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Suicune...It's A Pokemon


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Okay, I know. I'm not even supposed to be here. BUT, this was suggested to me to draw and when I saw what one of these looked like and the pretty colours I just HAD to do it.

Now, I didn't even know what one of these even WAS until a couple days ago...so this might not look very much like one. And, I'm still learning and struggling with the CG colouring so forgive me. Despite my lack of know how in that area, I wanted to colour it because I think this fella's colours are really pretty.

Not sure if this is supposed to be a male or female. (Are Pokemons male and female or are they just Pokemons??)

And, one final thing. This was drawn as per the preferences of the person who suggested it. So don't bug me about it not fitting anyone else's preferences, okay?

So...Suicune VS the Feather




KawaiiKitty was never here. You saw nothing. (Vanishes ninja-like back into the darkness...)

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That's awesome, KawaiiKitty! :omg: The coloring is lovely, and the build-up expression is just... :laugh: Yes.

Thank you for sharing! :hug:

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LIES!!! I SAW YOU!!!! :omg:

Wtf, that's an AWESOME piece!! :laugh: I love it when you draw sneezing animals/creatures and this is one of the best I've seen, if you don't mind my saying so! :hug:

Hehehe....the expression RULES! I think this must also go on my Art Wall of Doom. It doesn't MATTER if it's not for me! :lol:


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Looks like my allure is too hard to resist! :hug: Haha! :lol: Ok, there is my once-in-a-blue-moon egotist line! :laugh:

The colouring is AWESOME! Hehe, I'm probably talking to empty space now :omg: Well, maybe they'll be able to float back to you eventually...

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Okay, I know. I'm not even supposed to be here.

WRONG! You ARE supposed to be here! :omg::hug: Love the drawing. Love the colors. Love that you popped in to share. :laugh:

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ditto to vfp!!! :laugh: and i do love the art too...thats an awesome coloring job!!!!

and i saw nothing....nothing at all...

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GAH! -flails arms constantly- I love Suicune. Its a sexy pokemon. >_> <-- someone wheel this maniac away. SHE LOVES A POKEMON! o_O:

You did an awesome job. I'm loving on this. Because I have flam-i-fied zombie pants. -nod nod-

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Kaiwaikitty... That. ROCKS.

Murble... :lol: This is AWESOMELY AWESOME and THANKYOU for posting it mate because it just made my horrifically crappy day of walking around with a brick in my head (have got a mutant cold :laugh: not fun)

Dude, please dont dissapear forever :cat: I LOVE YOU!! As does like, EVERYONE ELSE!! :innocent::hug:

BACK on topic;

The colouring is AWESOME :omg: and the lines are beautiful.

I love it :omg:

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Guest G Sneeze

*probably one of the few who still plays Pokemon* XD

I think the colors of it are fantastic, and the expression is cute indeed. :dead:

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Meh, I go through week long bouts of pokemon about once every 3 months. Spare tie at home, I get out my Ruby. That save rocks.

By the way, I have 2 Suicunes. And I didn't cheat. Coz I'm cool ^^

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awsome pic, suicune was a cool pokemon, besides for the fact that i could never catch it in that game....i really like the coloring. keep it up!

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Oh holy crap wow. Thanks everyone. I didn't realise there was so many Pokemon fans. I used to watch it back in the day. The original Pokemon series. No, I don't have a giant Meowth stuffed toy...really (quickly shoves toy under bed) I mean, I didn't like the storyline but the character design of the little monsters was what got me hooked!

DragonDust-glad you liked it! Anytime!

_Thread-Ah, but you knew that already, didn't you? :drool:

To whoever called it the "water beast"...that's so funny, I naturally assumed it had something to do with water because "sui"=Chinese for water, despite the fact that Pokemon comes from Japan, not China (yes, I do know the difference!) Hilarious to see that I was right!

And to everyone who played/plays the game. I'm so jealous. I never did get around to affording a Game Boy so I've never played it myself.

But now I think I shall brush up on more Pokemon's because I want to do some more now!

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I've been a fan of the games for a while, but I generally don't watch the show. Dunno why...

Also, Suikun, the original japanese name, translates to water prince, according to Wikipedia. He's one of the cooler Pokemon.

The new games for the Nintendo DS are alright.

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Not sure if this is supposed to be a male or female. (Are Pokemons male and female or are they just Pokemons??)

Usually there are male and female ones in the newer versions they slightly differ in their appeareance in the older ones male and female looked alike and in the oldest ones there weren't any male or female ones (excluding 6 "special" ones with gender). Suicune is a legendary pokemon though and as almost all of those it is genderless (maybe to prevent breeding it).

Not that anyone really would want to know all that :mellow:

*probably one of the few who still plays Pokemon* XD

-cough- .. :rolleyes: ... :specool:

Personally while i played (and still play) the games quite a bit i've never been a fan of the series .. always bugged me that they used status boosting moves like "Agility" to attack :P.

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You prolly picked one of the better ones for a sneeze. Though perhaps a Vulpix/Ninetails might join the crowd? :unsure:

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Ok, not an expert in Japanese (Because I've only studied for 3 years, and I forgot most if it anyway >_>), but...

"sui" is water in Japanese, too! :D Although... I think it's a blanket term for water. I know that when I ask for water to drink, it's "mizu"....

Don't know about "kun" >_> I only know of it used as a name term, and in the compound "kunyomi", which is the original Japanese (pre-Chinese characters in writing system) reading for a word. eg. "東" = "tou" in onyomi (Chinese) and "higashi" in kunyomi.

Buuut that's more than anyone wanted to know! :omg:

-- on topic:

Ahh, so you admit that I am correct? :P Haha, you're so nice! :D

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You prolly picked one of the better ones for a sneeze. Though perhaps a Vulpix/Ninetails might join the crowd? :omg:

Oh!OH! I loved Vulpix! You know, I think I just might. Perhaps not this week, as I have just gotten very busy. But I definitely must do that one, it's a very cute Pokemon and one of the ones that was actually in it back when I used to watch it!

Ok, not an expert in Japanese (Because I've only studied for 3 years, and I forgot most if it anyway >_>), but...

"sui" is water in Japanese, too! :D Although... I think it's a blanket term for water. I know that when I ask for water to drink, it's "mizu"....

Don't know about "kun" >_> I only know of it used as a name term, and in the compound "kunyomi", which is the original Japanese (pre-Chinese characters in writing system) reading for a word. eg. "東" = "tou" in onyomi (Chinese) and "higashi" in kunyomi.

Buuut that's more than anyone wanted to know! :P

-- on topic:

Ahh, so you admit that I am correct? :D Haha, you're so nice! :D

Oh, will I get in trouble for threadjacking my own topic? :laugh: But once again...you are right! 水 is sometimes pronounced "sui" in Japanese (although, written in "letters" it LOOKS the same but sounds pretty different in either language!) such as in 水曜日 for example and I could probably think of something else if I'd actually had my coffee yet. I can't think in Chinese and Japanese simultaneously!

Okay, folks. Back to your Pokemons. I promise I'll do the rest of my dorkery in private! :laugh:

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Cuuuuute! :drool: You're not trying to make me a Pokemon-fan, are you? :drool:

So great to see something new from you! Cuz those Miroku drawings were awsome! :drool:

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*squeee* He's wiping his nose! :drool: :drool: :drool:

Yiiiiii!!!! Kawaii things from a Kawaii kitty! :drool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Luffs Pokemon...Luffs Suicune....LUFFS the sneeze! Bravo! *applause*


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