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Older lady and self nose blow


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I've wrote about D before but they were all in the wrong section lol. She's the brunette in her late 30s/early 40s with a perfect body. Anyways, she picked me up from school and she sounded sick, and I was sniffling too because it was cold. I didn't think it was that noticeable, but then:

D- "You ok? Your nose sounds like it's about to start leaking."

Me- "Yea I'm fine." *sniff* *sniff* (I wasn't fine, I wanted to blow my nose so bad but I was already embarrassed)

D- "Haha you don't sound fine! I need some tissues anyways, I'll run into this gas station and get us some!"

I just said ok and laughed nervously because I hate blowing my nose in front of people, but I knew there was no way out of this one. She only sniffled a few times but she had one hand under her nose the whole time, so I knew I'd at least get to see her blow too. When we got there, I sneezed silently 2 times and she said "Told you you're not fine." I tried to silence the third one, which made it worse because we heard all the snot trying to fly out. She laughed and said "Ok, I'll make this quick", and when she went inside I started wiping my nose on my jacket. She came back with a whole big box of Kleenex (I didn't know gas stations had that) and she was breathing through her mouth. She gave me a tissue, then she took one for herself and blew right into it. Quick but super snotty, I'm talking she had it over her nose for .2 seconds, and then *sxxxxxchchhh*, look and fold, *sxxxxccchhh*. The whole time, I'm just wiping my nose, but still watching her because I knew she didn't care.

D- "(my name) you should really just blow your nose. I don't care how snotty you are, I got all the tissues we need! Now quit pecking at it and blow!"

I blew very softly, but still got plenty of snot out. Then she grabbed my tissue and threw it in a trash bag. She even glanced at the snot and giggled (I didn't know what to think lol)

D- (with a fresh tissue) "Cmon I know there's more snot up in there. I told you to blow until you're done!" I smiled and blew again, harder than last time but still holding back. She once again threw this one away, gave me a fresh one, and put her truck in drive. I blew right away this time just because I didn't wanna hear it (even though I was kinda enjoying myself😂)

When we got to my house she came in for a little bit and brought her tissues. I don't remember much because she was blowing her nose the whole time and telling me to do the same. As she was leaving she asked if my nose was better and I said "Yea, you already made me kill a bunch of tissues." We laughed and then, she pulled out at least 20 from the box.

D- "Well here's a few more then. I can tell you don't like blowing your nose, but you probably would if you had real tissues." (Thank God she didn't know the real reason lmao) "You need to tell your parents to keep some around!"

Me "Yea you're probably right." (Definitely didn't happen)

I saw her again the next week, and that will probably be my next obs.



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D sounds like a whole lot of noseblowing fun!

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That's a lovely obs, D sounds really caring. I love how she was attentive enough to tell you your earlier efforts weren't satisfactory! I've never needed anyone to tell me to blow my nose, but I've always kind of liked the idea of it.

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10 hours ago, Rick said:

That's a lovely obs, D sounds really caring. I love how she was attentive enough to tell you your earlier efforts weren't satisfactory! I've never needed anyone to tell me to blow my nose, but I've always kind of liked the idea of it.

Yea she was the only person I could blow my nose around without getting uncomfortable. For obvious reasons lol

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12 hours ago, honkmaster said:

How would you describe her nose?

Idk really but it was cute and it fits her face perfectly

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wonder if she has the fetish?  really cool she’s so open with nose blowing and is encouraging of it, maybe she also secretly liked it.

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