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Natto's Drabble Thread


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Introducing, for the first time, Matsuda!

@sneeztensia - Death Note is lovely, yes. I highly reccomend it. I'm glad you're still in enjoying my drabbles despite not being familiar with the series! Thank you.

@lalaland - XD; Mello's anger is so fun to exploit. Glad you liked them, thanks for the comment!


Series: Death Note

Characters: Matt, Mello

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #88 – Tattoo

“Dude, that’s fucked up,” Matt says, leaning back and taking a drag from his cigarette. “This doesn’t provide any lulz whatsoever. You were supposed to get my name tattooed on your arm if you couldn’t skateboard on the roof, not…Bat. Who’s Bat? Is that short for Batman?”

“No,” sniffs Mello, tossing a crumpled tissue into the garbage. “You hear how retarded my voice is? The tattoo guy heard ‘Bat’, and I was too fucked up on allergy meds to correct him.”

Matt sighs, says, “go back there and have them make it into a Batman tattoo. Otherwise it’s just stupid.”


Series: Death Note

Characters: Misa, Matsuda

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #4 – Fake

Misa Misa has to know all kinds of crazy things for her acting job!” Misa says excitedly to Matsuda, who is hanging on her every word. “One time she was doing a tissue commercial, and she had to pretend to sneeze twenty times. It was really hard, but I got good at it! Should I show you, Matsu?” Matsuda nods enthusiastically, thrilled to witness anything to do with Misa’s acting. “Heeechiu!” she squeaks, index finger curling underneath her nose. “You try!”

“I don’t think I can,” Matsuda says, blushing slightly. Um…achoo?”

“You suck!” she giggles, making Matsuda’s blush turn furious.


Series: Death Note

Characters: B, L

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #25 – Mistake

When B first catches cold, he’s infuriated. How dare his immune system fall victim to something L’s didn’t! But he doesn’t let it get him down. He smears the contents of his used tissues onto L’s keyboard, and waits.

L falls ill quickly. It starts off a drippy nose and a slight cough, and B doesn’t think it will get worse than that. But it does. The cough becomes breathless and constant, and he spikes a fever high enough that he has to be hospitalized. From B’s small cold L gets pneumonia. This wasn’t what B had meant to do.

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I just had to calm myself down from laughing so hard at the first one. Mello and Matt are just so perfect! Is it okay if I made this my own personal canon? Misa and Matsuda are adorable, poor Matsu must have been so embarrassed. And B...well, B is just B, and this is a perfect example of the lengths he'll go to. Excellent addition, I'm very impressed, as always. ^_^

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The first two drabbles are so funny. The first one especially made me laugh. ^^ And the last one...persuaded me to sanitize my keyboard more often. ^_^ Nice job. You never disappoint!

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OMG BAT haha genius!

That Misa/Matsuda one was super cute!!

You know I'm going to read them all....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so giddy over the cuteness of all of your stories!!! >w<

Poor L and his pneumonia! D:

( And poor Matt and his lack of lulz xD )

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Thank you all for your lovely comments! I'll give more personalized answers later, I'm getting a bit tired. Anyway, sorry for the lengthy hiatus, I've been busy with moving out of school and finishing up the semester. But anyway, here are three more drabbles! Enjoy!


Series: Death Note

Characters: Mikami, OC

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #43 – Contagion

Teru loathes the public library. He wouldn’t be here if the book he needed were available for checkout. He’s considering leaving, anyway. Across from him sits a mousy girl with red-ringed nostrils. Every ten seconds, she honks into a sodden, crumpled tissue. She sneezes too, each more high-pitched and snot-choked than the last. “Hiipchew!” she shrieks, “Hepchoo!”

Teru tries to convince himself it’s allergies. It’s the dead of winter, but she could be allergic to dust. Which of course implies that the library’s filthy, which of course makes Teru panic. Still, better allergies than a cold. You can’t catch allergies.


Series: Death Note

Characters: Near

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #53 - Blanket

Most nights, Near blends in with the blankets. With his pale skin, white hair, and quiet demeanor, one could easily mistaken him for a pillow. Not so, tonight. Tonight, Near is making more noise than anyone thought possible, filling tissue after tissue with thick, yellow mucus. Sneezing so forcefully that he breaks those tissues, coughing into the blankets once the tissues are gone. Snorting, sniffling, tossing and turning in a vain attempt to get comfortable. His nose is a bright, glowing red, obvious against all that white.

No, Near really can’t be mistaken for a pillow or a blanket tonight.


Series: Death Note

Characters: L, Light

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #96 – Internet

When Light arrives at the police station, his workspace is covered with a box of tissues and a packet of Benadryl. “Ryuzaki, get your things off my desk,” he sniffs. Ryuzaki shakes his head, tells Light they’re for him. Light frowns. There’s no reason for Ryuzaki to know about his allergies, they weren’t bothering him until recently, and Light doesn’t want his medical records accessed.

“I looked at the Internet history on the office computer—last time you were here you looked up the pollen count. I thought there might be a reason.”

Light bristles, but says thank you, anyway.

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Woo hoo! Natto's back with more wonderful drabbles! Blanket is amusing. Poor Near. He needs different blankets and pillows. With color. ^^ Fun idea. Internet is great too. *Is amused by L getting under Light's skin.* Nice work! And I know what you mean when you say busy. It's the end of final's week for me and I still have work to do! B) Thank you for the pleasant distraction.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys, sorry for the long hiatus. I was at home for summer break, and I didn't have a lot of alone-time, which is required if I'm going to go on this forum. Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful feedback I've been recieving (I'll reply to individual comments later!) and here's three new drabbles!


Series: Death Note

Characters: Matt/Mello

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #38 – Violent

When Matt steps off the plane looking dead on his feet, Mello sweeps him into his arms, slips his tongue through sticky lips, strokes his back to be sure he’s wearing a bulletproof vest. Matt pulls away, coughs into his leather gloves. “Dude, you should’ve asked before you did that. I cau…cau…achh! hachoo!” He slurps snot into his sinuses, smiles sheepishly. “Sorry. I caught a pretty bad cold back in England. The weather or something. Anyway dude, you’re probably goahhphchoo! Gonna catch it. Shouldn’t have been so fucking gay, huh?”

The punch to the gut Matt receives isn’t entirely unexpected.


Series: Death Note

Characters: L, Matt, Mello, Roger

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #91 – Goodbye

Mello wanted his last moments with him to have been solemn. He wanted them to be deep, and meaningful. If he’d known he’d never see L again, they would’ve handled it differently. But instead Matt had hung on his arms like a monkey, and Mello had told him a rambling story about Roger’s ladybug-print boxers. Every time he’d mention them, he’d sneeze, like he was allergic to Roger’s ladybug-print boxers.

They’d laughed. Even L had laughed. Mello had never made him laugh before, and that should’ve sweetened the memory. It had, but not enough. It was still a poor goodbye.


Series: Another Note

Characters: B, A

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #77 – Secret

Until B, A never kept his allergies a secret. He was actually quite candid about them—after all, if people knew that 85% of plants native to England turned his eyes into fireballs and his nose into a spigot, they’d be more likely to keep the windows closed when he was there. Not so with B. If B knew that A couldn’t walk past most trees without exploding, he’d gather up the leaves and hide them in his pillow. He would do everything he could to make A miserable.

Yes, it’s really best if he keeps his allergies a secret.

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All your drabbles are so wonderful, i'm so glad your still writing them!

These three made me smile, I especially liked the Matt and Mello one :)

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OH MY GOD. These are, like... BEYOND perfect. I am in complete amazement. So cute and hot and hduaihfkjdaaewiufhjadkfsad :chickawow:

More more more! <3

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@ cupkake - Thank you, I'm so glad you liked them! And yeah, Matt is fun to mess with, poor thing.

@ Sen Beret - Beyond perfect? XD; I think I like that assessment, thank you!

@ Fairydust - Don't worry, I intend to finish up the series. There will be 100 of these by the end!

...those of you who commented before the last post, I love you to death, and thank you so much for commenting! <3 Also thank you Dove for kicking my ass into actually writing these things.


Series: Death Note

Characters: Roger, Various Orphans

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #3 – Frightened

Wammy’s House has a bizarre yearly tradition.

“Welcome,” Roger says, twisting the cap onto what looks like a perfume bottle, and squinting nervously into the crowd of orphans. “Today each one of you is going to be infected with a particularly powerful cold virus. It won’t be bad enough to cause much damage, but it’ll be bad enough to cause severe discomfort. We will be monitoring you to see how well you’re able to keep on with your studies in spite of it.”

Roger adjusts his own protective face mask. The orphans who aren’t used to this feel rather frightened.


Series: Death Note

Characters: L, Watari

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #98 – Favor

Efforts to do his job have been futile. Since L woke up from last night’s twenty minute nap he’s been sneezing his head off, so much he can’t speak. He has six conference calls to plow through, but he’s a wreck of mucus now.

All the same he makes a vain attempt to work. He dials the number (misfires), and sneezes three times into a ratty tissue. Watari cocks an eyebrow and asks if L is quite alright.

“N-no,” L sniffs. “I mea…ahhhchh! haCHHH! Y-yes. My allergiehhhCHOO!”

Watari nods, rises slowly from the couch. “I’ll just do some cleaning, then.”


Series: Another Note

Characters: A

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #9 – Touched

Yesterday, A was ready to kill himself. Today, he’s unmotivated. He’s woken up with a dreadful cold, and while that increases his despair, it saps him of the drive to go through with his plan. Hanging the noose from the ceiling beams in the attic takes energy, and right now A hardly has the strength to blow his nose.

B arrives, hulks over his bed and grins hideously. “Everything’s ready,” he hisses. A shuts his eyes, doesn’t worry about how B knew he would need this.

“Thanks,” he croaks, rabbiting his nose to fend off a sneezing fit. “I’m touched.”

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Oh my god, these are all wonderful. It seems like a perfectly logical experiment for the children to have to go through. At Wammy's, at least. L's was just lovely, and A...oh, god, poor A. What a thing to keep him alive another day.

Excellent, excellent work. You just keep outdoing yourself. :)

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@ dove - Fffff, I'd never have the nerve to write these things if not for you! And yes, it's a very logical experiment, if you can't work through an illness that you're bound to catch eventually, you won't make a very good L. And...A is just terribly easy to be mean to. And with L's I guess I was focusing on the language because not much happens.

@ FairyDust - Glad to be making you smile! And yeah, I'm rather fond of the experiment idea, I'm thinking about expanding it into something longer if I ever get the time.

Well, here are some new ones! Thank you so much to everyone who's been reading and commenting, I love to hear your thoguhts on my works! :bleh:


Series: Death Note

Characters: Matsuda

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #28 – Assignment

Volunteering to look after Mogi’s kitten isn’t the stupidest thing Matsuda’s ever done, but it’s close. He’d wanted to do something for the Chief, but Yagami hadn’t given him any assignments, hadn’t accepted his offer of a coffee run. So when Mogi asked if anyone could watch his kitten, Matsuda jumped at the chance to prove himself useful.

Unfortunately, Matsuda’s allergic to cats. His first visit to Mogi’s apartment triggers an explosive sneezing fit that sends the poor kitty scrambling for shelter. He stays congested for two days, and Mogi’s cat doesn’t trust people (including Mogi) for thrice as long.


Series: Death Note

Characters: Matt, Mello

Word Count: 100

Prompt: #97 – Fashion

Matt just sneezed. Normally, this would be okay. Mello thinks it’s gross (he stifles, himself), but it doesn’t matter. At least, it wouldn’t if he’d cover his fucking face. But no, Matt must spray his nasty germs and snot all over the fucking world. Even that disgustingness would be okay if said snot didn’t land on Mello’s brand new leather jacket.

It doesn’t matter that Mello can clean it. What matters is that Matt’s not apologizing. Matt’s bitching about having a cold.

When Mello gets through with Matt, there will be much more wrong with him than just a cold.


Series: Death Note


Word Count: 100

Prompt: #47 – Wary

“Good morning,” L croaks, fist pressed against the dark circles ringing his left eye. He sniffles wetly and plucks a tissue from a nearby box. Light cocks an eyebrow.

“Are you planning to use that?” he asks.

L shakes his head and wipes a massive glob of mucus onto his shirtsleeve. For the thousandth time, Light thinks about killing him. “Why not? That’s what they’re for. Do you have any idea how unsanitary, not to mention disgusting it is to use your shirt?”

“I don’t w-want…nngch! Don’t want to leave any evidence that I’m sick,” L says. “Tissues are evidence.”

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There all so adorable *sigh*.

I'm sure many people (myself included) would enjoy reading an expansion of the experiment idea, only if you had some free time and wanted to of course :bleh:

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Dude, I love you so hard right now. These are super super awesome, and I feel so bad for L. xD He's always the object of torture amongst people like us... <3

I so wish I could write like you. These are genius!

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