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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Usually I enjoy my own sneezing... (f)

Guest nosey

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Guest nosey

I don't get sick very often, but I am currently on day 4 of a very bad cold. It started with a sore throat and general feeling of unwell, but today it went into my nose. I have sneezed about 50 times in the past hour, and it's not fun! It's hurting my throat. And for some reason when I'm sick my sneezes never sound alike. If you can come up with a sound, I've probably done it today!

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Bless you!!! I hope you're feeling better soon!

I know what you mean about cold sneezes never sounding the same. I've even suprised myself with some of the odd sounding sneezes I've made. And I also tend to have these double sneezes that take you're breath away. I hope this isn't happening to you.

Anyway, take care of yourself! :cryhappy:

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Hey Nosey...sorry to hear about your cold...but thanks for sharing it with us. How are you feeling today? Can you tell us about your blows? Do your blows also sound different when you're socked in with a good cold in the horn? Are you chapped and chafed from all the nasel activity?


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