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Dove's 100 Drabbles


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As I'm not into the fandom that you are writing I glossed over these on previous visits to the board but having actually taken the time to read them now I have to say they are great... I loved Calculating!!!

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@Natto: I’m so glad you liked them! Hopefully these won’t disappoint!

@Cerulean Flower: Thank you! I think I enjoyed writing Cry the most. B is such love. :hug:

@Lalaland: Oh yes, I *will* finish the other 85! Thank you for supporting me through all this!

@Chui: *love* I hope you enjoy my newest installment as well!

@Krazykat: Thank you so much! I’m glad that you can enjoy them despite not knowing the fandom!

I apologize for my hiatus. I caught a pretty bad flu that ended up stripping me of the majority of my creativity for the last few weeks. Which is kinda ironic if you think about it... Anyhow, I hope these three make up for my absence, and I'll try to update much sooner next time!

18/100 Completed.

Series: Death Note

Characters: Gevanni, Near

Word Count: 200

Prompt #30 – June

Gevanni had gotten the call to join the new government sanctioned group, the SPK, at the beginning of June. He was ecstatic of course; he had long dreamed of attaining such a high position for a government agency, and with a case as high profile as Kira, no doubt a positive outcome on this case would secure his place in the American secret service.

The only downside to this incredible turn of events was the timing; June was peak season for the man also known as Stephen Loud’s allergies. It was early in the morning of the 2nd when he got the call, a tissue pressed up against his nose in an attempt to stave off an impending fit as he answered his cell phone. The voice on the other end identified himself as Near, an odd moniker, but before Gevanni could question the man’s motives (or his strange name), he let loose with a fit of five very wet, very loud sneezes, giving his real last name a very appropriate double meaning.

After he finally got himself under control, Near gave the man a monotonous, “I’ll call later when you’ve gotten yourself under control,” before hanging up. Stephen’s face flushed as he hung up and blew his nose. His career was off to an excellent start…

Series: Death Note

Characters: Light, L

Word Count: 234

Prompt #16 – Three

“Ah-AH!” Light’s breath hitched again, but like the last three times that this had happened, the urge to sneeze left him before the task could be completed. And again, for the third time, he wiped under his nostrils with the balled up tissue in his fist. The chain that dangled from his wrist clinked together as he dried his tickly nose, but the insomniac detective that he was currently chained to didn’t even appear to notice his discomfort. It was just as well; the last thing Light needed was another reason to be embarrassed in front of his captor.

Just as he dropped his hand back into his lap, the prickling in the back of his nasal passages returned, and again he raised his hand to cover his mouth. Light was almost whimpering in anticipation of relief when Ryuzaki decided that this would be the best time to roll his chair over to the far end of the desk to grab a new folder. The chain went taut and pulled Light’s hand away from his face, forcing him to sneeze sharply and uncovered onto his keyboard three times.

L blinked his eyes in surprise at the sight before muttering, “Light-kun. You should really cover your mouth when you sneeze. You don’t want to spread germs.”

The greatest detective in the world should have expected the fist that rammed into his jaw several seconds later.

Series: Death Note

Characters: Matt, Mello

34 – Relief

Word Count: 166

“Fuck!” Mello screamed, rubbing the underside of his nose. Matt peered through his tinted goggles at his friend for a split second before turning back to the television screen in front of him, violently jerking the game controller in his hand.

“What’s your problem?” he muttered.

“My nose keeps itching, but I just can’t sneeze. It’s pissing me off,” Mello replied angrily, pinching the bridge of his nose in an attempt to coax the tickle out.

“I can help,” Matt said, lifting the game controller up and pressing it against the side of Mello’s nose and hitting the X button, his character on the screen punching his opponent in the head as the rumble pack inside of the controller shook violently. The vibration was enough to push Mello’s sensitive nose over the edge and he sneezed loudly, misting Matt’s controller and hand in the process.

The blond sighed in relief and thanked his friend with a silly smirk as Matt pouted childishly. Hmm. I should have thought that through better.

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:hug::):hyper: im still giggling like a ninny from three.... omg... L!!!!!! i just want to chain the poor thing up to me for a while... YUM! i promise not to punch him!


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Oh my god, that was hysterical. XD; The one with Mello and Matt especially, the two of them seem to be perfect for this challenge. That's really an interesting method. And the one with Light and L was funny too. Great job!

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Oh god, these are all so goooood. I think you broke my brain.


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Ohhhhhhh, I'm happy 8DD Sneezy DN boys, I think I'm not going to sleep yet~

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Damn! This doesn't look good. After marathoning your drabbles I think you overloaded my brain cus there's some weird goop slipping out of my ear that I believe used to be my... ka;lhaonfb;areifv;sfgipm tm;ohjhg589p6hngp4823c[cxjxchknllreg...

I like carrots =3

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  • 3 months later...

@Chui - B) I’m so glad you liked them! Yay for multiple happy smilies!

@Natto: Why do they inspire me so much in this context? I’ll never know this.

@VoOs: I’m sorry! I mean…maybe I’m not that sorry. :D

@RL: The boys are just wonderful, aren’t they?

@lalaland~: I’m glad you like them!

@PetalsAndThorns: D: *repairs brain quickly* And here’s a few more to hopefully break it again. *shifty eyes*

These took…way too long. Thank you, Natto for helping to provide inspiration for me to keep going. Hopefully the next update won’t take several months. My apologies to anyone who is still reading my thread! 21/100 complete.

Series: Death Note

Characters: Mikami, mentions of Light

28 – Assignment

Word Count: 138

God’s word was absolute. Mikami had to remind himself of this as he traversed the streets of downtown Tokyo, a tissue pressed to his runny nose to cover a sharp sneeze before he finally replaced the surgical mask on his face. He’d come down with a horrid cold the day before, but God had asked him to perform a special task that required emergency use of the notebook. He couldn’t let his illness keep him from the bank vault that he was storing the book in, so no matter how badly he felt, how heavy his head was, how tight his chest felt or how tickly his nose was, he couldn’t deny God this request. He would be recognized for his extra effort, no doubt.

He felt ill beyond any cold or flu when that recognition never came.

Series: Death Note

Characters: Matt, Mello

38 – Violent

Word Count: 96

It was surprising to most of the people that he fraternized with on a regular basis the first time that anyone heard Mello sneeze. Despite his violent and surly nature, his nasal explosions were quite mundane; almost feminine. Matt had mocked him during one particularly nasty cold when they were fourteen, only to receive a patented Mello punch to the jawbone.

“You shouldn’t be allowed to be that strong when you’re sick!” Matt had protested, keeping all further thoughts to himself as Mello let out a string of high pitched, “hi-schi!’s” instead of a victory comeback.

Series: Death Note

Characters: Light, L

44 – Tissue

Word Count: 111

It was obvious that he was sick. He couldn’t even hope to hide it. For three days now Light had been a sniffling mess, excusing himself from the investigation room for multiple reasons to be able to go to the bathroom and blow his nose where his father and the other members of the task force couldn’t comment on it. The detective chained to his arm, gratefully, didn’t comment.

Until the third day.

Arriving in investigation room, Light was met with a fresh box of tissues at his desk. He raised an eyebrow at L, wordlessly asking for an explanation. L picked up a cookie and studied it before offering one.

“I was growing weary of following you to the bathroom every time you had to sneeze,” he said monotonously. “There’s something obsessively unhealthy about such behavior, pardon my pun. Cookie?”

Light had to hold back the urge to wrap the chain around his neck.

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Ahaha, what an obnoxious little bitch L is. Way to be passive agressive. It'd be totally fine to just give him the tissues without being snarky, but no! XD; Love it. And Mello's violence is hilarious as always. Mikami's almost made me cry. I just want to hug him so hard. XD; Anyway great job!

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OH!!!! I'm so glad you found inspiration to continue! Those were all very cute and amusing, I always love the ones involving Matt and Mello *sigh* :) You are a wonderful writer, thankyou so much!!!

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@Natto: Thank you! You’re totally my entire inspiration for this, so I’m glad that you’re enjoying it!

@FairyDust: The two of them really are cute, aren’t they? :bleh: Thank you so much!

@Cupkake: L is such a punk, I could just see him finishing off with something like that.

@Kimiki: If inspiration ever strikes, I’ll be sure to!

You can all thank Natto for the quick update. The girl is my muse. 24/100 complete.

Series – Death Note

Characters - Near, Mello

42 – Poison

Word Count – 205


Near peeked up at the approaching sound of loud footsteps. He’d never known that footsteps could sound angry until he’d met the second ranked successor. “Yes, Mello?”

The blonde wiped a hand under his nose, just as angrily before jabbing an accusing finger in Near’s pale face. “You poisoned me!” he said with an indignant sniffle. Before Near could respond, Mello’s breath hitched and he turned to his side to stifle three sneezes against his palm. The white haired boy blinked, but other than that displayed no emotion.

“Your proof?”

“This morning I was fine. And now—huh-choo! Choo!” he paused to sniffle and wipe his nose again. “Now I can’t stop sneezing! Somehow you poisoned me!”

Near twirled a small lock of hair in his fingers before answering. “Your logic is faulty. Just because you have a sudden ailment doesn’t constitute a poisoning. Plus, why am I your first suspect?”

“Because I’m your competition! You’re tryin…trying to…to-ahCSHI!”

Near sighed inaudibly. “You’re experiencing allergies, Mello. The trees outside of your bedroom are blossoming, and the weather was finally warm enough today that you probably opened your window for the first time.”

Mello stormed off, sniffling and muttering something about Near always having to be right.

Series – Death Note/Another Note

Characters: Alternate(A)/Backup(B )

6 – Squint

Word Count - 189

B narrowed his eyes in a mockery of the face that his rival A was currently making at him. He hung a fingertip carelessly against his bottom lip, another mockery, but this time of the detective that the two teenagers were working so hard to become. He continued glaring at the other boy, wondering just why he felt the need to squint his eyes at him in such a challenging way. Did he want to fight? To call him out on something? He wasn’t saying anything or making any other move to encourage B, so why was he making that stupid face?!

This was definitely driving B nuts.

But as he stood and began walking over to yell at Alternate and pull his hair and ask just what the fuck his problem is, his question was answered as his nostrils flared, his eyes squeezed all of the way shut and he covered his mouth to sneeze violently. B smirked and sat back down, covering up his embarrassment at jumping to conclusions by calling out, “God bless you Alternate! That doesn't sound good!” to attract the attention back to his rival instead of himself.

Series – Death Note/Another Note

Characters – Alternate(A)/Backup(B )

49 – Sweat (kind of a sequel to the last one)

Word Count – 184

It seemed that A’s little display during class wasn’t just a fluke. By nightfall the boy had developed a horrid cold. His lungs ached from his coughs and his nostrils tickled constantly. What had started as a mild inconvenience littered with sniffles and sneezes and the occasional shiver quickly developed into intense chills and a very high fever. He couldn’t breathe without coughing and even though he felt like he would never be warm again, sweat dripped down his flushed neck and stained the collar of his pajamas.

While he whimpered through fevered nightmares, B snuck into the sick boy’s room to see his progression firsthand. Seeing his rival so ill was rare, and B drank in the essence of the illness; the smell of it, the sound of the sniffling and raspy breaths, the sight of Alternate’s nostrils quivering before he sneezed without rousing himself from his slumber.

He wouldn’t be in class the next day, there was no way. And hopefully not the day after either. And soon B would be on top, next to L where he was supposed to be.

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Ahh, so much love! These were great. Mello's was hysterically funny--the conclusions that boy jumps to make no sense at all, and yet it's totally plausible that he would jump to them, poor thing. And I love the lengths B will go to to sabotage A. It's like B is what Mello THINKS Near is, if that makes any sense? Also, the way you described A's illness was beautiful. You did good, Dove!

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That was a fast update (no complaining here). Mello's was very amusing and they were all well written. Thankyou!

Please, please, please *insert puppy-dog eyes* continue.

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I... You... This...

Oh my god.


These are SO GOOD. So in character, so descriptive and well-written, and the perfect length. Absolutely fantastic. I especially love your Matt/Mello ones...

God, B is such a creeper. xD I love it!

More please.

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@Natto: I’m glad that you approve! Yes, I was rather proud of A’s illness myself. :D

@FairyDust: Ask and ye shall receive! <3

@Sen Beret: I love the head exploding icon. ;) Thank you so much!

@cupkake: hehe, it’s all good. B and L are my favorite characters and they’re far from being good people. I understand. *hugs*

Okay, three more for you all! 27/100 complete!

Series – Death Note

Characters – L, Light

22 – Embarrassment

Word Count – 140

Light didn’t have any reason to think that the first day of his college would go any way but perfect. He wasn’t about to let his run in with L the day before affect his behavior today. He strolled through the halls like the god that he knew himself to be.

Except for the fact that he’d felt a cold starting since waking up that morning. The god of the new world hardly looked the part as he sniffled from behind a gently used tissue during his first two classes, feigning health. The third class of the day garnered an unfortunate trio of soft, stifled sneezes that he couldn’t hope to hold back. It hadn’t bothered him until a loud, “Bless you, Yagami-kun!” sounded from the back of the room in a familiar monotone.

No. No, he wouldn’t let a cold or L embarrass him on this day.


Series – Death Note/Another Note

Characters: B, mentions of A, L

32 – Fall

Word Count: 100 (I finally got one at exactly 100!)

Most people referred to the cold and flu season as starting in the winter, but for Backup, his own personal season started in the fall. He was always the first one to become sick, to pass his germ onto the rest of the orphans in the house. And he hated it. Hated it because one – there was always A telling him that ‘at least he could be first at something’ and two – L never ever caught it from him.

At least if he was suffering, he could be happy knowing that L was also sick with his same, shared germ.


Series – Death Note

Characters: Mello, Matt

56 – Lovely

Word Count: 144

“Mello,” Matt mumbled, his lips clenched around a lit cigarette as he nudged his friend in his side with a steel toed boot. The slumbering ex-heir to the title of L snored, his mouth hanging open, his head lulled back on the headrest of their couch.

“Wake up, bitch, time to get to work,” he said, nudging harder and higher up in the chest area this time. Mello snorted loudly as he woke with a start.

“What the fuck?” he yelled, coughing and choking on his words. He’d been sick with a cold for a week, but the mafia doesn’t take sick days.

“Time to go. Tick tock. Kiras to catch,” Matt replied, tapping his watch. “How do you feel?”

Mello turned away to sneeze loudly in his cupped hands before groaning and leaning back to his original sleeping position. “Lovely. Just fucking lovely.”

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Ahh, dove, I adore these! B's is just sad, his priorities are absolutely ridiculous, but that's what makes them so interesting. And I love Matt calling Mello a bitch, that's hilarious. Your interpretation of an obviously sappy prompt like "lovely" was creative and sarcastic and fun. And Liiiiight. God, poor thing. At that point in his life he'd be SO hung up about appearing to be the God he's just now trying to be. L's a jerk. (Okay, not really, saying bless you is nice, but shush!) Anyway I loved these all. Great job!

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YAY!!!! More awesome drabbles. L is so -kind- to bless light, really he should be more thankful :D .

You included my favorite pairing again *faints* :laugh:

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...can I worship you yet?

Dudeeee. The thought of sexy young Mello going to work with a horrendous cold is just so FREAKING HOT, I cannot contain myself.

Haaaa. YUM.

And aww, L and B sharing a virus. How could I not have seen that coming? Cold and Flu season ftw <3

Oho! And again, the idea of a hot, sick boy still at work/school is just so endearing to me. I don't know why. But it's absolutely fantastic. xD And L totally owned Light. Which I loved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All your drabbles... I just love them so much! :P Specially Mellos

Ok so you don't have to do this but could you write a drabble featuring Near? I'm reading the Death note series rite now and I'm at the part where Near and

Mello come in. And Near is just so cuute. I Don't like his character though. Just the way he looks ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Natto: Thank you for enabling me! I mean, encouraging me. :dribble:

@FairyDust: Yes, Light needs to learn to be grateful! I’m glad you liked them!

@Sen Beret: *blush* Thank you so much, I appreciate the kind words.

@Cupkake: I didn’t really get Near in this time, but I definitely plan on including more of him at some point!

More random drabbles for you all. 30/100 complete.

Series – Death Note

Characters – Matt, Mello

14 – Frail

Word Count – 149

Matt didn’t stay inside playing video games all day because he was lazy, nor was he a slacker. The outdoors had dirt, dirt had germs, and Matt’s immune system was not okay with dealing with germs. He kept his game systems clean, and wore gloves when he could to keep viruses from invading him through his palms and fingertips. When he was informed that he needed to quit touching his eyes because germs could invade more easily through the tear ducts, he started wearing goggles to keep them at bay. But still, every winter he caught colds, the flu, chicken pox (twice), inexplicable coughs and fevers and upset stomachs and through it all, Mello continued to inform him that it was his own fault for not exposing himself to enough germs when he was younger and building an immunity.

Matt just coughed into a soiled tissue and told him to fuck off as he picked up his gameboy. He had to beat this level, fever be damned.

Series – Death Note

Characters – Higuchi (for the lulz!), Namikawa, Hatori

98 – Favor

Word Count – 225

Higuchi wasn’t happy when he was asked to come into work on the day that he’d caught a particularly bad cold, but when Hatori asked that he do it as a ‘favor’ to him, he knew that he couldn’t say no. He hated Hatori, wished that he was dead already, but he was the company president’s son, and for that reason he couldn’t deny him unless he had a good reason. Apparently a stuffy nose and bad cough wasn’t a good one.

Sniffling deeply and wiping his nose rudely on his sleeve, the brutish man stepped out of the elevator and sneezed loudly, uncovered towards the floor. He didn’t care who might have stepped into his spray, if anything it was their fault for not watching where they were going! As his breath hitched again, he continued walking to his office, nearly tripping over his own feet as he sneezed a second time. He kept his eyes shut as his shoulder collided with something. No, someone. No, not even someone. Namikawa. Suck up piece of shit.

“Yo,” Higuchi crowed with another sniffle, trying not to laugh in his coworker’s now wet face. “How’s it going?”

The refined man took a handkerchief from his front jacket pocket and wiped the spray from his face. “You’re a pig,” he mumbled as he continued on his way, probably do douse himself in disinfectant. Higuichi just laughed. Coming into work was completely worth it.

Series – Death Note

Characters – Mello, Matt, Near

87 – Hypocrite

Word Count – 162

The rest of the children in the orphanage thought of Near as being more frail than Mello. The sturdier boy would play outside, kick soccer balls into the other’s faces and sneer when they cried from a bloody nose. Near never went outside, he preferred to sit still with his toys and figurines instead. So it wasn’t a huge surprise that he was seen as being the weaker of the two top heirs, despite being ranked #1.

But anyone who got close enough to the two would be shocked to learn that Mello whined and complained during something as simple as a head cold while Near would suffer through fever and flu in order to get his homework done. When Matt brought this up to his best friend, he was told that Near was obviously not human and should be treated as such.

But it was best not to argue with Mello. Especially since Matt was one of the ones who cried from a bloody nose.

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AWESOME. I loved your description of poor Matt and his efforts not to get sick--and Mello's inability to tolerate or understand this. And hey, there's got to be SOME reason why he wears those goggles and those gloves!! Also, if you can make Higuchi sexy, you are GOD. So, dove, you are God. CONGRATULATIONS. Hee, the idea of Mello whining and bitching about having a little cold is kind of adorable. Great job!!

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