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Epic Tellings

The Rescue

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Bob, Calvin, and Hob Rob a Bank.

By: The Rescue

Cowritten by: obsessedwithedward

In the presence of: melonbun and *Dark_Side*

One day there was a man named Bob.

Who knew Calvin and Hob.

They went into the forest, to sit on a log.

One day they decided to ROB a bank.

They ended up doing a bad job.

So they went home.

For corn on the cob.


Amazing, I know.

Edited by The Rescue
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The most epic thing I've ever read.

It was poetry, the most brilliant words people have said.

And now, soon, we should go to bed.

And the sky is NOT red.



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I shall start with rebirthing a poem of mine.

The most epic thing I've ever read.

It was poetry, the most brilliant words people have said.

And now, soon, we should go to bed.

And the sky is NOT red.

It was lovellyy.

And now, I have one from The Rescue, here. (http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=34464)

Now, get writing. :P

Edited by obsessedwithedward
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It is the best journey anyone could ever imagine. And now... for the sequel (Said tranquilly like a zen poet).

Bob, Calvin, and Hob Make a Movie.

Bob had always dreamed of being a star.

So he quickly got into his CAR to get Bob, Calvin, and Hob.

On the way there they stopped at a bar.

Where they watched an old man play the guitar.

Eventually they got to the set where the cameras are.

Unfortunately, Calvin got angry that someone stole the cookies from the cookie jar.

He smashed all the cameras from afar.

All anyone was left with was a scar.

Bob, Calvin, and Hob were not able to become stars.


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That was so lovely.

Unfortunately, it ended so quickly.

But tis the journey.

Til more bid us a good hello, slowly.

Loved it! Brilliant! xD

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All right, time for some poetry! Here's one you can tell your friends at school...

Gene, Gene made a machine

and Joe, Joe made it go...

Art, Art blew a fart

and blew the whole damn thing apart.

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All right, time for some poetry! Here's one you can tell your friends at school...

Gene, Gene made a machine

and Joe, Joe made it go...

Art, Art blew a fart

and blew the whole damn thing apart.


Thank you for contributing.

That was beautiful.

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New Poetry from yours truly, Night and Studying. (Poem with 5, 7, 5 patterns of which I have forgotten the name of.)

Dark engulfing her

Light turned on by her bedroom

Studying school

Heck, it was a horrible poem. Don't deny. BUT CONGRATS TO RESCUE FOR STUDYING!

Now... eh, I'll wait for a sequel. :P

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She stood on the bridge at midnight,

Her lips were all a quiver.

She gave a cough and her leg fell off,

And floated down the river.

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She stood on the bridge at midnight,

Her lips were all a quiver.

She gave a cough and her leg fell off,

And floated down the river.


I enjoyed that thoroughly.

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To the edge of my seat, I mine ear did incline,

And at the pale words I felt ice down my spine.

“It just isn’t fair”, said the voice in a whine,

"That the river just mentioned is never the Tyne,

And the leg, oh so wooden, was it made of pine?

And the hour that it fell, was it just before nine?

I felt very smug as I snapped “Well it’s fine,

To question and query such nonsense sublime,

And to answer the questions I firmly decline,

Would you have me disclaiming the nonsense is mine?"

Well she hummed and she hawed and she gave me no sign,

That she’d heard what I said but her actions define,

What she thought of my conduct as she sucked on her wine,

And she danced and threw sparks as she mouthed “Auld Lang Syne.”

Edited by Vetinari
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To the edge of my seat, I mine ear did incline,

And at the pale words I felt ice down my spine.

“It just isn’t fair”, said the voice in a whine,

"That the river just mentioned is never the Tyne,

And the leg, oh so wooden, was it made of pine?

And the hour that it fell, was it just before nine?

I felt very smug as I snapped “Well it’s fine,

To question and query such nonsense sublime,

And to answer the questions I firmly decline,

Would you have me disclaiming the nonsense is mine?"

Well she hummed and she hawed and she gave me no sign,

That she’d heard what I said but her actions define,

What she thought of my conduct as she sucked on her wine,

And she danced and threw sparks as she mouthed “Auld Lang Syne.”

Deep. Very, very deep.

Thank you for that.

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The fourth of July has come and gone

but thoughts of it still linger...`

I held a firecracker in my hand

Has anyone seen my finger?

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I heard him then ,for I had just

Completed my design,

To keep the Menai Bridge from rust

By boiling it in wine.

Oh, that isn't the bit with all the rhymes, but unless I've got it mixed up it's near there. A parody of Wordsworth, too....

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I'm gonna be really random here.

This is a haiku

Haikus can be really lame

This one sure isn't :consoling:

(The smiley doesn't count as a syllable, does it? :omg:)


I read the words

There on the screen

I have no clue

What they could mean

How could she love me?

Has she seen my face?

Her feelings I

Need to erase

I tell the truth

And feel the guilt

I've crushed the hopes

That she had built

But I did the right thing

I didn't hide

It'd be far worse

If I had lied

Wow, that's a piece of epic if I do say so myself :(:lol:

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