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A rant about handkerchiefs


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From another discussion board... A bit extreme... :-)


Hankies not be sneezed at

OUTRAGE is the first thing that I feel when the simple act of reaching for my handkerchief is met with such an unpleasant reception by others.

To think that such an item, once a luxury embraced by French courtiers at the time of Henry II, made with the finest and most expensive fabrics - a symbol of aristocracy - would today be ridiculed by many as an unhygienic safe-haven of germs? A tool of German royalty and even found in the court of Richard II, King of England, the handkerchief is an instrument that has been endorsed by the highest ranks of society.

So why is it that today the handkerchief is more often than not used purely in jest?

The number of lives the handkerchief has saved throughout history would surely be enough to invoke respect within society - yes, that's right, how many men in times of crisis, at the brink of defeat and certain death, have turned to a white handkerchief to surrender?

Today it is the tissue that rules, but did you know that Kleenex initially sold the tissue as a make-up remover, believing that a disposable handkerchief would not sell?

While it may be true that the handkerchief has suffered bad PR of late, its adoption by so many gangs as a glorified bandanna may just ensure its survival, at least for the moment.

Let's look at the big issues. The use of a handkerchief is undoubtedly an environmentally sound practice, saving the use of so many tissues, but what about hygiene? Any normal person would change handkerchiefs at least daily, to be washed and reused; so unless you are an enormous germaphobe, I must insist that the miniscule hygiene concern is greatly outweighed by the long-term conservation that this medium allows.

With each passing day of new technology and ideas, I do question whether, after 400 years of use, the handkerchief's survival is at risk. If it is not reinvented soon, if we do not start to see film stars blowing their noses into handkerchiefs, if we don't see them taken into space as an astronaut essential, we could be at risk of losing a modern-day piece of history that fits right into our pockets.

Even as a simple inclusion in the breast pocket of a man's suit, the once commonplace proud white handkerchief has become rare. Are we losing merely a snot-cloth or a vestige of our ancestors, to be carried with pride?

If you still strongly support the death of the handkerchief, then, my friend, I will pray for you on that rainy day when you have to try surrendering with a tissue.

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I certainly agree with all the points in support of the handkerchief, but I believe that the best thing we hanky supporters can do is to use our hankies openly and proudly, leading the way by example!

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While I used to assume that it was true, I am no longer convinced that handkerchiefs are less hygienic than tissues. With a tissue, you use it and toss it -- leading to germy tissues littering the floor surrounding an overflowing wastebasket or piled on the nightstand. Someone has to pick up all those tissues, too. With a handkerchief, you use it and place it back in your pocket (or cleavage, if you're a lady). No used tissues laying about. As long as you wash your hands after using either, I don't see how the tissues get the hygiene advantage.

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While I used to assume that it was true, I am no longer convinced that handkerchiefs are less hygienic than tissues. With a tissue, you use it and toss it -- leading to germy tissues littering the floor surrounding an overflowing wastebasket or piled on the nightstand. Someone has to pick up all those tissues, too. With a handkerchief, you use it and place it back in your pocket (or cleavage, if you're a lady). No used tissues laying about. As long as you wash your hands after using either, I don't see how the tissues get the hygiene advantage.

I totally agree; the hygiene argument for tissues over handkerchief is a myth. I always see people using a tissue more than once, and especially when you're away from home, what do you do with it when you're done? Besides that, with a hanky there's much less chance snot will get on your hands, and you really should be washing you hands regardless of whether you've used a hanky or tissue.

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A myth initiated and perpetuated by the Kleenex company, whose old slogan was "Don't keep a cold in your pocket." Nowadays, their advertisements stress how comfortable the product is, but back in the day, the emphasis was definitely on hygiene.

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Anyone who re-uses a tissue should be strung up by his thumbs until he pleads for mercy ;-)

Indeed, if tissues are used, they create a potential germ hazard in the wastebasket . . . but then again, there's the fact that a handkerchief must be washed. And someone has to kind of pull it open to expose the used surfaces before washing. Which is, to me, kinda icky. But I am one of the aforementioned germophobes.

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but then again, there's the fact that a handkerchief must be washed. And someone has to kind of pull it open to expose the used surfaces before washing.

Very true, but to me, that's just one more thing to love!

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  • 1 year later...
While I used to assume that it was true, I am no longer convinced that handkerchiefs are less hygienic than tissues. With a tissue, you use it and toss it -- leading to germy tissues littering the floor surrounding an overflowing wastebasket or piled on the nightstand. Someone has to pick up all those tissues, too. With a handkerchief, you use it and place it back in your pocket (or cleavage, if you're a lady). No used tissues laying about. As long as you wash your hands after using either, I don't see how the tissues get the hygiene advantage.

how true! how many times has everyone seen a tissue used over and over until it's a soggy,wet ball and the hands of the user are wet too- but of course the saintly tissue user is above reproach for their wonderfully hygeinic approach to noseblowing-don't make me laugh!then into the open wastebasket where the liquid evaporates into the air-but no matter-it's from a tissue!no need to wash our hands or worry further B) ... hopeless romantic

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If you still strongly support the death of the handkerchief, then, my friend, I will pray for you on that rainy day when you have to try surrendering with a tissue.
:laugh: I love how this is written! So much pathos.
how true! how many times has everyone seen a tissue used over and over until it's a soggy,wet ball and the hands of the user are wet too- but of course the saintly tissue user is above reproach for their wonderfully hygeinic approach to noseblowing-don't make me laugh!then into the open wastebasket where the liquid evaporates into the air-but no matter-it's from a tissue!

Actually, I find that unhygienity highly erotic. :P

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Anyone who slags off handkerchiefs are uneducated as far as im concerned. Tissues are a waste of time a hanky you can keep forever and they dont ruin the enviorment! HANKY LOVERS UNITE :P

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If you still strongly support the death of the handkerchief, then, my friend, I will pray for you on that rainy day when you have to try surrendering with a tissue.
:hypoc: I love how this is written! So much pathos.
how true! how many times has everyone seen a tissue used over and over until it's a soggy,wet ball and the hands of the user are wet too- but of course the saintly tissue user is above reproach for their wonderfully hygeinic approach to noseblowing-don't make me laugh!then into the open wastebasket where the liquid evaporates into the air-but no matter-it's from a tissue!

Actually, I find that unhygienity highly erotic. :P

I find it erotic to the n th degreee too-- it's that dimwitted tissue-argument that's so overly pious! :P

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Anyone who slags off handkerchiefs are uneducated as far as im concerned. Tissues are a waste of time a hanky you can keep forever and they dont ruin the enviorment! HANKY LOVERS UNITE :P

absolutely!-hopeless romantic

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Guest mlp1006
Anyone who slags off handkerchiefs are uneducated as far as im concerned. Tissues are a waste of time a hanky you can keep forever and they dont ruin the enviorment! HANKY LOVERS UNITE :angry:

I agree!! It's too bad our wasteful society can't see that handkerchiefs are a simple solution to less pollution! Btw, your hanky picture under your username is awesome Hankysneeze!


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Very good point--hopefully the use of handkerchieves will become more prevalent and spare a lot of trees.At least we're doing what we can,right?I haven't bought a tissue in yeeears!--hopeless romantic

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Handkerchieves USER GROUP ....

Ther seem to be alot more of us now .. both males and females .. whcih is excelnet news

I know, sometime ago that Countless and I did try for a Handkerchief Users Group ...BUT there was not alot of take up... perhaps it would be a good idea to try again ... JUST imagine a whole group of us ... Hankman. Countless, Hankysneeze, mlp,. hopeless romantic, sneezedreamer, hankyhonk, hankyhunt, rhinoceros .. all meeting up .. in Belgium, seems to be the obvious place ... UMMMM would be a great meet..

What do you all think ??


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That sounds like a good idea hankman, a hanky user group :D and the meeting sounds like a good idea too,dont think it would ever happen though as we are all over the world,but nice idea :D . Mlp glad you like the picture those hankies are fantastic arnt they :clapping:

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I know, sometime ago that Countless and I did try for a Handkerchief Users Group ...BUT there was not alot of take up... perhaps it would be a good idea to try again ... JUST imagine a whole group of us ... Hankman. Countless, Hankysneeze, mlp,. hopeless romantic, sneezedreamer, hankyhonk, hankyhunt, rhinoceros .. all meeting up .. in Belgium, seems to be the obvious place ... UMMMM would be a great meet..

What do you all think ??


I'd be up for a meeting although London might be more straightforward....as long as it wasn't restricted to hankie fetish purists as I'm something of a failure on that particular front.

Edited by Vetinari
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Don't forget about Facebook groups that already exist to express love for the handkerchief. :-) Like the one called Handkerchief Users Unite. You can always create a fake identity on Facebook to join, if you want to protect your real Facebook profile.

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London sounds good for me too!

Not sure how we'd all feel about it though it's a pretty unique situation!

What if some of us knew each other! hehehe

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What if some of us knew each other! hehehe

Then you would both be in the same boat. It's pretty unlikely though.

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London ? I will need to find a very good excuse to go there on my own AGAIN heehee...

But I love that city so no problem. Just do not forget that Belgium is THE hanky capital !

On facebook there are several interesting groups indeed and I am a member of several.

My (fake) account is Susanna Baker (with to give is to receive pic).


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I would like to meet others but would be alittle worried it would be excellent though :blushing::bag::D hankies everywhere :D

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I would like to meet others but would be a little worried

I promise I don't bite! Actually I think being nervous would be normal. I know I will be if it happens.

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