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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Dusty Packing


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Just think, by this time tomorrow…I will be either just arriving or already home. But unfortunately I have to pack first.

I hate packing, honestly…I dread doing it. But this evening’s packing proves either that it can have its benefits (I mean besides having clothes to wear later), or that I really need to start vacuuming more. Possibly the former for you all, as you seem to be reading my obs. ^_^

I was crawling around on the floor underneath my bed looking for my favorite suitcase. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff under my bed…mainly because I live in a dorm room and it’s just a huge space saver. With my flashlight in one hand, and me just struggling to hold the bed skirt up with the other…I glanced and struggled underneath my bed, attempting to shove things out of the way as I did this. Was probably a pretty amusing sight actually. :laugh:

Frustrated, I shoved my trunk o’ art supplies out of the way and only found one little duffle bag that I usually use for makeup and other girly stuff. I reached in and pulled that out, and still continued to look for my suitcase. I glanced at the beam from my flashlight…exposing the light dust that was already making my eyes water and nose run a little. I sniffled and rubbed my nose on my arm, then continued to look.

“Where is it? I know I brought it with me! In fact I made a point of---oh there it is!” I shoved my heavy trunk out of the way, and finally got my suitcase loose. I tossed it behind me, and started to get up, when the tickles in my nose intensified and I gave in, sneezing three times into the crook of my arm, “Hah-CHIIShhhhh! Huh-CHIIIIShhhoooo! Huh….huh…HAH—CHIISHewwww!” After that I sniffled and rubbed my nose, and got up off the floor.

My nose was still burning with so many tickles, and I knew that three sneezes just weren’t going to be enough. I walked over and turned on the overhead light so I could see a little bit more clearly into my closet. Muttering to myself, or what some would call “thinking aloud” I said “Okay…we’re going to do this jacket again…and we’re going to do this shirt.” :laugh: REALLY psychotic conversation, I know. :blushing:

I got into my sock and other drawers full of “unmentionables” and started picking out what I wanted…when I suddenly sneezed very forcefully…right wherever it landed…I honestly have no idea, but I guess I might want to wash my clothes before I wear them maybe. :laugh::blushing:

I sniffled and then turned towards my right and sneezed a second time, and then gasped and sneezed twice more. Then I sniffled wetly and took a break to chat for a little while.

While engaged in various conversations, I sneezed more times than I can remember…and I sneezed twice while writing this. Still pretty sniffly at the moment. Sorry, I’d go into more detail…but I have stuff to do. Hope you enjoyed anyway. :D

*Edit, caught ONE sneeze. :laugh: I don't know, might send more to Bondi later, we'll see how it goes. In the meantime....I hope this works. :)

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I run out of great things to say about your obs, hon, just beautiful from first word to last. Thank you so much :)

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