.

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