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Do you like "fake" sneezes?


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So, personally I LOVE “fake” or “acted” sneezes, especially if they are well acted. I love them in stories and in real life (my fiancé can make the BEST acted sneezes. They are the cutest, from the way she closes her eyes to the way she cups her hands around her face, to the cute little noise she makes, they are even cuter then her real sneezes, which she does at least once or twice a day). I love them in fiction where there are usually weird reasons for the sneezes and dramatic build ups… I think anime sneezes on a pure visual bases are cuter then real sneezes. I love how in a cartoon you can hold a flower up to someone and then “BAM!” they sneeze almost instantly, like pushing a button, or else other times there are long, drawn out theatrical build ups…

Anyway, I was wondering, what about you? I know lots of people do not like acted sneezes or fake ones, or not as much. I actually prefer them. What do you think?

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Im with you. Ive said it since Ive been saying things. A well acted sneeze is just as good, if not better, than a real sneeze. :drool:

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No. I hate it for the simple reason that if it's not the noses reaction to something irritating it, then it's not a sneeze. Simple.

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For me a well-acted sneeze can occasionally be more attractive than a real one but it really depends on the sneezer, the kind of sneeze etc. In the pre-internet days (sorry, showing my age) almost any acted movie sneeze would get me excited. Nowadays there's so much more material out there, not to mention much easier access, I've become a lot more picky, and it almost always has to be real to do the trick. Guess I've gotten spoiled.

I really hate bad (as in obvious, not convincing) fakes though, there's something just... wrong about them (and not in a good way.) It's kind of insulting in a weird way, like doing a really bad cover version of a great song maybe.

Just don't be disrespecting the sneeze, people! :drool:

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It depends. If the sneeze sounds real, then it works for me just as well as a genuine one. If it sounds a little bit on the fake side, I'll probably still be okay with it, but if it sounds really horrible, I'll just ignore it.

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Looks like we're in the minority here, Adrilynn and Sternuto, but yes, I prefer acted sneezes over the real thing. In fact, I've never really enjoyed the sneezes I encounter in my everyday life. Maybe I just can't comfortable enough around actual people. I do like wavs, however (maybe because of the anonymity?).

And yes, I very much like cartoon sneezes, especially if it's a long, dramatic build-up.

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i'm not a fan of fake, or acted sneezes either. fake ones can not compare to real ones.

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I've never heard a fake sneeze. I guess that doesn't really answer the question, though, does it?

Sorry. lol

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I've never heard a fake sneeze. I guess that doesn't really answer the question, though, does it?

Sorry. lol

Don't you watch TV? most sneezes that on TV are fake... you know, if they are part of the plot and scripted.... even cold medicine and allergy commercials are full of fake sneezes.

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I only fake sneezes if they seem real, none of those fake ones that sound so cartoony, is there really anyone out there whose sneeze sound is just, "ah AH AH choo!" and it sounds like they are only saying it? I'm not a fan of fake sneezes, because most people I know sound way to fake when they fake a sneeze. >_< :devil1:

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I have a few male friends who can fake some pretty good ones. If I can't tell, then I can still enjoy them. And a few of them have even gotten away with bad fakes, just because they were cute about it. Basically, if they are teasing me with it, I can enjoy it. :devil1:

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If someone is good at acting sneezes then it can definitely be just as good as the real thing. Hell, there's .wavs on Bondi's page that are entirely acted (like one of mine, for example :P) and most people can't tell. :D

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C will fake sneezes for me as an alternative when his nose is too tired or something else is preventing him from being induced comfortably. Or when he just wants to be a jerk and buries his head into my neck with a bit of spray.

I enjoy them very much, simply because I know he is doing them just for me. They are distinctly different than the "real deal", but no less dear to me.

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Black Tooth Grin

Yeah, I think I agree with most people here. I liked a fake sneeze as long as I can't really tell it's fake. I hate the really overacted (or underacted) ones though. =/

But you can't beat the real deal. :blink:

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Well, if it looks and sounds like a real sneeze and I have no chance to recognize that it's fake, I enjoy it like a real sneeze (of course). But as soon as I recognize that it's fake, the thrill is gone.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, now that this thread is clearly revived, I'll respond too! ;)

I REALLY don't care for fake sneezes. And I feel like I can pick the fake ones out, though I'm sure some people have gotten one over on me. For me, a fake sneeze takes away everything I LOVE about a sneeze - the randomness, the loss of control, the vulnerability. A fake sneeze is so carefully crafted...it just doesn't do it for me.

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