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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sudden Sneeze At Networking Event


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I attended a networking event tonight at a local restaurant. We ordered a spicy appetizer and it made one of the attendees at the table (F, 30’s) sneeze. At the same time, the server was approaching her to take her order and she sneezed in his direction. 

The sneeze was very sudden and it seemed like she was trying to hold it back. The sound was muffled but wet kind of like the sound if you put your mouth to your arm and blow or sneeze with your mouth closed to where your lips vibrate. Yeah. That type of sneeze. I would’ve been mortified but it was a good sneeze, I wish I would’ve noticed the buildup. 

Anyway, the server didn’t notice that she sneezed but everyone was reacting (laughing, asking what that was, etc.) so he was confused about the commotion at the table. The girl said, “Oh, sorry I sneezed in your direction” and the server responded very nonchalantly “Oh that’s okay, we all sneeze” 


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I can relate so much to her being embarassed when everyone reacted to it, even though she tried holding it back 🫣

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Thanks for sharing. Holding it back almost never works. There has to be a better option.  

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