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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Does anyone else feel this way?

The Maharaja

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Sometimes I feel like sneezing is just about the only thing that turns me on. Well, at least it gets me going WAY more than ANYTHING else. Does anyone else have this problem?

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hmmm...yeah i know this feeling. right now, its about the only thing working for me too, but i see it as a really good thing! :drool:

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ya i totally know what you mean. its like sneezing is the only thing at all like um for example...even someone trying really hard to turn you on like tryin REALLY hard cant really get you to "that point" tilll they pull the sneezing card right. but ya i agree with chui its not like its a bad thing comeone just tell the SO that you need a bit more sneezing to spice it up for ya lol haha :)

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Yes, I do feel this way, and this is why I'm extrememly glad I have a wonderful memory, and a vivid imagination, so that when I'm getting close, I can help myself along with some wonderful sneeze memories!

And I agree that this fetish is way cool! I know lots of people who are jealous of us, because they wish they had a magical trigger like that, something kind of common. :)

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I don't think I've ever been to the point where it is the ONLY thing that will get me going, but a lot of the time it is the fastest and most intense way to turn me on. I do, however, go through spurts when I can take or leave.

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Yeah, I totally sympathize. Sometimes it scares me knowing that while it's not the only thing that can turn me on, it's the biggest thing to send me over the edge. At the same time, it's also fairly cool, knowing there's a certain quirk that can get me going in a way no non-fetishist ever can. :dead:

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  • 1 year later...
Guest snifflessneezypenguin
Sometimes I feel like sneezing is just about the only thing that turns me on. Well, at least it gets me going WAY more than ANYTHING else. Does anyone else have this problem?

Heck yes, it terrifies me too.

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Sometimes I feel like sneezing is just about the only thing that turns me on. Well, at least it gets me going WAY more than ANYTHING else. Does anyone else have this problem?

Heck yes, it terrifies me too.

I have this problem too, but I attribute it to being trapped in a very bad marriage. If I ever get out of it, I assume I'll be able to get turned on in more conventional ways, but for now the fetish is all I have.

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I have this problem too, but I attribute it to being trapped in a very bad marriage. If I ever get out of it, I assume I'll be able to get turned on in more conventional ways, but for now the fetish is all I have.

Very sorry to hear that. It reminds me of how I felt with the girl I once considered proposing to.

Take solace in the fact that many are in your shoes, without the benefit of a sneeze fetish to bring them pleasure.

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I have this problem too, but I attribute it to being trapped in a very bad marriage. If I ever get out of it, I assume I'll be able to get turned on in more conventional ways, but for now the fetish is all I have.

Very sorry to hear that. It reminds me of how I felt with the girl I once considered proposing to.

Take solace in the fact that many are in your shoes, without the benefit of a sneeze fetish to bring them pleasure.

Thank you!

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I've never had this issue before...I DO have fetishes for things besides sneezing, but I can often simply be turned on by a specific person/their actions.

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I have to agree with sneezedreamer....

My fetish is a PART of my sexuality but does not define it. I think that was, to some extent, the most awful part of dating another fetishist as he would often eschew penetrative sex in favour of a good fit of sneezes...

Let's just say that he was a complete and utter bastard (apologies for language) in more ways than one and I was often left extremely frustrated by his selfish behaviour...

I won't name names but if you live in the UK and you recognise yourself and have dated a fetishist I am drunk, doped up to the eyeballs, have developed shit hot allergies since we dated and have met the perfect man so :twisted:

... apologies for the rant but I'm still a bit bitter about the way this supposedly "GREAT" member of the community actually treats people....

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KK, don't feel bad, I also dated a popular member of the forum who ended up being a total asshole :hug: Fortunately, the current SO more than makes up for past bad experiences and the fetish is only a tiny part of our relationship :laugh:

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KK, don't feel bad, I also dated a popular member of the forum who ended up being a total asshole :hug: Fortunately, the current SO more than makes up for past bad experiences and the fetish is only a tiny part of our relationship :hug:

My god I went on a ranting spree last night didn't I? I really shouldn't post when mixing medication and alcohol :laugh:

Lynne, the fetish plays no part of my current relationship although my SO's sneezes get me going like no tomorrow. In some ways it is nice to be in a mature, loving relationship with a man who actually cares about more than just his own sexual pleasure and doesn't need you to sneeze just to get him in the mood. I actually truly hated that about the ex.

Sorry to hear about your experience and glad you found someone a lot better :blushing:

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Ah medication and alcohol, what a wonderful combination...

I did forget one thing; back whe I wasn't a sad lonely depressive wreck :), A used to nuzzle me, especially on the nose. The first time she did that I was paralysed for about a minute. Very powerful stuff.

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yes I am the same way....I dont think i ever tried to get turned on by anything else other then sneezing though....and damn i want to date someone with the fetish, i think that would be so cool, you guys that did are so lucky, no matter what outcome it had...so anybody wanna take me out? lol :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest )Swing(
Sometimes I feel like sneezing is just about the only thing that turns me on. Well, at least it gets me going WAY more than ANYTHING else. Does anyone else have this problem?

Have felt along the lines of the latter many times, but can't say I've ever really experienced the former.

Girls sneezing > any other turn-on for me, and it's been that way for years, but I've never yet thought "I need that to happen, or else no doing..."

Perfectly possible that such a thing may happen in future, of course. But I hope not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

its the one thing that will get me turned on but i have other fetishes and i like some of the more normal stuff but sneezing always does it over any of the other stuff i would always someone to make themselves sneeze before anything else happened

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ya i totally know what you mean. its like sneezing is the only thing at all like um for example...even someone trying really hard to turn you on like tryin REALLY hard cant really get you to "that point" tilll they pull the sneezing card right. but ya i agree with chui its not like its a bad thing comeone just tell the SO that you need a bit more sneezing to spice it up for ya lol haha :wub:

this sometimes happens w/ me and my gf,i feel weird sometimes and kinda wish i was turned on by more "normal" things :/

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I feel rather divided in two. The fetish is for when I'm alone, daydreaming, surfing on the internet, or having private thoughts in class. My longing for a guy sneezing for me is merely an unrealistic (though very lovely) fantasy. For me it would never work out in real life. ;)

In real life on the other hand, I think I'm turned on similar to anyone who hasn't got a fetish.

Only bad thing is, that my fantasies keep telling me that it would all be so much better if sneezing was involved, and that sometimes keeps me from having the best experriences.

I know I can't ever combine the two parts and that's what annoy me! :wub: A lot!

Am I making sence to anyone or is this the time to stop rambling..? :unsure:

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  • 4 weeks later...

No, that makes sense. The fetish for me is integral to my fantasy life, and I haven't had a great deal of real-life experiences involving sneezing, but that's probably because I haven't dated that much yet.

I do sometimes feel like it's the only thing that gets me going because it's where my mind immediately goes when I'm attracted to someone. But the older I get, the more I realize that there are other components to my sexuality that I wasn't even aware of, so I'm hoping that when I get into a serious relationship, some of the more typical things will turn me on as well. But I can definitely understand your concern; I've wondered that about myself and gotten frustrated. I think the best thing to do is just realize that you can't change it so you might as well embrace it and not worry too much. What the people above me have said is absolutely correct: the fetish is our magic button and it's very fun and convenient to press! :laugh::P

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It's not the only thing that turns me on, but I like being the 'turner on'er' LOL I enjoy the fact that I can turn other people on and not feel intimidated or embarassed being me and doing what I cannot control--it's sexy that I can turn someone else on and that turns me on. M has a great, great sneeze and sometimes (if its the time when I'm craving it) that it is all I want out of him. Other times, I just bless him and move on and it does nothing for me. I guess that would make me like a quarter-time fetishist! LOL. Thats about what I want out of it every month.

There are times when I totally crave seeing/hearing sneezes from the ones around me. And, I can say that I also love when I hear/see someone who i have been DYING to know what thier sneeze is like to sneeze around me.

Like mentioned...part of the sexuality, yes. Only certain people have the ability to turn me on when sneezing--typically people who I would be interested in sleeping with and not so much anyone else. Ramblings....

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