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Classmate Obs (f)


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I believe this is my very first written observation from a class this semester…whoo hoo! :laugh: Today’s obs come to you straight from my torture class…oh oops, I mean computer class. It’s called Typography…but no one ever knows what that is, so in short it’s a computer class which focuses on programs for graphic design…so yeah, it’s art. But…they’re Mac computers and I hate Macs. There’s only one mouse button and everything seems to lag and there’s too many different kinds of error messages…and yeah…Macs blow big chunks of cat food. :laugh:

Anyway, the focus of these obs would be my classmate, Sara. Someone who I’ve sort of befriended in the last three weeks, mainly because I usually sit next to her…and I had remembered her from being in my Biology class last semester. Truthfully, I had a feeling that I would be writing obs about her at some point because she sneezes at least once in almost every class period, and I have this class officially twice a week. Sara’s short, pretty….has long straight dark reddish brown hair…which is obviously dyed…but I just love the color for some reason.

I was sort of late to class (damn slow elevator) and when I walked in…I discovered that someone was in my usual seat, so I ended up sitting four seats down from our main focus that is my classmate, Sara. I also discovered that Sara obviously had a cold. As I was getting settled, my ears picked up a lot of deep congested sniffles and some coughing from her direction.

I sat down and opened up my file while my instructor…(or teacher…or whatever he is….he’s not a professor…oh, we just call him Aaron :laugh: ) was lecturing about the next assignment. When down over to my right…hidden behind the jackass who took my seat, Sara sneezed once, a feminine yet very wet “heh-CHiiishheeeeww!” Aaron stopped in mid-sentence just to bless her. Just so you know, for some reason my instructor in this class is really big on blessing. I have no idea what the background on this is, but in my opinion…it would be easier for him if he didn’t care so much, because he always stops in the middle of his entire point to say “bless you” for two seconds and then it delays whatever point he was making because it takes him a while to get back on track. But hey, as a fetishist…I say bring on the blessings. I’ve mentioned it before, when the instructor stops the entire class to put emphasis on something that I love…it’s pretty special.

So anyway, Aaron then explained that he was going to give us this class time to work on our assignments which were actually due today…and I was more that grateful, as I definitely needed it. As he was explaining this, Sara sniffled and sneezed three times, again all very feminine “heh-CHiiishheeeewws!” one right after the other, and of course…she was blessed.

Eventually the room fell silent once again as we all got started on this most frustrating assignment (we have to duplicate some images using Adobe Illustrator—pen tool). Aaron was walking around to help people as he usually does, and his first student of choice was Sara. I overheard him ask her if she was “recovering.” I didn’t hear her response, but then he bent down to give her some instruction about something on her computer and while he was explaining, she sneezed twice and he blessed her.

It’s hard for me to distinguish how special all the sneezes were, but believe me, these really were some fantastic obs…which often threw me off track with what I was concentrating on and gave me butterflies in my stomach. All throughout the two hours, Sara sneezed and sniffled every two minutes or so, she really sounded miserable.

At one point I can remember Aaron had invited a lab assistant to explain to us about Printing and scanning (it’s a beginner’s class) and we were all gathered around this one little computer listening to her explain about this stuff. Sara was standing up on the right hand side of the room so for the first time today, I had a pretty clear view of her…but I tried not to stare so much, because she kept catching my eye and then I had to quickly look away. :) She kept sniffling and then all of the she tilted her head back and got this look like “Oh no not again!” and she cupped her hands loosely over her mouth and nose and sneezed twice. At this point, I don’t know if he was tired or if he just didn’t want to be rude and bless her while somebody else was talking but he just looked at her and nodded in her direction…which I for some reason thought this to be an amusing substitute.

She only sneezed once more in the same fashion during this lecture, but she was sniffling one hell of a lot. Every once in a while, I’d glance over quickly long enough to see her rub her nose with the side of her hand, but mostly she was just sniffling a lot and squeezing her eyes shut.

We went back to working on our projects, which would only be for about 15 more minutes. In two hours I only got one of my images duplicated. So now I have 3 out of the 4 required things produced. I’m going to have to go in early on Wednesday or something… :omg: yeah right, that’s what I said I’d do TODAY and it just didn’t happen. In this last fifteen minutes, Sara sneezed one final time. I happened to glance over to my right, and sure enough, she cupped her hands loosely over her mouth and nose and lunged forward with a final girly “heh—CHIIiishhhhhewwwww!” She then packed up her things and left early.

That’s all she wrote. :)

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... At this point, I don’t know if he was tired or if he just didn’t want to be rude and bless her while somebody else was talking but he just looked at her and nodded in her direction…which I for some reason thought this to be an amusing substitute.

That is pretty amusing. He couldn't just let it go, could he? Sounds like he HAS to acknowledge it in some way, even if he doesn't want to be rude and talk while someone else is talking. Your instructor sounds very interesting. :)

I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Sara while I was reading that! And what a distraction! No wonder you didn't finish your assignments! :)

Nice observation, as usual.

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Today’s obs come to you straight from my torture class…oh oops, I mean computer class. It’s called Typography…but no one ever knows what that is, so in short it’s a computer class which focuses on programs for graphic design…so yeah, it’s art. But…they’re Mac computers and I hate Macs.

Sounds like one course I have right now, although we don't use Macs :)

Nice obs.

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Nothing wrong with Macs *casts eyes around for Bill Gates' snipers*. As usual Susie, wonderfully described, thank you so much. :D

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