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Definitely a cold!


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I agree with shy guy. You seemed to have suffered from a terrible cold.

Yeah, this wasn't a picnic in the park, exactly.. *chuckles* Still have the after effects of it with a lot of congestion, but it'll go away eventually. Still sound awful, though *lol*


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WOW, Tari...that's some nose you got there. Loved the photos and thanks for sharing the "Bisery" of your full-blown nose cold...and I mean "blown". I'm like you. I don't gettem often but i gettem good. I honk thru boxes of tissue - blow like a fog horn and if your like me, sit up all night trying to clear by sinus. 2 months ago...i had the nose cold or all colds. One night, I sat up to blow, filled 5 tissues then fell asleep for 10 minutes and repeated until by nose was chopped meat and my bed filled with sopped tissue. This goes on all night. Tell me about your cold...same?


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  • 2 months later...
how did you get your cold? is your nose still red? how do you blow your nose?

Don't really know how I got it. I was sick (literally) with a stomach virus shortly before, and I think that gave the little bug a way in, so to speak :) It's also developing in the wrong order! :lol: Now it feels like one of my colds usually does - sore throat, runny nose - again... So I guess weƤll just have to wait and see how long it lasts!

Nose isn't all that red anymore though, more like a slightly darker pink, but I have a feeling that won't last too long :D Blows are two handed, one nostril at a time, unless I'm really really really stuffed up, then it's both. And yes, I honk.

/T (Eowen : o~)

I love honkers ,how loud r they

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love honkers ,how loud r they

Loud enough to turn heads *L* Oh, and make my friends and co-workers laugh at me :D

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