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Lord help me -- I'm thinking of stealing a cold!

The Sneezster

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A woman that I work with, cute, quiet, smart, and bookish, came into work yesterday with a really juicy cold. She looked healthy, but her voice was slightly congested, and she kept sniffling, wiping her nose, and sneezing.

I totally want to steal her cold! If she's at work tomorrow, I am really tempted to snitch some snotty tissues from her wastebasket and infect myself. It is such a deliciously sniffly, drippy, sneezy cold.

Lord help me, I think I need a team of experts to deal with me!

Edited by The Sneezster
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Guest silverbirch
A woman that I work with, cute, quiet, smart, and bookish, came into work yesterday with a really juicy cold. She looked healthy, but her voice was slightly congested, and she kept sniffling, wiping her nose, and sneezing.

I totally want to steal her cold! If she's at work tomorrow, I am really tempted to snitch some snotty tissues from her wastebasket and infect myself. It is such a deliciously sniffly, drippy, sneezy cold.

Lord help me, I think I need a team of experts to deal with me!

Um I hate to put a downer on this but if you do manage to infect yourself, don't expect to get the same symptoms. In my experience the sypmtoms you get are more dependent on the person than the virus: it can effect people in different ways. I know that whenever I get a cold I always get an awfull cough because that's what I'm succeptable to, regardless of the symptoms of the person I caught the cold off.

Just a thought :)

By all means go ahead and prove me wrong.

Silver x

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Haha, sounds crazy to me... but fun too. I have to confess to doing similar things - but as SilverBirch says you don't always get the symptoms you expect :)

Keep us posted!

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If you really want it you will not catch it from her.

Whatever you do it does not work like that...

I wish you good luck anyway - and keep us posted ! :)


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Lord help me, I think I need a team of experts to deal with me!

No need to steal anything! Just arrange for someone to hold you firmly in place

while she sneezes all over your face...

Hmm... looking back at what I just typed... if you find yourself some experts, perhaps send them over :)

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You know, you guys aren't exactly dissuading me. I'm hoping that she comes in to work all miserable and contagious instead of calling out sick.

Hmm . . . where exactly does one find "team of experts" in the yellow pages?

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Now let me get this straight.......You want us to dissuade you???????????


:) :) :rollfast:

Well of course you shouldn't do this, you might start sneezing messily or something, and that would be most unpleasant. :dribble:


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I don't think you'd need the tissues, which is kind of :drool: to me (but not to others, yes, I know).

Just watch her and see what doorknob or other object in the office she touches, go over and touch it, and touch the mucus membranes of your own eyes or nose. That should transfer enough virus to do it. Then make sure you stay up REAL late and run yourself down so that you're susceptible to being sick. I bet that would do it!

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Lord help me, I think I need a team of experts to deal with me!

We are a team of experts!

Good luck in trying to catch your co-workers cold. And if that doesn't work, I think I'm coming down with a cold myself, so maybe . . . ?

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The plan is underway! The dear thing did show up to work again yesterday, and confessed to "lots sniffling and sneezing -- and now my throat is sore, too." I brought her a cup of tea, and managed to filch a couple of her used tissues -- one from her jacket pocket and another from the waste paper basket. They weren't very snotty at all, but I think her nose is leaking watery stuff and not gooey stuff.

I rubbed my nose really well with the tissues, and kept them in a little plastic sandwich bag (from my lunch) tucked into my cleavage, to keep the little viruses all warm and cozy. Over the next several hours, I'd take them out now and then and rub my nose and sniffle in them.

I'm a firm believer that you get colds from exposure to germs and not from getting chilled, but, just for insurance, I made sure that I got good and chilled, too. On my drive home, I kept my winter coat off, the air vents blowing cold and hard, and kept the window rolled down. And I took off one of my boots, so that I'd have at least one cold foot (I needed the other shoe on for driving). And I smoked a couple of cigarettes, because I heard that smoking makes you more susceptible to colds (although that did make me a bit nauseated).

So far, I feel just fine. If this doesn't work, I'm going to nominate my immune system for some kind of medal.

As for not getting enough sleep -- well, I hardly ever do in the best of circumstances. I will keep you perverts posted on how things progress.

This may just be the sickest, freakiest thing I've ever done. Y'all are a bad influence on me, you know that, don't you? You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

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The plan is underway! The dear thing did show up to work again yesterday, and confessed to "lots sniffling and sneezing -- and now my throat is sore, too." I brought her a cup of tea, and managed to filch a couple of her used tissues -- one from her jacket pocket and another from the waste paper basket. They weren't very snotty at all, but I think her nose is leaking watery stuff and not gooey stuff.

I rubbed my nose really well with the tissues, and kept them in a little plastic sandwich bag (from my lunch) tucked into my cleavage, to keep the little viruses all warm and cozy. Over the next several hours, I'd take them out now and then and rub my nose and sniffle in them.

I'm a firm believer that you get colds from exposure to germs and not from getting chilled, but, just for insurance, I made sure that I got good and chilled, too. On my drive home, I kept my winter coat off, the air vents blowing cold and hard, and kept the window rolled down. And I took off one of my boots, so that I'd have at least one cold foot (I needed the other shoe on for driving). And I smoked a couple of cigarettes, because I heard that smoking makes you more susceptible to colds (although that did make me a bit nauseated).

So far, I feel just fine. If this doesn't work, I'm going to nominate my immune system for some kind of medal.

As for not getting enough sleep -- well, I hardly ever do in the best of circumstances. I will keep you perverts posted on how things progress.

This may just be the sickest, freakiest thing I've ever done. Y'all are a bad influence on me, you know that, don't you? You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

You're fine. To each her own

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If this does not work you should do the opposite : stay clear of people with colds, eat healthy things, go to bed early, and most of all dress too warm. I believe that is the best way to catch the cold of a lifetime !


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OK, it's been 30 hours since my rendezvous with the little viruses, and I feel just fine. What kind of wimpy, pathetic pathogens are these, anyway? I mean, I gave them an warm welcome to the hospitality of my mucus membranes, and they are totally snubbing me.

How long does it take to catch a cold, anyway? :blush:

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I don't really know all that much about viruses, however, I did see this really cool show once about them. It showed the progression of the flu virus. It was so long ago, I don't remember details, but I think it takes at least 72 hours to show symptoms. I could be wrong. But I don't think 30 hours is giving it enough time. Unless you happen to have had this particular virus already, then you more than likely won't get it again. But, the chances of having it before are slim, since there are bazillions of different cold viruses. Do I at least sound like I know what I'm talking about? :blushing:

I think that, right now, they are multiplying inside of you, and you will soon report to us how lousy you feel. :blush:

Edited by Sneesee
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yes i also heard it takes several days, possibly 3-7 before you show symptoms... srry about the wait ... LOL

Edited by Lynne
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My boyfriend caugh at cold on December 24th and he had it until the 26th (yeah, guys have colds for 2 minutes, and we have it for 2 weeks..). I started showing symptoms on the night of the 28th. I'm not exactly sure at what point the virus entered my body, but I'm pretty sure it was fairly fast, as I didn't stay away from him (actually it was exactly the opposite :winkkiss:).

So basically, I'm thinking it took around 3-4 days. Hang in there ! :drool:

Edited by Endless_Sneeze
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But, but . . . on the fetish fiction side, everyone always gets a cold right away.

I am creatively visualizing the little viruses invading and multiplying. Go, little guys! I'm rooting for you!

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But, but . . . on the fetish fiction side, everyone always gets a cold right away.

Yes, if your life was a fetish fic, you would be in day two of your cold already. :laugh: And that only happens in fics because as authors, we can make them have the cold right away! :laugh:

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But, but . . . on the fetish fiction side, everyone always gets a cold right away.

Yes, if your life was a fetish fic, you would be in day two of your cold already.

And I'd be having incredibly hot sex.

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