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How important is the nose?


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I keep haivng this recurring discussion with a friend of mine at work, and even last night, my hubby asked me a similar question. And I was just curious about everyone else's thoughts about this.

When you are looking at people, and deciding whether or not they are attractive, just how much time do you spend looking at their nose? And does it have a lot of unfluence on whether or not you find them appealing?

I have found, that I do look at the nose, a lot. And I do sort of put it together with the whole package, and decide if it fits the person and help make them attractive to me or not. And I also joke about it being an important organ, which really it is to me! But, I was just wondering if I was perhaps more obsessed with noses than most of us on here or not.

Thank you!

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In my opinion, the nose isn't really all that important, its what the nose can DO that matters. :wheels:

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I do take a good look at peoples noses, and in some cases that can determine (for me) wether or not the guy is attractive... but not always... Did I ever mention my obsession with Gaara's nose :blushing: He may be just a cartoon character, but I really love his nose... another thing, almost everyone on naruto has the same nose, but I only Love Gaara's nose :lol: I'm still trying to figure that out... I wonder why that is??

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You know, I'm actually not sure. :lol: I guess I never thought about it before. I know what type of noses I PREFER, but I don't think it has any bearing on if I find the person attractive or not. I'm more likely to be turned on/off by the state of their teeth than their nose.

I will say the one thing that is an instant turn-off for me is when a person has their septum pierced. I've never liked the way that looks. A nostril is fine. In fact, I find it very sexy. But leave the bull ring with the bull. :blushing:


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They generally have to have a nice nose for me to pay them 'special attention'. But when I'm thinking of someone sexually, its only the way the nose works when it sneezes, in addition to the rest of the body. Its the sneeze and how it works that is most important (physically).

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You know, I'm actually not sure. :blushing: I guess I never thought about it before. I know what type of noses I PREFER, but I don't think it has any bearing on if I find the person attractive or not. I'm more likely to be turned on/off by the state of their teeth than their nose.

I will say the one thing that is an instant turn-off for me is when a person has their septum pierced. I've never liked the way that looks. A nostril is fine. In fact, I find it very sexy. But leave the bull ring with the bull. :lol:


ditto, ditto, ditto your whole, entire post! I'd really never thought about it, and now I do I'd say it's no more important than any other part of the face overall, really.

but i sort of think my reply's irrelevant because i'm (rare among sneeze fetishists??) really not bothered by a sneezer's nose - i never look at it, and was surprised when i first saw how much time people dedicate to describing it in obs on here - for me, it's ALL in the sound :blushing:

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It's not something that I completely focus on, but it does factor into whether or not I find a person attractive. I'm not sure that I ascribe more importance to a person's nose than any other facial feature. It might be more important to me that a potential partner have attractive eyes, for instance, than an attractive nose.

Now, the sound of a person's sneezes. . . that's important to me.

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I have found, that I do look at the nose, a lot. And I do sort of put it together with the whole package, and decide if it fits the person and help make them attractive to me or not. And I also joke about it being an important organ, which really it is to me!

I absolutely agree with you Sneesee darling. I would say that I have a nose fetish secondary to the sneezing fetish. ;)

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Hmmm... I do look at it a bunch *if I'm willing someone to sneeze (unsuccessfully ;) ) for instance... not that I'd do that :hug: *

But... I think of the person as being attractive first and then notice the nose. I'm a floppy hair lover and wire frame glasses just totally melt me *yeah... I'm into "geeks" :lol: :lol:* And the face- everything working together.

*alright now I've got yummy "geeky" boy images in my brain*

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I guess I was just curious, because, before finding this place, I don't think I actually paid so much attention to a person's nose shape and everything. Now, I realize that I look, and scrutinize, and all of that. Like Jasmine said, I definitely have a secondary nose fetish. I'm completely fascinated with noses now.

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You know, I'm actually not sure. :lol: I guess I never thought about it before. I know what type of noses I PREFER, but I don't think it has any bearing on if I find the person attractive or not. I'm more likely to be turned on/off by the state of their teeth than their nose.

I will say the one thing that is an instant turn-off for me is when a person has their septum pierced. I've never liked the way that looks. A nostril is fine. In fact, I find it very sexy. But leave the bull ring with the bull. :lol:


ditto, ditto, ditto your whole, entire post! I'd really never thought about it, and now I do I'd say it's no more important than any other part of the face overall, really.

but i sort of think my reply's irrelevant because i'm (rare among sneeze fetishists??) really not bothered by a sneezer's nose - i never look at it, and was surprised when i first saw how much time people dedicate to describing it in obs on here - for me, it's ALL in the sound ;)

I don't think your reply is at all irrelevant. For me the sound is far more important too. Like you I was surprised by how much import was placed upon the shape and size.

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It's because of this fetish that I now pay a lot of attention to someone's nose. If they have a really unattractive nose (I'm one to talk...), it can be a big turnoff. But I've noticed that I'm not too picky with guys because most of them have nice noses. But every once in a while, someone will pull an Adrien Brody... :D

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Interesting question Sneesee hon, :hug:

Thing is, up until you brought this up, I'd never really thought about it, and to be honest, I'm still not entirely sure. I think like many others here, it's the sound rather than the appearence and in this particular context I don't actually mean the sneezing, but from purely a blowing stand point. Sitting here now trying to analyse what you're asking, I still don't think that is one of the key things I look at when I see an attractive girl/lady whatever. :omg: It might get a closer examination (if that's at all possible), after the rest of her has been given the once over so to speak. (Shit, where is this going????) Is that a silver penny? :D

Erm, Sneesee love, I don't know. :lol: Holy crap!! How's that for intelligent analysis. :lmao:

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Until I came here it nevrer occurred to me that anyone interested in sneezes would not be interested in noses. I don't mean that sneezes can't be wonderful from any nose; some of the loveliest sneezes come from very ordinary or indeed unsneezy noses.

But there is so much sneeziness to the nose; the flaring nostrils, the tilt of the nose, what is that line from Roxane?; " iT'S NOT THE SIZE of the nose; it's what's in it that counts..."

And it's not unreasonable to say that the nose often dominated the face; it is prominent and central, after all. It's also a very odd shape, if you think about itt.

I've always assumed that I started by fantasising about what a nose might sneeze like; but anyway, I am almost hypnotised by some noses; pointy , sticky-out noses, turned up noses, snub noses, freckled noses, and those with mobile, flary, large nostrils. In some cases I can't take my eyes off them; so by these standards I must have a subsidiary nose-fetish.

I also discovered somewhat later in life that I love touching and playing with noses; it's not something one can do much in early life, but it's really good fun; I recommend trying it to those who don't feel so attracted; you may be surprised.

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i most definitely look at noses, women's noses of course. It really isn't a deciding factor as to whether or not i find them attractive. But as others have pointed out, more a part of the entire package, and what that nose can do :unsure:

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im not really sure. ive never had a thing for noses.. just the sneezing part. however, ive noticed lately, that ive been finding myself more attracted and paying more attention to just noses! its so wierd! especially with my bf. i can just look at his nose.. and be like.. RAWR! :) but maybe thats because i start thinking about sneezing, i dont know. but even if he just rubs it.. im like :blushing: and i do pay attention to the nose in people i date. which is also wierd. :unsure:

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Guest Ricardo

Well, in my opinion, the nose is the most important thing in regard to women. If she hasn't got the perfect nose to my needs, she's no good. Pretty messed up, eh ??

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  • 2 years later...
I guess I was just curious, because, before finding this place, I don't think I actually paid so much attention to a person's nose shape and everything. Now, I realize that I look, and scrutinize, and all of that. Like Jasmine said, I definitely have a secondary nose fetish. I'm completely fascinated with noses now.

Same here. I'm a face value kind of guy, so the way a person's face looks contributes to whether or not I am attracted to them; and one of the most prominent features of the face (along with eyes, lips, etc.) is the nose! I believe I have a nose fetish as well. Sneezing is always more appealing to me than a nose by itself, but I do believe there is such thing as a "sexy nose".

Also, if the nose compliments the other parts of the face, such as the eyes and mouth, then that's always a plus.

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The nose is extremely important to me, I couldn't fancy someone if I didn't find their nose attractive.

And when I talk to someone I sometimes find I am looking at their nose rather than their eyes (and almost feel guilty, as daft as that sounds, as if they may guess that I am interested in their nose)


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Noses are very important to me. It's the first thing I look at when I meet a new person (I get extremely impatient when I don't get a side-view fast enough :cryhappy: ) and yes, I'm afraid that if I don't like the nose, I won't find the person that attractive.

I tend to look more at men's noses than women's, though. I like a lot of different shapes (aquiline, straight, the bridge softly rounded) but I prefer them to be on the larger/longer side. Masculine. Mmm, yes... *floats away in daydreams*

By the way, the male models in glasses ads often have crazy sexy noses. :heart: I've sometimes gone to optician stores just to drool over the ads, and yes, I am that obsessed. I'd steal one and put it on my wall if I could get away with it. :drool:

Edited by VoOs
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Seriously, I love a sexy nose. Gawd. with shape. And (at least some) size. And a well defined bridge. Now, aquiline noses... :drool: Or like Dumas would put it:

nose hooked, but finely chiseled

This phrase fascinated me endlessly when I was twelve or so. :lol:

Now, the best part of a nose for me is of course a fine pair of nostrils... long and narrow(ish), with a strong curve.... :omg: That is so absolutely hot. One thing I love about being rather short myself - interacting with a man who has a good nose, I get a good view of the nostrils by just looking up :blushing: . And if the said lovely pair of nostrils is likely to flare with certain intense emotions (like disdain)?


It's all best finished with a beautifully carved cupid's bow... there's now question about it; for me, the absolutely most erotic part of human body is the philtrum. And judging from the name, I can't be the only one who thinks so. :D Seriously, such a central part of face, right between the nose and the mouth - officially sneeziest area of the face - sensitive, expressive, and very private when it comes to touching... :cryhappy: Wonderful!

*faints once more*

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I've never really thought about it, I don't think I pay anymore attention to someones nose then to there lips or teeth or hair. eyes are the biggest thing for me, and I have to agree it's what the nose does that is important :stretcher:

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I look at people's noses a lot when I'm trying to appraise how they look, especially from profile. Somebody can have a perfect face and body and eveythin, but if they have an ugly nose, i'm instantly put off. this surprisingly does not work the other way around. :/

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