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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Very rude and immature reaction when I told about my fetish


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So I recently decided to answer a couple ads online and maybe get involved in a fetish trade with a foot fetishist or something or just meet some guy who would be willing to "help me out" with my fetish. I met one guy who so far has been very nice about the fetish. We havent met in person yet but he finds it very intriguing and kind of cool to be turned on by something so commonplace. He has never heard of the fetish but so far he has treated ME with respect.

Anyway I answered an ad from a new guy, and let him know I have a sneezing/sniffling/cold, etc fetish. His ad said he is into whatever you want, including bdsm.

So he writes this back:

"Ummm, hi

Needless to say, I was in shock ever since reading your email yesterday and just now recovered enough to barely make it back to the computer and email you back....

a SNEEZING fetish?

What the hell?? Wait, I shouldn't say that. I've been taught to respect all kinds of people and be open minded.

But a sneezing fetish? Wow.

Well, assuming your not pulling my leg or anything , yeah, I could do that. I like to take walks at the beach late at night and almost always I end up getting a running nose, so maybe we can go for a walk and you might get an orgasm or something. If all else fails I can strip and jump into the freezing water and that'll do the trick. Or maybe just tickle my nose with a feather or something.

Like I said in my ad, I have to do whatever it is that will get you turned on. I'm a man of my word and I get pleasure from pleasing women in any way I can.

You're very cute by the way, from your pic. I hope maybe we can meet this weekend? Maybe get a drink or something?

Let me know, I'm a nice guy and easy to get a long with..."

I wrote back and said "Not thrilled that you made fun of me. seems pretty immature." and I blocked his e-mail account.

Is it just me or do you guys kind of want to smack him, too?

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"And so, he comes in there, and I'm like 'Look bitch, I'm Rick James!' An' I smack 'em! Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah!"

I hate to say it, but that's the same reaction I would get from anyone but my parents. Everyone else would think I'm a freak. Which I am :) , but hopefully not in that sense...

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Yes, I agree that was pretty rude. If you ever need assistance in smacking him I'd be gald to help you with a wack or two.

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WTF! That guy is an ass. Good for you for not wasting your time with him.

Although I like Blah Blah's answer a lot. I'm Rick James, bitch! *SMACK* ;)

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Guest Xylaphone

That was rude.

I do however, find it quite amusing when the guys said, "Let me know, I'm a nice guy and easy to get a long with"

Like that is suppose to make bypass everything else he said. It's kinda like thoes"No offense" comments. ;)

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Hm, I think maybe he's just an amazingly insensitive person who talks (types) before he thinks. Heaven knows the world is full of THOSE!

I just love how he's "I'm easy to get along with, but first I'll laugh at you!"

I have to feel sorry for HIM though...I mean he just managed to exclude himself from possibly having an awful lot of fun. When's the next time he's going to be LUCKY enough for someone to come along with such a fun and easy to do fetish? ;)

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In my own opinion, the opereative words were that... he has been taught to respect others and be open minded.......

Then he immediately proves that he has failed in this teaching. Anyone who starts out saying they can't respect you, run don't walk away.

Its his loss not yours.

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"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity." ;)

I think that's very appropriate here, becasue he probably thought he was being diplomatic about it! :D

Hopefully he'll learn something form your reaction about what it really means to be open minded! :drunk:

Now let's all point and laugh at him! :bawl:


Edited by Niceguy
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That was a really terrible thing to say ;) , I would be first in line to smack him like in that movie Airplane :D

Really that guy is a smooth talker, I can't believe that after saying all of that cruel stuff to you he still thought you would meet him for a drink :bawl: he really has alot of nerve!

I'm really sorry this happend to you but I'm glad to hear that you have met some other really nice people :drunk:

Please just be careful meeting these people on-line. Really get to know them before you meet them out in the real world. I'm sorry I probably sound like your mother.

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I think you just caught him by surprise, and it scared him. He's probably wondering what he got himself into when he used the words "whatever you want". So if he just got a lesson in being careful what he commits to, that's something good.

Remember, most people in the world haven't heard of such a thing as a sneeze fetish, let alone know what it is or what it's like, or what the people that have it are like. The idea is so out of the ordinary to them it would never even cross their minds such a thing might exist. To be told about it without warning is like, i dunno, being told that aliens are real and living on earth (Not as serious as that, but the idea is just as far off the beaten track). The natural reaction is to recoil (ask somebody that's run into a fundamentalist or conspiracy theorist on the street). And we that come here every other day get so used to being in this circle can forget we are really a secret to most of the world.

Just my two cents :laugh:

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I think you just caught him by surprise, and it scared him. He's probably wondering what he got himself into when he used the words "whatever you want". So if he just got a lesson in being careful what he commits to, that's something good.

I totally agree, but still think he was a jerk for his comments. I think you handled him perfectly.

Some people just don't get it, but that's okay with me. I could care less what other people think of this fetish, because personally, I think it's cool!

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Its not the fact that he thinks its weird is the problem, its the fact that he was rude and disrespectful to the person with the fetish. He had a couple days to formulate his email reply, if he was actually a "nice" person he could have done a lot better.

Edited by Fae
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Well, assuming your not pulling my leg or anything , yeah, I could do that. I like to take walks at the beach late at night and almost always I end up getting a running nose, so maybe we can go for a walk and you might get an orgasm or something. If all else fails I can strip and jump into the freezing water and that'll do the trick. Or maybe just tickle my nose with a feather or something.

It's hard to tell with an e-mail, but to me he seems extremely sarcastic in this paragraph. Do people still actually write that "I enjoy moonlit walks on the beach" b.s.? With that kind of cliché, that paragraph just screams sarcasm. "[A]nd you might get an orgasm or something." Please. What a jerk.

And besides -- he's acting like he's doing you a favor by being "open-minded" about your fetish. Like you're just frothing at the mouth for him, and yeah, he'll drop you one since he's such a "nice guy." Um, no. If he can't take the time to be respectful to you in an e-mail -- that can be reviewed, edited, and reread before sent -- he's definitely not worth your time. If he was so weirded out by it, he could have told you in a much more tactful manner. Good for you for telling him as much.

(As a personal aside, I'm a grammar queen. If a guy can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're," he's out.)

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I think you just caught him by surprise, and it scared him. He's probably wondering what he got himself into when he used the words "whatever you want". So if he just got a lesson in being careful what he commits to, that's something good.

Remember, most people in the world haven't heard of such a thing as a sneeze fetish, let alone know what it is or what it's like, or what the people that have it are like. The idea is so out of the ordinary to them it would never even cross their minds such a thing might exist. To be told about it without warning is like, i dunno, being told that aliens are real and living on earth (Not as serious as that, but the idea is just as far off the beaten track). The natural reaction is to recoil (ask somebody that's run into a fundamentalist or conspiracy theorist on the street). And we that come here every other day get so used to being in this circle can forget we are really a secret to most of the world.

Just my two cents :laugh:

Well, I disagree because the organization is FETISH ORIENTED. There are far more "odd" things than sneezing that are practiced. This guy knew what he was getting into by even joining such a thing, so I have no sympathy for him or his wording. I don't care if you "catch someone by surprise," there is NO NEED to be a sarcastic jerk like this prick.

I've told quite a few other people with different fetishes about mine and not ONE has ever gone, "whoa, that's WEIRD!" It's a FETISH. They aren't designed to "fit into the norm," no matter what they are. For someone....ANYONE....with ANY kind of fetish to look down so thoroughly on a harmless one like sneezing is not "open-minded." It's the epitome of ignorance.


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I think you just caught him by surprise, and it scared him. He's probably wondering what he got himself into when he used the words "whatever you want". So if he just got a lesson in being careful what he commits to, that's something good.

Remember, most people in the world haven't heard of such a thing as a sneeze fetish, let alone know what it is or what it's like, or what the people that have it are like. The idea is so out of the ordinary to them it would never even cross their minds such a thing might exist. To be told about it without warning is like, i dunno, being told that aliens are real and living on earth (Not as serious as that, but the idea is just as far off the beaten track). The natural reaction is to recoil (ask somebody that's run into a fundamentalist or conspiracy theorist on the street). And we that come here every other day get so used to being in this circle can forget we are really a secret to most of the world.

Just my two cents :laugh:

Well, I disagree because the organization is FETISH ORIENTED. There are far more "odd" things than sneezing that are practiced. This guy knew what he was getting into by even joining such a thing, so I have no sympathy for him or his wording. I don't care if you "catch someone by surprise," there is NO NEED to be a sarcastic jerk like this prick.

I've told quite a few other people with different fetishes about mine and not ONE has ever gone, "whoa, that's WEIRD!" It's a FETISH. They aren't designed to "fit into the norm," no matter what they are. For someone....ANYONE....with ANY kind of fetish to look down so thoroughly on a harmless one like sneezing is not "open-minded." It's the epitome of ignorance.


I totally agree with Aku on this one. I couldn't put it better myself.

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Is it just me or do you guys kind of want to smack him, too?

Smacking him would give him too much of your time. Forget him. If he is that clueless about trampling on someone's feelings even before meeting them, how is he going to meet anybody's needs, erotic or otherwise, later?

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Is it just me or do you guys kind of want to smack him, too?

Smacking him would give him too much of your time. Forget him. If he is that clueless about trampling on someone's feelings even before meeting them, how is he going to meet anybody's needs, erotic or otherwise, later?

The sad thing is that the world is full of useless jackasses like this... and all the girls seem to go for them. :P

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not all girls, just immature ones :D a lot of girls manage to grow out of the "bad-boy" phase, but some do carry it over into adulthood. a girl who respects herself, is comfortable with herself, and knows how to have a balanced relationship will be naturally drawn to NICE guys (or girls, whatever floats your boat)

I dont give 5 minutes to guys who disrespect me. I put up with years of it when I was a teenager, I dont plan to repeat those patterns.

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Is it just me or do you guys kind of want to smack him, too?

Smacking him would give him too much of your time. Forget him. If he is that clueless about trampling on someone's feelings even before meeting them, how is he going to meet anybody's needs, erotic or otherwise, later?

The sad thing is that the world is full of useless jackasses like this... and all the girls seem to go for them. :bleh:

Tch, not me. :drool: I've never understood that crap. Mr. Aku is one SERIOUSLY nice person and I've been with him for 6 years. It only took a few jerks for me to say, "uh, HELL NO." :laugh:

The problem is that some women want to "fix" guys like that. They think they can be "the one" the guy will fall for and it will change his whole outlook on life! *end sarcasm* Riiiight. Never works. A swift kick in the balls arse would work much better for these morons!


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not all girls, just immature ones :drool: a lot of girls manage to grow out of the "bad-boy" phase, but some do carry it over into adulthood. a girl who respects herself, is comfortable with herself, and knows how to have a balanced relationship will be naturally drawn to NICE guys (or girls, whatever floats your boat)

Must depend on the personality. After spending around 5 years with someone nice, kind and reasonable, I might actually go for an useless jackass. :bleh: Maybe someone who's nice just can't cope with me. (wtf blabbering)

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