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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Attracted to the sneezes but not the sneezer?

Pollyanna Santana

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Hi! Long time lurker, figured it was time to join in! 
Is anyone else attracted to a sneeze but not the person sneezing? I have a coworker, B, who's a few years older than me (I'm in my late 20s.) We get along really well, and have great rapport. I'm not attracted to him in the slightest, but for some reason, I love his sneezes. And I can bless him! I don't bless anyone unless it's completely unavoidable. But I love blessing him. He always says "thank you!" in a somewhat surprised, sheepish tone, almost amused tone, like he's shocked by how loud and sudden the sneezes were. I have stop myself from sounding flirty! 
 He usually sneezes in sets of twos, multiple times a day. Loud sneezes that bend his upper body in half, usually (poorly) muffled into the sleeve of his hoodie. Slightly throaty, but with a little bit of his voice in them. Very masculine, and you can tell he tries to muffle them, especially in our quiet office. 
 He also has some health problems, and has no problem talking about his health or expressing vulnerability in general, which to me is so incredibly foreign. He's mentioned feeling "fragile" when he came back after being out with the flu a couple months ago, and I thought that was really endearing. And also the kind of information you couldn't waterboard out of me!
  He's leaving soon, and I'm pretty sad about it. I would like to maintain a friendship, but I don't want him to get the wrong idea, and I'm afraid he might. I don't think he's particularly into me, but he's lonely and looking for a relationship, and being put in that situation with a guy friend is always painful. Why is making friends as an adult so hard?? I'm sure I'll ask him to have a drink at some point before he leaves, because I really don't want to lose his friendship. 
 Anyway, I find his sneezes very cute and it makes me feel conflicted. I'm having FEELINGS and I needed to vent. 😂

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Yeah I'm like that too with some people. I might not be attracted physically to someone but if I hear them sneeze a few times and a like the sound, intensity, etc..I can eventually find them interesting. Not necessarily physically, but just sneeze-wise they've peaked my curiosity if that makes sense. I've also found people who weren't immediately attractive to me, suddenly attractive because of how they sneeze lol. I'm just wired weirdly I guess. 

For example, a colleague of mine was not immediately attractive on first sight. however, he had this sneeze that was just so forceful, masculine, and wet. It caught my attention and I found myself waiting for him to sneeze more often. He would spray it right into his elbow or into his shirt. Something about it was so gross but yet attractive? lol. Anyways, I ended up having a crush on him sooner or later. He moved away a while back. 

I hope you and that guy end up staying friends! I know the struggles of maintaining friendships in adulthood (I'm also in my twenties) 🥲😭

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I'm like that most of the time. There are a lot of people whose sneezes I'll find attractive, but the vast majority of them I'm not physically attracted to. I had a coworker a while back that I was very into her sneezes in particular, but I wasn't attracted to her outside of the sneezing. (I'm not actually attracted to women at all, excluding sneezing)

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I am the exact opposite, I don't care about sneezes unless they come from someone I'm attracted to.  Which is a shame because there are a whole lot of off the charts male hayfever sneezes at my workplace right that I'm sure a lot of fetishists would swoon over, but they are truly wasted on me! :laugh: I'm like a person who has been treated to a magnificent free unlimited buffet but I'm not hungry!

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I think I usually have to find the sneezer attractive as well. I have found in the past that I have really enjoyed the wavs by some sneezers, but when they have decided to start posting video showing their face and I realise I do not find them attractive, the sneezes start doing nothing for me. As I type this I feel it makes me seem quite shallow, but oh well :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's weird for me, I can be attracted to anyone's sneeze, no matter how unattractive I may find them. I even like female sneezes sometimes even though I consider myself straight and have only ever been interested in dating men. But when I find the sneezer attractive it's like a whole other level.

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YES I feel it. I usually find sneezing hot, but would not as asexual homoromantic cuddle and kiss the person. And sadly vice versa too :( 

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Nnnnnyep this used to happen to me A LOT. Nowadays, not so much. Maybe because I haven't been among people all that often since the frkn pandemic - although that is starting to change, fortunately!

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