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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Self obs (F)

Sarah Hall

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So I don’t sneeze often, but I think I might have an allergy starting? I started noticing like a couple months ago, my husband and I go to our grandmothers every Saturday with our kids. I usually go to the living room where she has a brown couch in the back of the room with a tv up front. So I sit in the back watching the kids play and they run into the kitchen where everyone else chats and sits around the table. Not even 10 minutes sitting on the couch and I sneezed rapidly like 3 times!! Which not only shocked me, but they sounded kind of like “hehshuu ! Hheshuuu! Chuuu!” I didn’t even have time to stifle them quietly like I would normally. I’m not complaining it feels really good. Just the tickle alone is unbearable where I can’t ignore the fact I need to sneeze. Im not sure if maybe the couch is dusty or if it’s her dogs long hair. I’m still trying to figure out what’s setting me off. 

Well just a short ob from me hope you guys enjoyed ~ 

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8 hours ago, Sarah Hall said:

Which not only shocked me, but they sounded kind of like “hehshuu ! Hheshuuu! Chuuu!” I didn’t even have time to stifle them quietly like I would normally.

Sometimes some sneezes just seem to be bigger than normal, and I'm not sure why. You would think that people would have the same sized sneeze, but there are definitely some sneezes that come with more urgency, volume and violence than others. Maybe different triggers cause different responses in our nose?

Must have felt good to let those out though :D 

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Nice self observation. You'll have to let us know what set you off 

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I sneeze every time I’m at her house I would love to know what’s setting me off as soon as I find out I’ll let you know and thank you 😊. The burning sensation in my nose flares up almost instantly. Luckily I wasn’t heard though, I have severe mental block when it comes to sneezing around others. I wish I could just let them go, but I get really embarrassed/shy 😳 one step at a time. 

i believe different volumes of sneezes can be determined by what is setting you off. These sneezes are really urgent and fast with little hitching involved. Which is why I think I’m developing some kind of allergy. When I’m sick I have a lot of rough stuffy sneezes that like to get stuck, then I’m a hitchy mess with no chance of relief. Maybe when I catch a cold I’ll write it for you guys. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay so I made sure to investigate a couple of weeks what could be setting me off at my Gma’s. Obviously before I fell ill with the flu, but I’m pretty positive it’s the dust over the bookcase. Now don’t get me wrong this thing is huge and also ancient looking 👀 it’s pretty cool, but needs a lot of cleaning done. I’ve never had allergies in my life until I guess just recently? Or maybe my nose it’s just getting a little more sensitive? I’m not sure how, but it’s not uncommon to develop allergies later in life right? Anyways there I was playing on my phone when I felt the tickle cresting in the back of my sinuses. I’m sorry if I suck at spelling my sneezes, most of them sound a bit different each time at least to me. I tilted my head back slightly getting ready to launch into my elbow or if I’m too lazy to sit up I just sneeze in my shirt. “HAA…ASCHUUuu! H..Ha.. HAAA… HASCHUUUuuu! I say “oh my good.. nessss” and let out one more sneeze that ripped through me! HAAAAA… ASSHHHCHUUuuu!! I could feel the sneezes getting stronger as the fit progressed. Typically in threes but these were too much for me to contain. So I just let them out and got pretty sniffly when I finished. I breathed out a long sigh when the fit ended and blushed to no end when I heard “God bless you’s” coming from the kitchen. I hid under blankets and pillows on the couch so I could hide. I get so shyyyy I’m not used to sneezing out loud in front of people, but something has gotten into me lately where I’m just doing it without thinking now. 

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It's definitely common to develop allergies later in life, and usually they're too strong to withhold! Makes sense why you're just letting them rip haha bless you so much!

1 hour ago, Sarah Hall said:

Okay so I made sure to investigate a couple of weeks what could be setting me off at my Gma’s. Obviously before I fell ill with the flu, but I’m pretty positive it’s the dust over the bookcase. Now don’t get me wrong this thing is huge and also ancient looking 👀 it’s pretty cool, but needs a lot of cleaning done. I’ve never had allergies in my life until I guess just recently? Or maybe my nose it’s just getting a little more sensitive? I’m not sure how, but it’s not uncommon to develop allergies later in life right? Anyways there I was playing on my phone when I felt the tickle cresting in the back of my sinuses. I’m sorry if I suck at spelling my sneezes, most of them sound a bit different each time at least to me. I tilted my head back slightly getting ready to launch into my elbow or if I’m too lazy to sit up I just sneeze in my shirt. “HAA…ASCHUUuu! H..Ha.. HAAA… HASCHUUUuuu! I say “oh my good.. nessss” and let out one more sneeze that ripped through me! HAAAAA… ASSHHHCHUUuuu!! I could feel the sneezes getting stronger as the fit progressed. Typically in threes but these were too much for me to contain. So I just let them out and got pretty sniffly when I finished. I breathed out a long sigh when the fit ended and blushed to no end when I heard “God bless you’s” coming from the kitchen. I hid under blankets and pillows on the couch so I could hide. I get so shyyyy I’m not used to sneezing out loud in front of people, but something has gotten into me lately where I’m just doing it without thinking now. 


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