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Fullmetal Alchemist - (5 Parts)


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Oooh, I'm so nervous! This is my first time posting here, so if I need correcting please tell me -- but be gentle? XD;; I wanna be a good writer.

Anyhow, this is just the intro chapter. If it sounds okay, I'll go ahead and write the rest. This story has a lot of potential, andI 'm seriously tempted to torture everyone in Roy's department. :bleh:;; I feel bad for them. But if this sounds okay to you, let me know! Thanks~


Second Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye knew there would be trouble the second she saw Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes sneeze.

Oh, it wasn’t necessarily a knowing-knowing. It was more like a gut feeling. Hawkeye had learned long ago to listen to her own instincts, and she’d found that she had an uncanny knack for detecting trouble before it started – and she was usually right.

Monday morning started well, partially sunny and pleasant if a little chilly outside. Fall wasn’t too bad in Amestris – they actually had changing seasons, being in a moderate climate – and it was fun to watch the leaves change colors outside their office window. For once, all of her people were there on time: Jean Havoc, Heymans Breda, Cain Fuery and Watteau Falman, all working diligently and mostly in silence. It was good to see them so dedicated, and she would’ve been quite happy had it not been for Maes Hughes.

Lt. Col. Hughes was sitting, as usual, on Colonel Mustang’s desk. He seemed to forget he had an office of his own most of the time, and spent every available moment disrupting Riza’s schedule. It was irritating, even if the man was good friends with most of them, but as long as he kept his visits to under fifteen minutes, Riza couldn’t bring herself to break rank and tell him to go away. Besides, Colonel Mustang was Hughes’ best friend. Currently, said best friend was beaming and forcing the latest pictures of his daughter into her boss’ hands.

“And THIS one is my Elysia on her rocking horse. She’s so adorable, don’t you think? I bet she’s a champion rider when she grows up! Look at that posture!”

Hawkeye stole a glimpse as she passed by on her way to the filing cabinet, and although she thought the Lt. Col’s daughter was very cute, she couldn’t see the point in taking pictures every single day. To Riza’s eyes, the child in question looked like any other pretty little girl on any other rocking horse, smiling and waving to the camera and slightly off-balance.

Roy apparently agreed. He glared, taking the photo and shoving it right back at his friend. “Stop coming in here and just throwing these things around! We’ve all seen your daughter a billion times!”

“But you haven’t seen her TODAY~” Hughes whined. “Here, look at this o – ah –“ They all blinked at the pause in the stream of babble, all six of them surprised. The Lt. Col. silent? That never happened.

“I don’t WANT to look at it.”

“But – ooh – I – uh… haa…heh-SHEW!” burst loudly from Hughes’ mouth, making them all jump.

The Lt. Col. ducked his head to the side but Riza wasn’t called ‘Hawkeye’ for nothing. She twitched as the light from the window illuminated the uninhibited spray, little droplets settling in a fine mist over Hughes’ slacks and Mustang’s desk. Her lip tried to curl, and she had to force herself not to go to the desk and wipe everything down. Colonel Mustang didn’t have TIME to be sick.

Hughes apparently didn’t notice. He sniffed into the silence, all smiles again. “Scuse me,” he said cheerfully, rubbing a finger under his nose. “Someone must be talkin’ about me. Guess that’s my cue to go.”

He hopped off the desk as Mustang thrust the photos at him, still glowering. “Take these with you!”

“Nope, those’re for you, kiddo~” Another broad smile, and then Hughes was gone in a whirlwind of lingering pictures, leaving piles of Elysia’s snapshots on the colonel’s desk.

Roy picked them up, scowling at them as if he wanted to incinerate every last piece, and shuffled them into a pile. “If that guy would WORK as much as he TALKED…”

All the others exchanged wry smiles as they resumed their work. Colonel Mustang put the pictures in his bottom desk drawer, still muttering, and shut it harder than was completely necessary.

“Please don’t break the desk drawer, Colonel,” Hawkeye said automatically, but her gaze was locked on that bottom drawer – and on the couple of pictures that still lingered on her boss’ desk. Colds were transmitted by touch as well as by air, she knew that – but it was silly to think that one sneeze meant the Lt. Col. was ill.

Still… something wasn’t quite right, and though Riza couldn’t put her finger on it, the echo of that one sneeze seemed to reverberate in her head, and she knew something bad was going to happen…

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(( Okay, I wrote more anyway. XD; Whee, Roy torture~ *_* ))

It happened sooner than she thought.

Tuesday morning was as pretty as Monday, and every one was on time again. Riza handed out assignments with aplomb, fielding questions in short, clipped tones that discouraged discussion. No-one minded; they knew better.

The schedule was set for the day, and she was discussing the details with Colonel Mustang when the phone on his desk rang. Without pausing, her boss picked up the receiver – “Mustang here” – and suddenly scowled at nothing, eyes half-lidded in irritation.

“No, I don’t miss you. Why would I? … I don’t CARE why you’re – no, I don’t think you do!”

The others kept their eyes on their papers, mouths quirking. While not as fun as a fight in person, a fight with Hughes over the phone was almost as entertaining.

“That’s because you’re faking. What? Because you’re the biggest faker in the whole – look, if you wanna stay home, then stay home, but don’t call ME about – damn it, don’t DO that, you’re making me – my – haKSSSH!”

Mustang slapped a hand over the mouthpiece as he sneezed, and Riza felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as the desk once again got a dusting of germs. Surely a cold couldn’t travel that fast, not from just a ten minute visit! Coincidence. It had to be coincidence. She shot the damp spot at the edge of the desk a glare and reached for her handkerchief, but the colonel was already pulling his out.

He sniffed wetly, wiping at his nose, and immediately sneezed again – “hehCHMMF” – this time catching it in the handkerchief.

“Sir, are you –“

“I’m fine, Lieutenant.” Another sniff, and Roy blinked watery eyes, annoyance clear. “It’s Hughes and his stupid –“

Suddenly his tone changed, and he sat up a little, receiver clutched more firmly. “Gracia? Why’re you – oh, no, I’m sorry.”

Gracia, now? Havoc straightened up too, and Fuery leaned forward. Two breaks in the routine in two days. What was going on?

“You and Elysia, too? Is she all right? Well, that’s good, at least. No, of course not, take it easy. Yeah. Just give him a drink and tell him to sleep it off.” Roy laughed, coughed once, and shook his head. “You’re a brave woman. If you need anything, let me know. All right. Good-bye.”

Riza stood at the side of the desk as he hung up. She was supposed to be going over her papers, but a chill was raising goosebumps beneath her military jacket. The colonel was notorious for not taking care of himself. If the whole Hughes family was out, then maybe –

“Second Lieutenant, make a note. I want dinner delivered to the Hughes household tonight, around four. Something warm and nourishing. Maybe from that place down the way? They’re close enough.”

“Yes, sir. Is something wrong, sir?”

“Just a cold, from what Mrs Hughes says, but they’ve all caught it, and she could use some rest.”

“I see.” Hawkeye took a note, deciding in her head what meal she’d order, and hesitated. Colonel Mustang was already putting his handkerchief away and reaching for the manila folder at the corner of the blotter, clearly intending to work. The phone call was over, and Riza ought to be moving on with her own duties, but now that there was proof that something was wrong…

She took a small breath. “Sir, do you feel all right?”

“What?” Roy blinked again, pen in his hand as he looked up at her. “I’m fine. Why?”

“Well… You were sneezing, sir, and if you’re sick you ought to –“

“Don’t worry, Lieutenant,” Mustang assured her with a roll of his eyes. “Hughes may catch cold, but that’s the price of having kids. They bring home everything under the sun. I, however, don’t get sick.”

“But sir, you and he do talk quite a lot, and –“

This time the smile was gone. “I’m FINE, Lieutenant.”

Riza’s mouth thinned, and she nodded once. “Yes, sir. Of course.” But I'm still going to keep an eye on you.

That troublesome feeling was definitely growing -- and apparently with reason.

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Guest Posaune

Ooooh, this is getting pretty good already! It's a good thing Hughes is stuck at home. Mustang AND Hughes wrongness might be a little too much to handle, even in small, chapter-sized doses! :) Please continue, and keep up with the great work!

"Nope, these are for you, kiddo." :P Dunno why, but I was practically rolling at this line. It's just so... Hughes-like. *snerk*

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Guest shiranui

OMFG!! You made me so happy with this story Ylliana :)

It's so very much in character and wonderfully written. I just can't wait for you to continue this, it looks VERY promising, and I absolutely love what I read so far. Thanks so much for writing this - I'm so looking forward to this bug to spread around the office ::grins:: ... and well... especially for Roy to get his share of the torture too of course :heart: And maybe a little bit of hurt/comfort as well?

And now that I've calmed myself down a bit. Congrats for posting your first story - it's SO GOOD, and I hope I'll be able to read a lot of more stuff from you :heart:

Thanks again :P :P :bleh::heart:

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:P ROY!!!??? FMA?????? You're AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeep this is awesome. This series is sweet and the characters are the best. Thank you thank you!! And that was sooooo like them too its great so far, I can't wait for more :) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

PS. I also agree, you're doing a very great job with staying in character ahh I'm so excited about this haha

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AWWW~! THANK YOU, EVERYONE! You guys are so NICE! T-T Wah~! I love you~ I'm so happy you like it! Okay then, onward! I hope to keep making you proud. -cries-

Wooo, next part! Sorry for deviating from Roy and Co for a sec, but Maes' family was just callin' to me. XD All female sneezing in this part (sorry, Roy and Maes lovers), but don't worry. I'll be back to poor Roy next section!


INTERLUDE: Tuesday night.

Maes Hughes cuddled closer to his wife, both of them burrowed under the blankets, his arm over her waist. The light from the hallway, kept on for Elyisa’s sake, made a bar across the foot of their bed, illuminating their room with a dim glow. The house was quiet except for the occasional cough from their daughter’s room and Gracia’s soft, congested snoring.

He was close enough that he could see her without his glasses, and though fatigue and mild achiness were trying to drag him toward sleep, he couldn’t seem to stop watching his wife. She was beautiful all the time, of course, but now, with her small, round-tipped nose all pink and her coloring just a little paler than normal, she looked like a fragile porcelain doll. Her chest rose and fell with a slow regularity, a vulnerable sort of peace about her, and despite being sick himself he felt the first familiar stirrings of arousal. Maybe he oughta feel bad about it, but...

God, she was gorgeous!


Maes started, glad for the semi-darkness and the three blankets he was under. His daughter, while brilliant and talented and incredibly gifted, did not need to know about the birds and the bees just yet.

Or ever. Yeah. Not til she’d been married ten years. Then maybe. If Maes said so.

He pushed himself up onto one elbow, squinting over his shoulder. “What is it, honey?”

Elysia’s mouth was pulled down, sadly pouting, and her hair was loose, curling softly around her four-year-old shoulders. There was a wet smear from her nose to her cheek, and as he watched she rubbed at her face with one hand, making the mess worse. “I don’ feel good. My head hurts.”

“Ah, poor baby. C’mon, angel, wanna sleep up here?” He turned all the way around, letting go of Gracia, and lifted the covers. Elysia climbed in with a yawn, her nightgown rucked up to show her legs. Maes pulled it down, tucked the blankets around her and reached across her to grab his handkerchief from the nightstand.

“Mmph…” Gracia sat up to peer over her husband, the strap of her nightgown slipping down over her shoulder. She sniffled, touching the back of her hand to her reddened nose and blinking sleepily. “’S wrong?”

He glanced back at her hoarse voice, feeling guilty. He hadn’t wanted to disturb her. She needed the rest; they both did. He wiped at his daughter’s chubby cheek. “Nothing, sweetheart. Elysia’s here, that’s all. Go back to sleep.”

Another sniff, this one more moist, and Gracia reached for her own handkerchief. “You okay, baby?” she asked, a little more awake.

“Uh-hu… ha… haCHI!” Elysia sneezed like the little kid she was, cute but uncovered, spraying Maes’ arm. He blinked and hurriedly held the handkerchief to her nose, and she sucked in another breath and sneezed into it again.

“Oh, by poor liddle… my poor – “ Gracia didn’t finish. Another sneeze, this time from behind Maes, more adult if just as cute and quiet. Like mother, like daughter.

Aw, man. They were both so adorable, yet he felt so bad for them. Somehow it didn’t matter than just listening to them was making his own nose run, or that his throat hurt and his shoulders ached. He forgot that he was sick and was suddenly absorbed with worry. Surely there was something he could do to make them feel better.

Elysia sneezed one more time, echoed by Gracia, and then it was quiet. Behind him, Gracia blew her nose, a full, gurgling sound that ended with a tired sigh. Elysia sniffled and reached up to rub at her own nose, but Maes stopped her, catching hold of her hand.

“Blow first, honey.”

She did, obediently, already falling back to sleep. Her eyelids fell shut, and as Maes took his handkerchief away Elysia mumbled something unintelligible and curled up on her side. In a second she was completely out, breathing noisily through her mouth, and Maes was relieved.

“She asleep?” Gracia whispered.

Maes nodded, refolding the damn cloth and giving his own nose a blow. The congestion refused to budge, and he didn’t add much to the poor hanky’s load. His head was foggy and he was stuffed up, but he didn’t seem to have caught the sneezes like his two girls had, and that was good. He wanted to take care of them as best he could. “Out like a light.”

“Thang goodness.” Another blow, dryer this time, and Gracia nudged her husband. He knew what she wanted and he quickly lay back down, his arms open. His wife snuggled into the crook of his arm, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Go back to sleep, love,” Maes murmured, kissing her hair.

Gracia nodded, sniffling, her tone annoyed. “By dard dose wode stob rudding. I keeb having to sneeze.”

Correction: adorable AND absolutely fuckable.

The arousal that had been put off when his daughter had interrupted stirred again, more strongly, and Maes had to wonder at the male psyche. His kid was in the bed, everyone had a cold, and yet ol’ Mr Happy down there hadn’t gotten the memo.

Elysia sneezed in her sleep as if on cue, and Maes forced himself to take a calming breath. He could do things to his wife tomorrow during naptime. He sure as hell wasn’t gonna do anything with Elysia right –

“Oh…” Gracia made a noise, rubbing at her nose with her wrinkled, lace-trimmed hanky, and Maes raised his eyebrows.

“Gotta sneeze?”

“Mmmph. Id wo’d come out. It’s … nnh, thad’s so – oooh … ah…”

He couldn’t see her face from this angle, tucked as it was against his chest, but he could feel her scrunching up her nose. Suddenly her breath hitched, and a surprisingly loud “heh-CHOO!” jerked out of her. She immediately sat up, sniffling desperately, and covered her face as she sneezed again -- and again.

Maes put a hand on her back, not sure he ought to get up. Her breasts were jiggling under her thin green nightie each time she sneezed, the side that was sliding off her shoulder threatening to expose her entirely. God, it was sexy. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”

Another sneeze – “hah… haCHU!” – and Gracia nodded, finally blowing her nose hard. Maes watched in sympathy she emptied her sinuses over several liquid blows, folding and refolding her hanky until she had to reach for a clean one from the nightstand drawer.

“Poor dear,” he whispered, rubbing her back. God, he wanted to make her feel better, but his body was switching into “survival of the species” mode and would suggest only one plausible way – and he refused to do that with his daughter present!

“No,” she answered, shaking her head. “I’b fide. Jus’ tired.”

“Yeah.” He cuddled her as she lay back down, pulling the blankets up over her shoulders. “Get some sleep. I love you.”

“Mmph… Dear?”

“Yes, my love?”

“… think you could carry Elysia back to bed?”

Maes blinked. “Um… I could, but… why?”

At that, Gracia raised her head, and the smile on her face was somehow made even more wicked by her reddened nose and her pale, perfect skin. “Because you’re abazingly hot whed you’re sick, ad I’ll be damned if I’b gonna leab you alode.”

Elysia slept in her own room that night, and thankfully she didn’t wake til morning.

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Whew...okay...hold on, let me compose myself...

Wow. I don't even know who those people are, and I still got into that story. Believe me, that is a big compliment because I often lose interest in fanfics when I don't recognise the characters.

Don't say "I want to be a good writer" because in my opinion, you so are! :)

I kind of had to skip over the part about the four year old because it felt a little odd to be reading that sort of thing, but that's just me though.

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Guest shiranui

Awww Thanks for posting again, and I agree with 'KawaiiKitty'

Don't say "I want to be a good writer"
... because IMHO you're a freaking 'godess' :mellow: Your writing is absolutely fab!

Anyway, this seems to be a truly vicious cold... and I just can't wait for the next part to be posted :)

Oki, thanks for writing and sharing this wonderful FMA ficcie B-P

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Everyone is so sweet! Thank you all for all your encouragement! It makes me feel so much braver. XD

As for Elysia-chan, the four-year-old, I'm sorry if I squicked anyone out. ^_^;; I think little-kid sneezes are soooo cute! *_* They're adorable, like little puppy sneezes~ But also, I put her in 'cause I wanted to emphasize the family aspect -- not to mention that Hughes ADORES his daughter, and what would be a Hughes story without Elysia? XD

But okay, back to Roy! And maybe, next chapter, some Roy/Hughes...~?



She knew it. She just knew it.


The colonel had a cold. A bad one, from the sound of it.

“Heh… haa… ah…damn it. Shit. Hawkeye!”

And he was still here.

Riza grit her teeth as she stood from her desk, pushing her chair back with her legs. She was ready to kill her boss, who had to be the most stubborn man in the entire world.

All of them were trying to work, and all of them were worried – or in Breda’s case, just plain disgusted. He kept muttering things about ‘sanitation,’ and Havoc kept elbowing him and telling him to shut up under his breath. Riza shot her own steely look at the heavyset soldier, but though Breda looked away, his mumbling didn’t stop much.

It wasn’t like they hadn’t tried. The colonel was on time, but Mustang had pushed off all of their inquiries into his health and had determinedly sat down at his desk, sniffling as he pulled the day’s work out while all of them frowned at him. When Fuery had suggested a half-day, Roy had told him to mind his own business. Now it was an hour later, Wednesday morning, and Riza was ready to shred her papers. This was insane, and she was going to put an end to it.


Roy squinted past the damp cotton against his nose, lowering the handkerchief with a sniffle. “There you are. I need these files copied –“

Hawkeye straightened her already impressive posture, chin up, her hands at her sides. “I am relieving you of command, sir. You’re too sick to stay here. Please go home!”

“What?” Mustang’s tone went dangerously quiet. The whole room fell silent as the others held their breath. “Are you trying to tell me what to do, Second Lieutenant?”

Riza swallowed hard, but she wasn’t going to back down. She met her superior officer’s dark eyes with her own brown ones, staring right back. He looked terrible, worn and sick, his eyes red-rimmed and his nose already chapped and pink. The sneezes had gotten worse over the hour he’d been here, and now that she was this close, she could see his hands were shaking.

The threat in the air was real, but she had a responsibility.

“I’m not trying, sir, I’m telling you. You can’t stay in this office. If you force me to, I’ll call the doctors and have them back me up.”

Hawkeye –“

“Look, sir, maybe you just oughta go home, huh?” All of them jumped as Havoc leaned back in his chair, an unlit cigarette hanging from his lip. “No disrespect, Colonel, but you sound like shit.”

“You have a cold, sir,” Riza said.

Farman nodded, adding, “And if the pink spots on your cheeks and the shine of your eyes are any indication, sir, you have a fever. You need to take care of yourself.”

No cat ever bristled any better.

“I do not sound like shit! I don’t have a cold, and I don’t –“

In a blink, Riza stepped in, the palm of her hand sliding under Roy’s bangs, her other hand swatting at his arm with her files. “Too slow, sir, and enough nonsense. You’re running a temperature and you’re shivering. You’re sick, and I want you out of my department!”

Mustang grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand away, and his fingers were too hot on her skin. “This isn’t funny, Hawkeye –“

“Havoc! Please escort Colonel Mustang home!”

“Yes, sir!” With a snap of heels, Havoc was on his feet and saluting. He strode around his table, grabbed Roy’s overcoat, and came to the desk.

The colonel’s hand went for his pocket and presumably his pyrotex glove, but Havoc caught it. “Tsk, none of that, sir. You wanna act like a three-year-old? I’ll treat you like one.”

“You wouldn’t dare –“

“Lt Havoc, please hurry. The rest of us have work to do.”

“Yessir.” Havoc bent over, ready to pull Roy up into a fireman’s carry. “Unless you want me to call Lt Col Hughes, sir? I’m sure he’d come get him. They’re best buds, after all, and I’m pretty sure they’ve got the same cold.”

Roy stiffened, glaring. “Let go! All of you… this is mu…. This is… you’re… hehKTSH! HaSHIEW!”

“Gah!” Havoc snapped back with a wince, rubbing the back of his neck. “Cover your mouth, sir. Sheesh.”

“Lt Col Hughes?” Riza pursed her lips as her boss blew his nose, coughing. “That, Lt Havoc, is a brilliant idea. We have work, and someone needs to watch Colonel Mustang. God knows he won’t do it himself.”

Havoc’s eyes practically gleamed. “I think you’re right, Hawkeye. I should drop him off there, then?”

“Let’s call first. Mrs Hughes may not be up to it.”

Roy did his best to protest, but Havoc was bigger than he was and quickly discovered that blowing on the back of the colonel’s neck would start him sneezing all over again, effectively rendering him helpless. (“It’s like a game! He’s so cute!” Havoc crowed, and forgot to watch Roy and got a punch in the nuts.) One call to the Hughes house later, Colonel Roy Mustang was bundled into the back seat of a military car and Lt Jean Havoc was happily taking him to his new home.

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Guest Posaune

*GLEE!* Oh, man... I'm lovin' this so far. I... I have nothing else to say, other than "please continue"!

“It’s like a game! He’s so cute!” Havoc crowed, and forgot to watch Roy and got a punch in the nuts.
Best. Line. EVER. :blink:
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Guest sneezy kitty

HOLY SHIT THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!!! I LOVE FMA!!! just don't give TOO bad a cold to my Ed. i'd feel so bad for him! but Roy, Maes, Gracia, and Elisia!!!! that was so good!!! you should do a comic with it! :blink::):blushing::innocent::drool: need.....more....fullmetal alchemist....sneezies....GIMME!!

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Guest shiranui

Ooooh, I absolutely love this story... you know that don't you? :)

Poor Roy, his sneezes are adorable (ducking from flame shot at me)... and his temper *snicker*

And poor Havoc, I bet he's next, being in such 'close contact' :blink:

Thanks for writing FMA :blushing:

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Sorry for taking so long, everyone! >_< My net's down, and it's hard to get the story uploaded on someone else's computer since I haven't told anyone about this board. :P;; Bear with me, I hope to have the concluding chapter for you in a few days!

Thank you sooo much for all your wonderful, lovely comments! I'll work hard! >_<

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Okay, last part! Thank you again to everyone! >_< You guys are so awesome, and I'm soooo happy to have found a site that has anime sneezing (especially FMA!). Thank you tons!! <3 <3


Maes was glad his wife was so understanding, because his best friend was an idiot.

“Oh, Roy,” Gracia said in dismay as Havoc brought him up the front walk. She hurried out to take his other arm, and Maes knew the only reason Roy didn’t shake her off was because she was a woman – which was lucky, because Maes wasn’t entirely sure Roy could’ve made it all the way on his own.

They got him situated in the guest bedroom without much effort – not that he was in any real shape to argue – and gave him a pair of Maes’ pajamas. They were too big, but they would work while he was there. He was supposed to be letting his body rest, anyhow; how much moving around was he gonna do?

They left Roy change in private and Gracia asked Havoc to help her take Elysia to her sister’s house for a while. While he didn't necessarily want his beloved wife and daughter somewhere else, Maes had to agree it would let Roy get a chance to rest undisturbed by Elysia, who loved to sit on his lap and pester him with questions about the 'fire magic.'

“Come home soon,” he murmured, and his wife nodded against his kiss.

“It’s only about an hour each way. I’ll be back before you know it.”

Elysia got a kiss good-bye, too, and Maes was left to care for his friend on his own. He shut the front door and went to the guest room, knocking on the half-open door. “Roy? You decent?”

The door opened under his hand and Maes stepped back, surprised. Roy was still in his coat and uniform, surveilling the hallway with narrowed black eyes. “Ebry wod God?”

Maes blinked, staring. “Who would what? … oh.” He laughed sympathetically, shaking his head and clapping a hand on Roy’s shoulder. “Oh, boy, kiddo, you got it pretty bad, huh? How’re ya feelin’?”

Roy shot him a glare and pulled the door open wider, clearly intending to step out into the hall. “I’b fide." He sniffed hard. "I’d be even bedder if you’d all stob asking me thad.”

“…riiiight. I can see you’re totally fine. And you’re still dressed why?”

“I hab work to do, Baes, udlike you. Dow boove.”

Maes shot an arm across the door, eyebrows raised. “Nope, don’t think so, buddy. You’re sick, and you’re stayin’ with me. Ain’t that romantic~? Just like bein’ back at school, huh?”

“I swear if you dode boove, I’b gonna –“ Roy stopped, his forehead wrinkling, and Maes pursed his lips, amused.

“Somethin’ you wanna say?”

“Yes,” Roy snapped angrily. He still had his handkerchief in one hand, and he rubbed his nose with it, pressing it against one side. “Ged oudda by way!”

“But ya look a little sniffly there. I couldn’t in good conscience let you leave.”

“I dode hab ady – ady – hehCMHPF!” The tickle in his nose won, and Roy sneezed into the crumpled cloth.

Maes tsk’ed, taking hold of Roy’s elbow and turning him around. “Back inside, let’s go. Gonna make me hold you down like I had to do when you were little?”


Roy jerked under Maes’ hand, and the taller man guided his friend to the bed, pushing him down. “Bless you. Lift up for me.” He knelt and pulled off one boot, almost getting kicked when he reached for the other.

“I’b nod a kid, Baes!” Roy was glaring at him, sniffling and annoyed, but for all his attitude it was obvious – to Maes, at least – that it was just an act. Roy had to be in charge all the time, he always had to be the one in command, and he almost didn’t know how to act any other way, even when he was ready to pass out.

“Roy…” Maes put a hand on Roy’s knee, his eyes kind behind his glasses. “You’re sick, kiddo. It’s okay. It happens. But now you have to rest. You won’t get better if you keep pushing yourself, and you might end up in the hospital. You need to sleep and let us take care of you.”

“Like hell I d –“

“And if you don’t do it quietly, then I’ll climb right on top of you and pin you down and make you do it. Maybe make you say ‘uncle’ while I’m at it. Y’get it?”

Sometimes rank wasn’t just about military achievement, and sometimes discretion was the better part of valor. Roy scowled, sniffed, and dropped his dark eyes to the side. “… yeah.”

“Good boy.” Maes smiled cheerfully and tugged off the last boot.

Roy was docile after that, if such a word could apply to Roy Mustang. He let Maes help him change and get under the covers, and even agreed to eat something. It really was like being back in the academy, when Maes had made it his personal mission to watch out for the small, shy boy who studied too much and always knew the answer when called on. He should’ve been easy to ignore, a bookworm like that, but somehow…


“Hm?” He blinked, Roy’s uniform halfway onto the wooden hanger Maes was holding. Hurriedly he slid it into the closet and came over to the bed. “What’d ya need, buddy?”

“I…” Roy trailed off, looking embarrassed. “… nothing.”

It wasn’t nothing, Maes knew that. After years of friendship, Roy was as hard to read as a picture book. It was also at least an hour til Gracia got home, and though he was pretty much recovered, Maes still didn’t have a lot of energy. The guest bed was big, large enough for two or three people, and all it had in it right now was one raven-haired colonel with a stuffy pink nose, as cute as a man with a cold could look.

More than enough room for one more.

With a slight smile, Maes drew the blankets back and slid into bed next to his friend, pulling Roy close enough to spoon, his back to Maes’ stomach. “Warmer? Kind of cold by yourself, huh?”

“Yeah.” This time Roy’s voice was softer, grateful. He sank into Maes’ embrace, a small sneeze muffled in the sheets.

“Poor kid.” Even now, seventeen years older than when they’d first met, Roy still got lonely when he was sick – and Maes was the only one who knew it. He relaxed into the pillow and Roy’s warmth, holding his friend as Roy’s breathing deepened and slowed. It was interesting how very like Gracia’s it was, how adorable and snuffly despite being obviously masculine. “Get better, huh?”

There was no answer, but that was fine. Maes’ own eyes slipped shut and he snuggled closer, inhaling the familiar shampoo scent of Roy’s hair. It had been a while since he’d had an afternoon nap with Roy, and this was a perfectly safe excuse. All the same, though…

It was a good thing Gracia was an understanding woman.


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Guest shiranui

Oh Yay you updated it!

Thanks so much for a totally wonderful story. I loved the conclusion. And the part with Roys stuffy comments, asking if everyone was gone was adorable... and the stuffy sneezes - wo-hoo! :wub: I also really liked the idea of Maes watching out for Roy at the academy.

Thanks so much again, I absolutely :laugh: you for writing this :D

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Oh Yay you updated it!

Thanks so much for a totally wonderful story. I loved the conclusion. And the part with Roys stuffy comments, asking if everyone was gone was adorable... and the stuffy sneezes - wo-hoo! :jump: I also really liked the idea of Maes watching out for Roy at the academy.

Thanks so much again, I absolutely :love: you for writing this :)

Aww, yay! I'm so glad you liked it! It was thanks to you that I joined the forum, after all. ^__^ You made me brave enough to post something!

Thank you for the marvelous comments, too. Now it's your turn again! More FMA stories~ *begs*

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Guest shiranui
Aww, yay! I'm so glad you liked it! It was thanks to you that I joined the forum, after all. ^__^ You made me brave enough to post something!

Thank you for the marvelous comments, too. Now it's your turn again! More FMA stories~ *begs*

You know, I'm really happy you are here :winkkiss:. And I sure hope to be able to read many more of your truly wonderful stories in the future

And yes, I think I'll try a 'Roy story' again, inbetween the other ones I'm struggling with.


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Whew...okay...hold on, let me compose myself...

Wow. I don't even know who those people are, and I still got into that story. Believe me, that is a big compliment because I often lose interest in fanfics when I don't recognise the characters.

I almost forgot to say how great this comment made me feel! Sorry I took so long to say it. Just wanted to let you know that this is SUCH a sweet thing to say, and so nice! It made me all tingly. XD Thank you~!

You know, I'm really happy you are here :heart:. And I sure hope to be able to read many more of your truly wonderful stories in the future

And yes, I think I'll try a 'Roy story' again, inbetween the other ones I'm struggling with.


Aw~! And yay! Rooooy~ *_* Can't wait to see your stories~!

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