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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Things You Didn't Think You'd Like


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Does anyone have any sneezing related things that they didn't think they would like/were unaware that they liked that they either discovered they liked or had grow on them over time? I'm always curious to see how everyone's sneezing experiences differ and I know there are some tastes of mine that have definitely changed over time and some things that I've discovered that I wouldn't have thought of on my own.

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I feel like I appreciate mess within sneezing more than I used to! It’s still one of those things that kinda depends on my mood I guess? Some days I’m into it and some days I’m just neutral about it, but it used to not really do much for me at all. I also never used to appreciate big noses as much as I do now- I honestly can’t believe I didn’t wake up on the beauty of that one sooner 😍 ahaha, it’s funny how everyone has their preferences and how they can fluctuate from person to person! 

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Oh man, my fetish has gone through such a transformation the past years it's weird! :rofl: 

Colds. I was a diehard allergy slut with very little if any interest in colds (except for just the sneezes). My fetishy interest is still just focused on the nose-based symptoms of a cold but the rest makes for an okay side dish as long as the sneezing is the main symptom. I'm very character/person-specific about it though, I still like cold sneezes from anyone I find attractive but for colds in themselves to be interesting with the other symptoms too I have to be emotionally invested to some extent. Celebrity crush, character crush, real life crush. 

Contagion. Only in fictional context, only with characters/people I'm emotionally invested in, and only when I'm in a particular mood, otherwise it will just make me uncomfortable, but when the stars align, hell yes. For contagion to be any kind of attractive to me in real life it has to be with consent. Like, I have to know in advance that the person is sick and they have to be respectful and careful about their germs, so if I catch it anyway it's because I agreed to the risk. Sneezing on someone or something, sneezing uncovered, and so on, are kind of lumped in with contagion with the same conditions. 

Mess. I used to like a little bit of spray, but nothing heavy, and only maybe a hint of wetness just underneath the nostrils. This too is very character/person-specific, and I still can't handle coloured snot, that is a definite and absolute gag from me. :lol:  I don't think I'd be able to handle a lot of mess irl even if it's transparent (though I can't be sure), but in fiction with the right characters, definitely. And I would be able to handle at least some mess irl from someone I'm romantically involved with, which is way more than I thought I'd be. 

Caretaking has no kink/sexual aspect to me, but I've never liked it at all until a couple of years ago and now I can enjoy a bit of it as an addition in some fictional settings. I still have to be in a particular mood and it's depending on who it is. IRL I don't want anyone to expect me to take care of them, but I'm no longer vehemently opposed to taking care of someone I truly care about. I'm a caring person, I don't mean to sound like I have no sympathy for people, but I'm not a caretaking person, and it makes me uncomfortable to feel that I'm expected to take care of someone. I have to actively want to go an extra mile for someone (and maybe risk contagion) to do that, and honestly there aren't that many people in my life that I do care that much about that don't expect/force that on me as a demand. 


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  • 1 month later...

wow good question! i never used to like wet sounding sneezing or the idea of spray, but this has changed somewhat as i've gotten a bit older. i'm a borderline germaphobe (lol yes with a sneeze fetish) in some niche ways because i have a lot of contamination fears though mostly involving non-respiratory germ contexts (like food, etc), so the concept of spray has come very close to being gross to me honestly for a long time. still i feel gross if it happens irl near me! but, now if i'm watching videos i do love hearing/seeing spray. 

also, in terms of things which i didn't think i could be into outside of sneezing... anticipation (especially vocal) & edging. its turns on some of the same keys which buildups and sneezing do for me. those are the two main i'd say!

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