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Kyra's Violent Restaurant Sneezes (F)

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Kyra’s Violent Restaurant Sneezes (F) 

‘Oh my God, are you about to sneeze?’


Kyra clutched frantically at her nose, her shoulders shaking with the intensity of the build up. She turned away, her other hand digging feverishly in her pocket in the vain hope a tissue could be found before the inevitable. 


Lydia placed her hands on her hips and huffed audibly, rolling her eyes at her friend's predicament. 


‘Just get it over with I suppose - please don’t make an exhibition of it like you usually do.’


Barely hearing her friend, Kyra scooped up a handful of napkins from the restaurant table and placed them in readiness over her wildly twitching nose. She shuddered with the sensation that was rapidly taking over her; mouth ajar, her beautiful blue eyes gathering that far away look that betrayed an urgent need to…




Kyra sneezed violently, the tissues somewhat masking the titanic explosion that erupted from her petite frame. Almost instantly the need came surging up within her again, and she sneezed a second time, even more violently than the first, the tissues only going so far in muffling the sheer size of them. She desperately rubbed at her nostrils, the sensation continuing to tingle deep inside, refusing to be quelled by her effort.  


‘This is, like, so embarrassing,’ Lydia muttered, self-consciously glancing around the room. She returned her gaze to Kyra, who was now rubbing her nostrils with vigor in an effort to force any rising sneezes into submission. ‘Can’t you just, like, blow your nose or something?’ 


Through the inevitably building sensation of yet another sneeze, Kyra blew weakly into the wad of tissues. It did no use, only serving to vibrate her nose and further intensify the desire to sneeze that was already becoming a tidal wave of need within her already tormented nose. Her head tilted backwards, eyes narrowing and mouth opening involuntarily in response to the exponentially expanding sensation. 


‘Sorry Lydia, but… aaaah… I just….aaaaaahhh… gotta… aaaAAAAHHHH…’


The sneeze was tumbling down her nose like an avalanche. She gave a series of violent hitches, her head jerking backwards with each intake of breath, until…




Kyra sneezed, more explosively than before, her head almost colliding with the tabletop as her body convulsed with the release. She had tried so desperately to catch the escaping blast in her hands but some snuck around her fingers and misted the tablecloth. Kyra did not have to open her eyes to know how this would have gone down with her friend.


‘Do you really have to sneeze like that?!’ Lydia’s voice was as angry as it was accusatory, and Kyra knew that with that one she had well and truly got the attention of the whole restaurant. Raising her head with an almighty sniff, she could see at least half a dozen heads turned their way, a few whispers behind hands. She knew that breathing in so sharply had been a mistake, for already she could feel the onset of another sneeze that wormed up through her nose with its usual dreaded inevitability.


‘I gotta go to… ‘ She got quickly to her feet, chair screeching on the tiled floor, one hand pressed beneath her twitching nostrils. The restroom door seemed like an impossible distance away, beyond an obstacle course of tables and impertinent stares. Halfway there, she succumbed to another sneeze, catching her off-balance so that she tottered and had to seize the back of a chair for support ‘HHAAARRRIIISSSSHHHHH!!!’ turning her head to the side so as not to catch the open-mouthed clientele in the blast zone.


Kyra burst into the restroom, nose afire from within as more sneezes surged up to be released. She grabbed the sink and caught sight of herself in the mirror, her blonde hair in disarray, blue eyes rolling with the need to sneeze this tickle out of her nose for good. Her mouth opened in a series of hitches, head tilting back and hands cupped. As she reared back for the sneeze, Kyra was dimly aware that tissues were being thrust into her waiting hands, before she exploded in a colossal series of sneezes. They came one after the other, convulsively stamping her foot with each one. There was just nothing she could do to contain them or reduce their power.




The tissues that had miraculously appeared in her hands were all but blown to shreds under her barrage. Feeling the sensation back down somewhat, she risked opening her eyes which had been screwed tightly shut the whole fit. In the mirror, she realized that she had not been alone. The waitress from their table was standing beside her, eyes wide with an expression of mock horror on her pale, freckled face.


‘Wow,’ she said, pulling more tissues from the dispenser. ‘I thought my sneezes were a force of nature, but yours… just wow!’


She handed Kyra a fresh batch of tissue, who gratefully took them and dabbed at her red nose ineffectually. ‘Thanks’, she managed, but she knew that in speaking she had betrayed her need to sneeze again.


‘Oh I think you’ve got another one in there,’ the waitress said mischievously, tilting her head to one side. Kyra shook her head as the urge to sneeze spilled into her sinuses, her eyes rolling once again as the sensation gained force. This one was not as ready for release as the others, causing her to gasp and hitch, several false starts causing her face to contort embarrassingly before the urge backed down, only to resurface seconds later in another false start.


‘It’s a shy one,’ said the waitress, completely unphased as if this were the most normal situation in the world. ‘It happens to me all the time - here let me help you a little.’ Without waiting for assent, she reached forward and took some stray strands to Kyra’s hair between her fingers. With a deft movement, she flipped the strands rapidly backwards and forwards across Kyra’s twitching nostrils. There was no way that the sneeze was going to remain hiding under that level of stimulation, and with a tremendous roar, Kyra released the trapped sneeze with characteristic gusto.




It left her completely uncovered, her mouth wide and nostril flaring wildly. She hoped that the waitress had had the presence of mind to get clear, but there had been nothing she could have done to have held back that gigantic sneeze. Kyra opened her eyes tentatively, to find the waitress staring back at her with amused astonishment. 


‘Just… wow!’ she said again. She took Kyra by the hand and pulled her through a door that led onto a back alleyway. ‘I don’t think you can go back in through the restaurant, not with those people. But I think you should come back at five. There’s at least one person here who appreciates a good sneeze.’


And with a quick kiss to Kyra’s cheek, she was gone.


The End

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Awe... can't wait to read more of these two. Good story 

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This was ai good, and cute!!

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This is adorable and I can't wait to read more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ohhhh more more more please. I need more of the two of then😍

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