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update: probably sick


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I called in sick because I'm still congested from the other day. I've lost count of how many times I blew my nose since I got up. I just finished off a roll of tp and I really wish I had some tissues. I also wish I wasn't too embarrassed to just buy a box of Kleenex, but oh well😂 My left nostril was completely clogged all day, so I've been blowing clear, watery snot out the right one. Every time I blew my nose, I started on the right (often blowing holes through the tp lol) and then tried the left knowing there was no point. I even brought the tp roll in my car when I went to the gym. I didn't have to blow on the way there, but 3 minutes into the way back and I had snot dripping down to my lip. (from both nostrils, but still couldn't blow the left, funny how that works) As some of you know, I will not blow my nose in front of people if there's any way around it. Not even in traffic. (Yes I know nobody is paying attention, that's how self conscious I get lol) So I wiped my nose until I got to the back road, and I was blowing with my right hand the whole way home. My floorboard was littered with snot rags, and I still couldn't breathe from my left nostril to save my life. So I try to induce some sneezes in my bathroom and my nose wouldn't budge. I sniffed some pepper and all it did was make me super runny, didn't even help the congestion. So I tried the tissue method, and all it did was make my eyes water and nose run some more. I almost got a sneeze a few times with toilet paper, but then it went away, and I just had to try to blow. So here we are, now its my right nostril that's fully clogged, with the left one half clogged😒 While writing this, I blew my nose 4 times. A decent amount of snot, but idk where its coming from because the congestion will not go away.

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Bless you. I too have a Cold as well. Feel better soon. I always use Kleenex Tissues and Handkerchiefs.

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1 hour ago, JOHNM2 said:

Bless you. I too have a Cold as well. Feel better soon. I always use Kleenex Tissues and Handkerchiefs.

I really wish I had some. I can’t go back to sleep now because my right nostril is completely blocked. I tried blowing my nose again and all it did was make it red

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I will send you the Boxes of Tissues and any Handkerchiefs that I have. Feel better soon. Do you need looking after as I could look after your Cold and mine.


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2 hours ago, tissueluvr said:
3 hours ago, JOHNM2 said:

Bless you. I too have a Cold as well. Feel better soon. I always use Kleenex Tissues and Handkerchiefs.

I really wish I had some. I can’t go back to sleep now because my right nostril is completely blocked. I tried blowing my nose again and all it did was make it red

Bless you, it does sound like you're struggling to get a good nose-blow. I'd definitely endorse investing in some better materials - TP is deliberately designed to disintegrate when damp, so it's not surprising that you're blowing holes in it even if you're not blowing that hard. 

It does sound like your nasal membranes are just inflamed, which is where your congestion is coming from - we all have a natural nasal cycle where one nostril is moving more air than the other and then it switches over, but if your nasal lining is already inflamed it can feel more severe. You're doing the right thing by blowing one nostril at a time - it might help to start your blow with both sides and then only occlude the less blocked side a fraction later as the air starts moving. 

Unfortunately, you won't be able to entirely shift that kind of congestion with a blow - although I have to confess that I've often tried (not recommended!) to brute-force my passages open with a massive honking blow when needed...

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1 hour ago, Rick said:

it might help to start your blow with both sides and then only occlude the less blocked side a fraction later as the air starts moving. 

I've been doing some of that too just to get some type of movement in the blocked side

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How are you and do you need looking after. Kleenex Tissue Boxes and Handkerchiefs are on the way. I could look after you even with my Cold as well.

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8 minutes ago, JOHNM2 said:

How are you and do you need looking after. Kleenex Tissue Boxes and Handkerchiefs are on the way. I could look after you even with my Cold as well.

I boiled some water and stood over it and I can kinda breathe now but my nose just feels like shit. Idk how you can send me tissues but I’ll probably be alright lol. I hope

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If you are in the UK I will be glad to send to you Kleenex Tissue Boxes and Handkerchiefs. I would look after you as well.

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