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Afraid to sneeze


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As I mentioned in another obs on the weekend I currently have a bad cold. All the usual stuff, sneezing, a blocked nose, constant runny nose, coughing fits. 

Well earlier today I headed out for a bit - ironically to buy some cough and cold medicine - and made the horrible mistakes of forgetting to bring a handkerchief or tissue with me. 

I realised about 5 minutes after leaving when a coughing fit left me in a bit of a sniffly mess. I went to blow my nose and then realised I didn't have a single handkerchief in my pocket. So I lightly wiped my nose against my sleeve and knee I'd have to make do with sniffling for the next 45 minutes or so. Not an ideal predicament with a horribly runny nose - I must have been sniffing three times a minute. 

But then of course, the sneeze tickles kept on coming. Every few minutes I would feel the urge to sneeze - and let's just say my sneezes with this cold have been big and loud and productive - and I would stop dead in my tracks, pressing my fist against my nose, trying desperately to supress the tickle. For the most part, I succeeded. 

Until just after I'd bought my medicine. I was about to leave the store again, and "HEHH HEHHH- please no- HEHHHHHSHOO!! HEHHSHOO!!" 

A hell of a loud, wet, unstoppable sneeze crashed productively out of me and into my hands. I immediately turned back around to the store and bought some tissues for the way home. I definitely needed them then, and since getting home they've not failed to come in handy either. 

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I too currently have a bad Cold, coupled with Allergies. Picked it up over the last week. I am sneezing, Blocked Noses Lots of runny noses and coughing fits as well.

I really Feel for you and you are not alone even in the UK. I have been told not use medicines as such, but I always go out with Kleenex Tissues and Handkerchiefs.

I have been sniffing a lot as well and runny nose to boot. The nose tickles have been coming a lot. Luckily I sneezed and Blown my Nose.

The Tissues on Me person as well as Handkerchiefs have always come in Handy.

So Bless you and we will both feel better soon. I hope.

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4 hours ago, Trynasneeze said:

As I mentioned in another obs on the weekend I currently have a bad cold. All the usual stuff, sneezing, a blocked nose, constant runny nose, coughing fits. 

Well earlier today I headed out for a bit - ironically to buy some cough and cold medicine - and made the horrible mistakes of forgetting to bring a handkerchief or tissue with me. 

I realised about 5 minutes after leaving when a coughing fit left me in a bit of a sniffly mess. I went to blow my nose and then realised I didn't have a single handkerchief in my pocket. So I lightly wiped my nose against my sleeve and knee I'd have to make do with sniffling for the next 45 minutes or so. Not an ideal predicament with a horribly runny nose - I must have been sniffing three times a minute. 

But then of course, the sneeze tickles kept on coming. Every few minutes I would feel the urge to sneeze - and let's just say my sneezes with this cold have been big and loud and productive - and I would stop dead in my tracks, pressing my fist against my nose, trying desperately to supress the tickle. For the most part, I succeeded. 

Until just after I'd bought my medicine. I was about to leave the store again, and "HEHH HEHHH- please no- HEHHHHHSHOO!! HEHHSHOO!!" 

A hell of a loud, wet, unstoppable sneeze crashed productively out of me and into my hands. I immediately turned back around to the store and bought some tissues for the way home. I definitely needed them then, and since getting home they've not failed to come in handy either. 

Bless you! Did you get any bless yous?🤭

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Bless you many many times. 


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For the record, I haven't had a knock down, dragged out cold for many years, I induce to make sneezes happen for anyone who likes to hear them.

My biggest worry is seasonal bronchitis, where there is ALWAYS an uncontrollable tickle. It ALWAYS seems to happen when I'm in public, and I never remember to bring a container of water.

Once in an Urgent Care waiting room, I left before being seen, because the tickle kept getting worse. No sneezes, just that horrible dry cough. I get how embarrassing sneezes or coughing are, especially when it feels like neverending.

Does anyone else get hot, flustered like "Darn, why did I even leave the house?"

Now that I'm inducing sneezes, and blowing nose more, hopefully that post nasal s*it won't bother me as much. 


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8 hours ago, Trynasneeze said:

But then of course, the sneeze tickles kept on coming. Every few minutes I would feel the urge to sneeze - and let's just say my sneezes with this cold have been big and loud and productive - and I would stop dead in my tracks, pressing my fist against my nose, trying desperately to supress the tickle. 

Bless you! Thanks for sharing… especially this!!

Hope you feel better soon! 

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I can comprehend that feeling of tension/anxiety. But then I also remember those people who are on the complete other side of the spectrum; blatantly letting their sneezes and cough out while not giving a damn about what they're spreading in public. The audacity... or blissful carelessness?

Anyway, get well soon! And may the tissues be with you. Literally 😄

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Aww, bless you!

Getting caught short without tissues or a handkerchief is bad enough, but when you’re sick, it’s even worse.

It sounds like you have a really bad cold. I hope you feel better soon!

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Bless you twice! Love these observations! 

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Bless you and hope you and I get better soon. I too have a bad cold yet again.

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