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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Definitely a cold!


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Yep! See? Too good to last! :yes:

I have definitely caught a cold - been sneezing a lot today, and now my nose is stuffing up, running, tickling....well, the works, really. I started blowing about an hour ago - just soft, slightly wet blows - but if I know my nose right I'll be honking in a couple of hours. I'll keep you posted.

/T (Eowen) : o~)

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Yep! See? Too good to last! :yes:

I have definitely caught a cold - been sneezing a lot today, and now my nose is stuffing up, running, tickling....well, the works, really. I started blowing about an hour ago - just soft, slightly wet blows - but if I know my nose right I'll be honking in a couple of hours. I'll keep you posted.

/T (Eowen) : o~)

Ohhh my...the famous Eowen catches one of her patented nose-colds. OR shall I says "doze codes"? Poor thing. Please Please...pass along your updates as the blows grow and the nose shows


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I SECOND what blow says ... Eowen with one fo her famouus "doze codes"?

Please pass on all the information as the sneezes grow , the blows honk and the doze become redder...


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Well, nose is decidedly stuffy, and as I have pretty sensitive skin, it doesn't take many blows for it to become pink. I haven't looked in a mirror lately, but judging by the feeling, it's very pink, if not already red. Will check later :wine: Blows are... unproductive, but the runny/stuffy feeling drives me bonkers, so I keep trying. And honking.

/T (Eowen : o~) )

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Bless you! I hope you feel better soon! Hopefully you have a ready supply of nice, soft hankies!

Sorry to disappoint, shyguy! I'm a tissue-girl - I have tried using a hanky once (borrowed from pappa) but I couldn't... I just didn't like the feel of it, somehow :wine: I do have an ample tissue supply though!

/T (Eowen : o~)

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Bless your poor nose. I'd love to hear some of your nasal talk and honk wavs...would you consider making some and sending? I know the rules are tough here and for some reason, after 2 months, you've still now been allowed to post your Wavs to Shareandshare...so I'm relegated to begging on the blow-pages;-) I'm sure someone will have a problem with this...but again, we're desperate.


Bless you! I hope you feel better soon! Hopefully you have a ready supply of nice, soft hankies!

Sorry to disappoint, shyguy! I'm a tissue-girl - I have tried using a hanky once (borrowed from pappa) but I couldn't... I just didn't like the feel of it, somehow :wine: I do have an ample tissue supply though!

/T (Eowen : o~)

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I'd love to hear some of your nasal talk and honk wavs...would you consider making some and sending?

If I could, I would! Still no mic, and a new computer I haven't figured out yet hampers me a bit in that department... Sorry! :thumbsup2:

I'm trying to be a good girl and post more consistently on the boards, provided I have something intelligent to add, of course :happybday:

Also a minor update: Looked in the mirror. Not a pretty sight. Rudolph should be afraid for his job.... VERY afraid! :wine:

/T (Eowen : o~)

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Not sneezing anymore, which is sort of a disappointment. Nose is running a little, and you can definitely hear it in my voice that I have a cold, but my M's and N's are still fully functional. I have started honking, and although I don't have to blow -that- often yet, my nostrils are still on the redder side of pink. Feels like it too, I might add!

Feel free to ask questions - I don't bite... very hard. I just nibble a little :angelsad:

/T (Eowen : o~)

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Hmmm, OK, so if you don't mind my asking a question, is your nose running with a watery kind of discharge, and does it ever sort of feel like it's going to drip out? Do you find that you have to wipe your nose a lot without needing to blow it?

By the way, I'm not disappointed that you're a tissue girl! :angelsad:

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Hmmm, OK, so if you don't mind my asking a question, is your nose running with a watery kind of discharge, and does it ever sort of feel like it's going to drip out? Do you find that you have to wipe your nose a lot without needing to blow it?

Oh no, questions are always welcomed - if there's something I don't want to answer, I'll just say so, I promise :hug: Now,as for an intelligent answer... well, the jury's still out on that one :angelsad:

Anyhoo... yeah, I'd say so. It -feels- like it's running on the inside, but it isn't on the outside, if that makes any sense at all. Hence all the blowing, which really doesn't do anything except making my nose look like a stop light *laughs* Woke up feeling fairly clear this morning, but I can feel the pressure building in my sinuses, especially on the right side. We'll just have to wait and see how it is tonight!

/T (Eowen : o~)

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how did you get your cold? is your nose still red? how do you blow your nose?

Don't really know how I got it. I was sick (literally) with a stomach virus shortly before, and I think that gave the little bug a way in, so to speak :) It's also developing in the wrong order! :cry: Now it feels like one of my colds usually does - sore throat, runny nose - again... So I guess weäll just have to wait and see how long it lasts!

Nose isn't all that red anymore though, more like a slightly darker pink, but I have a feeling that won't last too long :) Blows are two handed, one nostril at a time, unless I'm really really really stuffed up, then it's both. And yes, I honk.

/T (Eowen : o~)

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Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the sore throat again; that's definitely not the fun part of a cold.

Regarding your nose blows, are they productive? If you wouldn't mind describing the output, I'd love to hear about it!

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I hope you feel better Tari. We all hope that soon you be able to post some wavs on a site such as Bondi's. I have been searching for your wavs and can't seem to find them. Do you know where I can locate them?

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Thanks tjmb23! Right now all my wavs are located on a USB-memory stick. I think they were lost when the group I posted them on was lost, but I'll be open to sharing them as soon as I get validated.

Shy guy: Blows are definitely more productive today than yesterday! As for describing, I'm not really sure how to - it's clear but a little thicker than watery, if that makes any sense to you.


Like I told you yesterday, it feels like my cold is developing in the wrong order! *lol* Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat; today I woke up with a sneeze (or 5)! I haven't really been that stuffy before, but I certainly am now - M's and N's are practically non-existant - and I'm blowing every 10 minutes in loud honks. Did I mention that I'm also sneezing? *lol* They are really harsh, loud cold sneezes, and I try to catch them in tissues or, if I don't have time to find one, the crook of my elbow. As for the nose, it's RED! We are talking red marker-red. And it's more or less useless, so I'm using a saying I've stolen for someone else on this board - breathing through the nose is for losers! ;)

I'll keep you posted!

/T (Eowen : O~)

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Okay, so I took a couple of pictures to illustrate the state of my poor nose. They are posted on coldfetishcentral (the yahoogroup, dunno how to link directly there) in the folder marked 'Eowen's pics' or something.. *L* Truthfully, I don't think the pictures do it justice.... Oh god.... need to sneeze...*sniffles* Oh, it's gone again... b*gger! *L*

/T (Eowen : O~)

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Ok, so this is now officially the worst cold I had in years and years. Nose is totally blocked, which means speaking so people can actually understand is out of the question. Two of my workmates have commented that my nose truly lit up the room when I entered it! I threatened to sneeze on them :P And sneezed, I have. Lots and lots. Messily and harshly, as well as blown my nose every ten minutes. Sometimes even more often, all in loud honks to wake the dead. Ugh.... Can't even snuffle anymore - everything comes out as a pathetic squeak.

Well, see you tomorrow!

/T (Eowed : O ~)

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how is that nose now?

I'd say it's about ready to fall off any second now :P Like I said in my previous post - it lights up a room just by being there. It's sore to the touch, and I REALLY don't wanna do any more blowing tonight, because it HURTS! *pity is gratefully accepted*


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Poor nose Tari. Hopefully your redness goes down. I can't wait til your validated so I can listen to some of your wavs.

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You poor thing, it sounds like your nose really needs a break! Thanks for providing such luscious descriptions of your cold; I certainly wish I was one of your coworkers so you could sneeze on me!

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Well, bless you very much! Not sure if I'm a huge noseblowing fan, but your blowing sounds nice...I'm partial to the honking sounds. Feel better soon!

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Thanks bunches for thinking of me :unsure: Much appreciated, especially since this turned out to be a real killer cold! Fever and everything, so I stayed home from work today. I probably shouldn't have gone with my friend to IKEA yesterday either, but paracetamol can make you feel SOOO normal... for a while :D Leaves you feeling weak and tired once it's out of your system though. Stupid paracetamol *eyes it grumpily*

As for an UPDATE:

Surprisingly, my nose is still attached. I thought I might have sneezed it off during one of my fits, but noooo - it's still there. Not sure I'm all that happy about it though :hug: . Blowing, which I HAD to do yesterday after every sneezing fit (4-5 sneezes in a row), was no picknick in the park, exactly. I took some more pictures, which will be posted at the same place as the other ones, just to show you what I've been dealing with in terms of rawness. Today, it's better. I'm still sneezing up a storm (counted 6 in a row for breakfast), loud, incredibly wet and harsh cold sneezes, but my nose doesn't hurt quite so much when I blow as it did yesterday. Instead, it has decided to molt, which means the skin is very dry and peeling. Hopefully, it won't peel of entirely :lol:

Be safe!

/T (Eowen : O~)

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Bless you! The obs are great as always but I feel so bad for you. I really hope you feel better soon!

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