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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Would you want someone to sneeze on you?


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I was wondering, would it make a bigger difference if someone sneezed on you opposed to just around you. I know it would turn me on EXTREMELY if someone did that on me, and I know it would totally be better than if someone just sneezed around me. and make me extremely horny :otfriendly::blushing: So far, nobody has sneezed on me, so I dont really have any expierence. Has anyone ever sneezed on you? Did it feel kool?

Is it a bigger difference than if someone sneezed around you? I know theres some germaphobes here, so I was wondering.

Any thoughts?

~Tubas B)

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This topic has been covered before in various ways and my answer is always a resounding "YES"!

"Extremely horny" doesn't even cover it and , yes, like a few of us more adventurous types, I have had the experience repeatedly and no, I'm not a germophobe.

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well...im nowhere near a germophobe....but i would have to say.... PLEASE SNEEZE ON ME!!!!!!!!!! that is the major aspect of my fetish, as i like to feel the person shudder and release while sneezing. so far only a few people have sneezed on me...and i can say i really liked it. its kinda funny though, im a serious snot-phobe and if the sneeze is too wet....ill freak out...but i still love a stifle, or even a tiny bit of spray.

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Ah, I really like it. :D I have to admit that I've gotten picky in my old age and there are only a few people I would let do this at the moment because I consider it to be an extremely sensual and personal act. Quite honestly, Mr. Aku is the only one who would get the honors at present. Well, that and my Muses, but hey.....I won't start with that. :lol:


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I'm not a germaphobe, but still... Eww, no. You're likely to get bitch slapped if you sneeze on me. :D

But if you give me some indication that a sneeze is on the way I'll gladly stand back and gawk at you!

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I have had this happen, a few times with hubby, and a couple of times with other friends. I love it! I do prefer a not-so-wet sneeze, if it's going to happen. But, the person has to be someone I'm close to, or a seriously hot stranger with an even hotter sneeze. :D If some random person sneezes on me, I'd be grossed out, I think.

There are at least two people I can think of that I'd love to have sneeze on me. Maybe someday...

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I have had this happen, a few times with hubby, and a couple of times with other friends. I love it! I do prefer a not-so-wet sneeze, if it's going to happen. But, the person has to be someone I'm close to, or a seriously hot stranger with an even hotter sneeze. :lol: If some random person sneezes on me, I'd be grossed out, I think.

There are at least two people I can think of that I'd love to have sneeze on me. Maybe someday...

I'd have to agree with Sneesee here. Selected persons only. :D

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Guest Superbird:)

Hi. I've been sneezed upon once accidentally. It was beautiful.

I could never get anyone to do for me, however. Mrs. Bird said it was just too rude! lol

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Not I. It's happened a couple times with significant others, and while I don't find it gross (unless maybe it's really wet), it does little or nothing for me. My preferred medium is sight, not touch.

That said, being sneezed on by someone unappealing is disgusting beyond reason.

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I'm as far from germaphobe you can get, but yes, I've been sneezed on by my bf, and that was really hot.

I think all depends on 3 variables - is the person attractive, how "much" does he sneeze on me and how does he react (politeness/inpoliteness) if it's hot or gross.

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YES! As ever, I am with Mr S on this one. I can't work out whether it's more exciting if done deliberately or by accident; in fact I have little experience of the former; like Superbird, an old gf of mine actually worked out what i wanted her to do without being told, but decided against it because it was "gross" [well, she was American]. I do remember a schoolfriend of mine when I was about 12 sneezing accidentally right in my face; I told myself that I didn't like it, but of course I did really; possibly jusyt a little young to appreciate it properly. Oh, and of course the sneezer should apologise, elaborately, if possible while building up to the next, even messier sneeze.

But there have been magical occasions.....

I'll say it again; the wetter the better, the messier the bessier.

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Yes, please. :drool:

:drool: Love it. as for germs, just keep your resistance up. :laugh:

What would you say to someone who did it and repeatedly apologized for it? :nohappy:

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Well, let's see.

If it were my brother, I would scream as loud as I could, smack him in the face, and run away. And then maybe die.

If it were a random stranger, I would probably move away a little and go, "eww" to myself.

If it were someone hot, I would probably not be able to stop grinning. I've never had it happen, but I'm sure it would be a MAJOR turn on.

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I probably would be semi-picky, but wouldn't really mind it. If it was soemone I was attracted to, or a random person I thought was sexy then YES PLEASE.

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I absolutely LOVE being sneezed on... but only by certain people Gaara sneeze this way! :D how awsome would that be :bleh: Of course I would never admit to liking it. Words could never describe how much I would love this experience from Gaara... I mean a hot guy :bleh:

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Yes if it was someone I as close to I'll like it. No if it wasn't. Yes I am a slight germaphobe (was brought up as one). Yes I've had some adventures where its happened before :D

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  • 1 month later...

I am one of those who would say a resounding "yes" to being sneezed on. I am not a germaphobe... I love sneezes, the sight, sound and FEEL of sneezes and I adore being sneezed on -- its my hottest fantasy! I have had it happen to me on many occassions, and it is actually how I discovered that I had this fetish (my boyfriend at the time, whom I never confessed to the fetish to, accidentally sneezed directly in my face when i went to kiss him... HOLY HOTNESS it drove me wild).

I am all for the messier the better. I love the spray, and so I LOVE when my boyfriend (who DOES know) gets sick... he has really wet sneezes to start with and it gets BETTER and WETTER when he's got a cold.

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I can not believe I hadn't responded to this one yet. ok...to put my answer simply: IT'S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it i love it i love it i love it. sooo much. yeah, and the person that first did it knew, too. and was fully aware of how turned on i was. yaaaaay for understanding gf's!!!! lol. but yea, hottest thing ever was when Brit used to sneeze into my chest/shoulder when i was holding her, or when i was in her lap she would do it on the back or side of my neck. :dribble: omg, i loved that. and she was allergic to my cat so she sneezed ALOT. :devil2:

Edited by Dark_Faerie13
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No, but simply because i dont like spray.


If a guy was to stifle against me, or even better sneeze while he was holding me so i could feel his body tense....


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