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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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This is a great thread! I, too, remember liking sneezes from when I was very young. I remember there was a boy in my elementary school-maybe about 3rd grade?- who sneezed in fits of at least 10. I would keep a tally of how many sneezes he had in one day, and I remember it made me feel...funny...and good. I also had the same conditions on my friends playing house or barbie where at least one character had to be sick. I don't think anyone ever suspected anything. My brother and I even used to induce sneezes when we were little. He just had to hit his nose to sneeze, I had to use a kleenex, but we did this in front of our parents and didn't think anything was weird about it. In retrospect, I can't believe they never told us that was strange or to stop.

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None of my friends or my parents thought it was odd, as far as I know. They would always just go along with what I said and I guess thought it was funny at times. We had some pretty interesting games....

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  • 6 months later...

When I was about five, I apparently used to wake my grandmother up in the morning to tell her a story. These stories almost always involved a squirrel and a little girl, both of whom had a penchant for falling through thin ice and catching colds as a result. I'm embarrassed about this not just because of the fetishy aspect (and the fact that she remembers it!) but also because I didn't know then how diseases were transmitted! There wasn't actually any sneezing involved...I was honestly embarrassed by the word itself, and I couldn't say it or fake it or anything.

The same applies today. I make no secret of my interest in medicine and diseases, but if anyone knew it extended to a fetish, I'd be mortified. I have a long-running RPG with my friend, and some of the characters are quite sickly. Some of them also have horrible allergies. I can never, ever bring myself to detail these things...I'll be the one to mention that they came in contact with the allergen or became ill, and my friend is the one to describe it. I am way, way too embarrassed.

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Ohhhh, I have many stories o_o

Earliest I remember was:

I had a set of Garfield sticky notes. (I was fond of reading the newspaper comics.) They had Garfield pounding on a computer, the computer saying "DOES NOT COMPUTE!" or something like that. I wrote on these often and stuck them on my bedroom walls. Sometimes I'd write "DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!!" but I very clearly remember writing "AH CHOO!!!" on at least one of them in pink glitter crayon.

And sometimes, at night, I'd whisper to myself, "achoo" and I have no idea why. (Says the girl who randomly fake whisper-sneezed last night.)

Then, there was Blue's Clues. I loved Blue's Clues, and still do. But only the episodes with Steve. Anyway, I was particularly fond of the episode "Steve Has the Sniffles" or something like that. I even know how I could identify it early: the picture in the top right corner would be a walrus nurse when it was that episode.

I still watch that episode when I have time O_o

I remember once I was at a cousin's house, and we were watching Bear in the Big Blue House. (Loved that show.) There were lots of people in the room. Bear sneezed, and I ran. Everybody called me back, but I wouldn't come.

Then, kindergarten. You know the game, "hot lava" where you can't step on certain things? I played that all the time with my buddies. Anyway, I once made the suggestion that instead of the lava killing us, we were allergic to it... surprisingly, they agreed. I never played that again because I fake sneezed in front of a student teacher and got really embarrassed for whatever reason.

And once, I remember asking one of my friends if she was "allergic to pepper..." Her response was "I don't know, we only use it in small amounts in like soup and stuff." Not what I'd been looking for, but I didn't want to elaborate.

I did a story collaboration with another friend, my character (who was a cat) had a cold but that was quickly forgotten as it was discovered that my character had had kittens. My parents found that one day, and they mentioned that they liked my story... I was like "what?" and they said "The cat one" and I was thinking "Aaaaahhhhh they found my kitty sneeze story!!"

So, yeah. My awkward childhood sneeze moments. I love this thread, it's so funny and to see that others had weird experiences too... yay!

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Guest silverbirch

Oh this is ringing so many bells for me!

I remember when I was about 8 or 9 and my little sis was 3 we used to play games with teddies, where there were good guys (the favourite, cutest ones of course) and bad guys (the dinosaurs and the ones with grumpy faces. Judge on appearance much?) and one time I was like "Lets play that the bad guys put lots of dust in the good guy's hideout and make them sneeze so much. I'll be the bad guys, you do the sneezes." Suprisingly she agreed! We kept that game up for ages, and I wanted the good guys to do it back and run the whole scenario over again when my sis said "I'm so bored of this- can't we play not with sneezes?"

I hope to GOD she doesn't remember o.O

Also my favourite animal to sneeze was an elephant, I guess because that happens in cartoons so much and also there was this book "Blessu" by Dick King Smith (available off amazon I believe, and sooo cute) about a little elephant with hayfever who sneezes so much his trunk stretches out extra long.

Anyway I used to draw sneeze progression comics with elephants alot, with the tip of the trunk twitching, and then gradually all the way up to the end, and when his whole trunk was scrunched up he would sneeze. I drew a LOT of those. I tried to make a flickbook at one point I think, but I got bored trying to make enough pictures to go in it.

Also I would ask my mum or dad to tell me sneezing stories. I even remember my parents saying to an Uncle "Yes, Silver is going through a phase where she is very interested in sneezing." Little did they know!!!

I do wonder if the interest in sneezing is common to all small children though, because the other day I was sitting in a restaurant my friend's 4 year old daughter on my lap. She was fascinated by nose peircing and wanted to watch me pull in in and out over and over again... then she pulled some petals off the flowers on the table, and thrust them into my face.

I was like "What on earth are you doing"

Her: "I'm making you go "achoo" "

Me (wanting to die): "Not today you're not, missy"

A fetishist in the making perhaps?

Wow, sorry for the long post.

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im at work so i cant read too much, but i gather this is about childhood stuff and the fetish right?

i was always very shy.. but i do remember that i had this female best friend in elementary.. for some reason we had this game we would play basically all day every day, while we werent in school or whatever... but she would always chase me around and try to get me, and the way we had it set up, was that i would pretend to throw some sort of dust.. i cant remember what name we gave it.. but then she would pretend to sneeze, and stop chasing me for a second. i was supposed to get away in this time.

i think this was nurturing my fetish before i realized i had it. it was kind of like being able to make her sneeze on command, except they were fake of course. i wouldnt mind playing this game with her again someday. :chickawow:

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