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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bless me, Excuse me, etc.


What "after line" do you prefer?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Same as the title of the poll i geuss :P

    • Excuse me
    • Bless me
    • Nothing (meaning no reaction- like ignoring the sneeze)
    • Pardon me
    • Other

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Now i KNOW this has been done before but there is so many newbies and this question still interests me.

What do you prefer?

I'd have to say Other, because of my friend. She's super polite and really nice, and every SINGLE time she sneezes she'll say "Oh! Pardon my sneeze."

Every time :cryhappy:

weeeeeeeee!!! and i go over the moon.

She just HAPPENS to be a multiple sneezer :drool:

so we'll be sitting there and she'll go, "Het-isshew! Oh! Pardon my sneeze! Heshhew! Oh! Pardon my sneeze!"

and it goes on. Then she'll get tired from sneezing so much and lose the "oh!" and it'll turn into a weary "Ishhew! Pardon my sneeze."

and this is turning into an observation, so i'll leave it there :yes:


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I voted "excuse me" but I wouldn't mind any of the options. After I sneeze in front of people (epecially after phone sneezes) I usually say "sorry!" I'm not sure why.

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I'd have to say Other, because of my friend. She's super polite and really nice, and every SINGLE time she sneezes she'll say "Oh! Pardon my sneeze."

Every time :drool:

weeeeeeeee!!! and i go over the moon.

She just HAPPENS to be a multiple sneezer :yes:

so we'll be sitting there and she'll go, "Het-isshew! Oh! Pardon my sneeze! Heshhew! Oh! Pardon my sneeze!"

and it goes on. Then she'll get tired from sneezing so much and lose the "oh!" and it'll turn into a weary "Ishhew! Pardon my sneeze."

The next time she does this you should counter with "Is that an order?" and see what her reaction is.

I love those obsessive compulsive dainty types. It's a combination which works for me.

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I usually say "excuse me," or occasionally "sorry about that," but I absolutely love the "pardon my sneeze" thing you described. I also love any other statement that acknowledges the sneeze.

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I voted for "excuse me" because I think it sounds the most polite to me. But I also sometimes like it when a guy apologizes (I'm sorry). It's like a cute way of thinking they did something "wrong". hehe


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I usually like "sorry" so I put down other. I also love what was mentioned above "oh, pardon my sneeze" :wub: I guess I like anything that says the word sneeze in it, like "sorry, I had to sneeze" and other stuff like that.

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I usually like "sorry" so I put down other. I also love what was mentioned above "oh, pardon my sneeze" :nohappy: I guess I like anything that says the word sneeze in it, like "sorry, I had to sneeze" and other stuff like that.

Oh, yes, absolutely right; and it should go on s long as possible, ideally until it is interrupted by the next sneeze, or the next announcement;

"I'm sorry, I just had to sneeze, I couldn't help it, it was so sneezy it was too strong for me, I couldn't hold back any longAAAAAHH...."


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I strongly dislike "bless me" (because I probably would bless you if you'd shut up for a split second?), I am down with excuse me and I actually like sorry, not sure how I feel about pardon me... But basically anything other than that which might be original or amusing is good for me... like I knew more than one person that after a double sneeze would say "where's the third one? they always come in threes..." (mind you, I've never seen any of those who said it sneeze a triple... it's a myth for all I know...), any grunting or grumping about is cute *thumbs up*, any sneezy talk is fabultastic, you know the drill.

Of course I myself never say anything for 2 reasons:

(a) There's no one there.

(:nohappy: On the off chance that someone IS there I'm waiting for them to deduct from the sneeze that TYHEY should be blessing ME (so far, not much success on recent attempts... some success years ago THOUGH... just felt like emphasizing though too, deal :lol: ).

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I picked "excuse me," because that is my favorite phrase. However, I like a lot of different phrases. I was never big on "bless me" until one of my very cute friends said it, and then I melted! :cry: Basically, as long as they acknowledge their sneeze, too, I enjoy it. So, they can say just about anything except the phrase, "Gosh, I really hate sneezing." That's probably the only thing they could say that would make me feel bad. :D

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I voted for nothing because most of the time it dosen't bother me when someone sneezes. If they say excuse me or sorry occasionally that is fine but if they have to say excuse me after every single sneeze every time....yeah that gets on my nerves. So most of the time unless a group of people are around or its somewhere they should probably say excuse me I would rather them not say anything at all. Bless me gets on my nerves too. If I am going to bless you thats my decision to make, I don't think I should have to say it just because you want me too.

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I hate "Bless me". Then again for a long time I hated people sayong "Bless you" too but I got over it when I married someone that said it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I actually prefer nothing at all. A little frustrated groan or whimper is nice sometimes however. :(

My bf always excuses himself, which I find simultaneously super cute and slightly irritating, lol! I feel like just saying to him, "hey, there's no reason to say 'excuse me', because I actually like it when you sneeze". (But I'm too chicken, and I've pretty much sworn to myself that no one will ever know about my fetish as long as I live, if I can help it. I kind of like having this secret from the rest of the world... apart from you guys, hehe.)

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generally "Excuse me" is a sure way to get me all goofy and grinning. But not an Every sneeze thing. But... ok if the person has a certain type of voice and says "Pardon" after sneezing............. I DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Descry

I said other, because otherwise I've no idea what to pick. 'Excuse me' and 'Bless me' are both favourites of mine, and then of course a little sigh or moan after a sneeze is always, always, wonderful. =)

The word 'Pardon' is just a turn off for me...I'm not sure why, though.

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Wow, I'm surprised at just how few people actually like 'Bless me.' I think it's adorable. I also see it more as a cute post-sneeze pardoning rather than a command that someone else bless them. (Also, how did I miss this poll the first time around?)

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:goof: i love when people (or myself) say pardon me. there is just something so proper about it...like youre trying extra hard to make up for the totally improper sneeze...

although, if i happen to sneeze around a fetishist, i dont say anything like that...i give my wicked grin :laugh: and let them know im being playful... or i ask them if they liked it....

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I usually don't say anything.

What I prefer from other people? Well, haven't thought about it, but if I have to choose one it'd be "excuse me", "ugh :laugh: (or something like that)", or nothing at all.

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  • 1 month later...

I really like Bless Me, cause my partner says it most of the time when she sneezes (the other times she won't say anything, and in those cases I'll bless her). If she sneezes on the phone she'll apologise or say that she sneezed. (sort of redundant I'd think, but so cute. LOL. Like, she'll sneeze and then say in a surprised and sort of cheeky tone, "I sneezed..." and sort of laugh. It's hard to describe. She has no idea about my fetish. It depends what mood she's in how she responds to her own sneezes. She has to be in a good mood to react that way.)

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