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Sneezing in front of parents


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The main reason I don't like sneezing in front of my parents (well, dad only really) is because I'm pretty sure he knows about the fetish, and knows nothing about it; so I feel like every time I or someone else sneezes and he knows I hear it, I wonder what he may be thinking. Eh, it's just something that is in the back of my head. *shrugs*

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I'm the same as you: i can sneeze or blow my nose in front of other people when i say to myself that no one will think anything of it. Of course, this doesn't work when the people who stand nearby happen to be members of this forum :dribble:

Hmm? What is the winky wink? You wouldn't happen to be someone who's seen me sneeze, would you? Not that I've been keeping personal details a secret, but you would have had to have known me to know it was me, regardless. Or, am I just over-excitedly jumping to the conclution that that is what you're implying?

I just mean that if someone from this forum would hear me sneeze, he/she would not be indifferent to my sneeze.

But you're right: it' s most unlikely that SFF members accidentally meet each other in real life, and if they do, they wouldn't recognise each other.

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I can't sneeze in front of my parents because I know they'd talk about it and make a big deal. Not really my mom, but I'm still embarrassed to sneeze in front of her. My dad, however...his comments are much worse than any "bless you." :dribble:

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Guest rezeensy
here's a twist I hate for my bf to sneeze in front of my parents.

I'm the same way - I've never liked my bf or now fiance to sneeze in front of my parents, or anyone for that matter (besides me). Thankfully, my fiance doesn't sneeze that much (however, that goes for around me, as well, so it's good AND bad).

Oh, and I don't sneeze in front of anyone but my cats!

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Guest LadyErisana

I dont like to sneeze in front of anyone, personally. mine tend to be a bit on the messy side, so I try to stifle as much as possible, and I'm uncomfortable with the whole "blessing" situation as well. :whistle:

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Never been uncomfortable with it. I don't really care for my parents sneezes, particularly my dad's, but I've never minded sneezing in front of anyone. :whistle:

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I don't like sneezing in front of my parents. In fact, I can't stand when someone I'm dating sneezes in front of my parents. It's just embarrassing!


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Usually I don't really mind. It's fine as long as we don't get into big, long, dragged out sneezing conversations. Funny though, a couple days ago I was with my mom. I had a bit of a cold, and we were just hanging out on the sofa watching a crappy movie. At one point I kinda forgot she was there, and had to sneeze really bad. So I sneezed twice, but pretty hard and wet, really drawn out, "Huh-kktshoo!" and on the second one sniffled pretty loud and went, "Ahhh...". Of course then... :blushing: she was all, "Bless you, sweetheart!" with backrubbing and all, etc. A bit akward, but kinda sweet. :cry:

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I can say 100% for sure that no member of my family has seen or heard me sneeze since I was 8 years old. It's always been horribly awkward for me to sneeze in front of or around anyone. Most of the time if I HAVE to sneeze I can hold it back and make it go away without anyone noticing anything, but the one time I actually sneezed in class was just ridiculous and uncontrollable and I can't even continue talking about it because it's embarrassing lol :hypoc:

I will sneeze in front of my friends one day, I'm sure...in front of someone I'm dating has never been a problem for me. I think I subconsciously like to save them for more intimate situations...hence NOT sneezing in front of family.


Damn it. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It kind of bothers me when my daughter sneezes and my parents go bezerko about it. (wow need to update my age... *ahem* 23 was a long time ago...) Otherwise, I can deal with them. But that does bother me a bit.

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Black Tooth Grin

Meh, I don't really mind sneezing in front of my parents. I just hate when they (or any other family member) sneeze in front of me. :)

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Does anyone feel the same?


Ugh oh my God I hate it, but more when they bless me. Especially my dad, he always says "Bless you," even if he's four rooms away. :eek: Sometimes if he just hears someone sneeze in the house, he'll say "Bless you, whoever sneezed." :drool: Annoying. No - more like embarassing.

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Neither of my parents particularly react to random sneezing so really that doesn't bother me particularly although since coming on this forum I'd say i am more aware of sneezing in general. However my mother is a germophobe and sneezing with a cold might well lead to some commentary I'd rather not have so I do try to hide that.

Someone earlier also mentioned they hated when their children sneezed in front of their parents because of the stupid fuss that was made and that is something I can fully understand. My mother normally blesses anyone ever. It's just something our family doesn't do. But when the children were babies, when they sneezed my mother suddenly started saying "Ooh! God bless!" in this incredibly irritating silly baby voice. Seriously it made me grit my teeth (and I had to restrain myself from lynching her) every time because it made me feel sick on so many levels!

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Yeah... the worst part is that my parents live pretty close to me. Now, normally I'm thankfull for that- but when my kid is having a sneezing fit, and my mother feels obliged to go, "Bless! Oh my goodness, another?" after every sneeze... :)

I think I'll go grocery shopping and let you two have some quality time together...

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I HATE sneezing in front of my parents.

Especially when they're like "Bless You"

=\ It gets all weird and uncomfy ugh I hate it.

Yeah, same here. Both my mother and stepdad are compulsive blessers and I just don't want THEM to pay such close attention to me when I sneeze. Now anyone else, I welcome it. Just not them two. :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't lie sometimes I walk away or even hold back. Most of the time I just try to block any discomfort mentally and do what can only be considered natural. SNEEZE!

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I'm kind of embarrassed to sneeze in front of my parents, but I really just son't like sneezing in front of my mom because she always tells me I sneeze wrong. The thing I don't tell her is that I sneeze the way I do on purpose and that I worked for a long time to get my sneeze to sound the way it does now. I think the most awkward incident of sneezing in front of her was when she told me my sneeze sounded "Asian" and that she wanted to say "konichiwa" instead of "bless you." It wouldn't have been that weird if not for the fact that a girl who I had a crush on had just told me the same thing! EW! :P I started screaming, "Mom! Stop it!" She still comment on how my sneeze isn't a "real sneeze," though, even thought I tell her not to. ;)

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Guest LadyErisana

I'm the same way--I refuse to sneeze in public, and I get very uncomfortable when other people sneeze around me. It could be family, friend, co-worker...whatehaveyou. probably because I don't like saying "bless you", and i know some people find it offenseive if you don't say it. I just dont draw attention to myself when it comes to sneezing, and I definitely have gotten used to holding mine back lol.

im glad im not the only one!

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If they don't know I have the fetish it's nothing. But if they DO then I get kinda embarrassed.... like, my fiance knows I have a sneezing fetish and I will try very hard not to sneeze while on the sneeze Fetish forum or while writing a sneeze fic. Also if I see a person sneeze on TV and we are cuddling I will suddenly get very still, afraid I will say or do something to give me away...

but if they don't know I just mellow. I mean, why on earth would they expect?

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If he already knows about the fetish, why do you not want to give it away when you are cuddling? Is it because you feel he would rather you only pay attention to HIS sneezes? Would it still be awkward if one of you sneezed, rather than someone on TV?

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