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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Art Studio Obs (M)


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So, I am not one to post a whole lot of obs, and still have yet to post self obs....even though monday night I was sneezing my head off after getting off work....

This ob happened sunday night and it was just absolutely adorable, so I had to post aside from my judgement not too.

I was in the art studio working on my pottery, then my design project. I am in two art classes this semester and so I am often in the studio.

Well, this gorgeous guy who is 6' with a very nice build, the most beautiful crystaline blue eyes you have ever seen, gorgeous dimples and just the most perfect glowing smile with cheeks that you just want to pinch. Ya, hes a cutie for sure.

He also just happens to have these brilliantly delicious sneezes as well. I have seen him sneeze two times in my presence, but this one threw me for a loop.

There I was, sitting at my workstation, working on my design project and he was sitting facing me, but rather next to me. He was caressing my knee as I was trying to get my dimensions just perfect. His nose was red and his cheeks were flushed. He was sniffling quite a bit so he got up and went to blow his nose by the sink accross the room. He stood there and blew his nose very delicately, as not to embarass himself, and came back to sit next to me as i worked. He has hardly any buildup, so anytime he sneezes it is an ultimatley arousing sneak attack sneeze. Im sitting there, eyes down on my work (pity me for this one) and the next thing i know is i hear this abousultely brilliant, full bodied, masculine "hiiischoo." His whole body jerked forward and he had sneezed into his right fist. He managed to sigh a large sigh afterwards as if it was so relieving. Oh my goodness, my eyes darted up from my work. I blessed him immediately and went back to looking down. He was smiling. It was burning my flesh. My face got red and I was trying not to smile. You see, someone else was in the studio as well.....it was the biggest tease ever! He just leaned in and whispered "im sorry" in a shy, childish, teasing voice.

I was ready to melt. I got up to go wash my paint brush off....I walked right into the table. I was so disoriented....as Frack would say oaihdsofuiruhwrekjhd is where my mind was ;)

It was such a yummy ob. He just kept saying how he wanted to throw everything off my studio table and umm....bakhudoiahugo9ufadkjh yes!

I LOVE ART CLASS NOW....it was just too good of an ob not to post. I know it was only one sneeze but it was soooooooooooo yummy! :twisted::twisted:

Take care,


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