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What inanimate object looks most tasty to you?

a red nine

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Weird question, I know. But if you could eat something that you aren't supposed to eat, what would it be? And what would it taste like if you could choose the flavor?

I pick crayons. They'd probably taste like a sort of milky, vanilla-ish dessert stick. Mmmm... wax.

Yeah so anyway, indulge me and my strange mind and announce your choice.

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Oh that's easy!

I'd eat you and you'd taste of chocolate :-)

But seriously, I'd taste an older wooden spoon, and I imagine it would taste like fresh crunchy bread...

How weird's that :S

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I've always, always, always dreamed of eating Playdoh. Right up until like age 10 I was convinced that it would have a really sharp, fruity taste (maybe like doughy Jolly Ranchers?).

Upon further reflection, I also think it would be very cool to be able to eat really old books... and have them taste like really well ripened aged cheese! ;)

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I've always, always, always dreamed of eating Playdoh. Right up until like age 10 I was convinced that it would have a really sharp, fruity taste (maybe like doughy Jolly Ranchers?).

Upon further reflection, I also think it would be very cool to be able to eat really old books... and have them taste like really well ripened aged cheese! ;)

Playdough is nontoxic so I'm surprised you didn't try any as a child! I've actually baked my own playdough out of...dough...yeah.

I think I would eat something metallic. Metal has an interesting and desirable flavor to me. A chain maybe.

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I've always, always, always dreamed of eating Playdoh. Right up until like age 10 I was convinced that it would have a really sharp, fruity taste (maybe like doughy Jolly Ranchers?).

I hate to disappoint, Mute, but as a child I was a Play-Doh eater. I confess that it has no fruity taste, but rather more like dull, somewhat salty dough.

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You do realize we're the only two that understand this? Try not to put yourself in trouble for not following the topic, sis. x]

Though that was epic..

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Gah, I STILL haven't been able to choose the one thing I would want to eat.

But as of now, it would be a comforter for a bed. And it would taste like vanilla ice-cream. :]

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Now that you mention it, I always wanted to take a bite out of one of those Stetson hats I kept seeing in Texas. I'll bet it would taste like beef jerky!

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Glass. It would be like hardish jello. Water flavored. I think I just described ice... Maybe not glass then. Also, velvet. Like fuzzy, rich, sweet, something. Dunno what exactly, but it would feel good.

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I finally remembered the thing I had wanted to eat since I saw some in real life. Lava. It always looks so tasty on those documentary shows.

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I'd like to eat gemstones. Rubies, daimonds, emeralds, sapphires... just eat them like a handful of berries. That's how I imagine they would taste as well - like crisp, frozen berries, some of them sour, some of them sweet.

Aren't there some daimond-eating creatures in C.S. Lewis' book The Silver Chair? I remember that image making a strong impression on me when I was a kid.

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Anything made out of rubber; especially my friend's rubber duck keychain. I just see it and I feel like I should be chewing on it. I'm not sure what it would taste like though...like really intense vanilla-y Jello, perhaps?

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:laugh::laugh: sorry i just had to :D

Anyway ... do soap bubbles count? Even if they don't really "look tasty" i would like to try something shimmering rainbowy. If not then i would probably go with plain normal plates, forks spoons and knives. Again not really because i think they look tasty, but it would save the dishes and such :laugh:. I remember they had kind of ice cream waffle similar boxes in which they handed out french fries and sausages in a public swimming pool when i was younger. That was awesome :laugh2:.

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I'd like to eat gemstones. Rubies, daimonds, emeralds, sapphires... just eat them like a handful of berries. That's how I imagine they would taste as well - like crisp, frozen berries, some of them sour, some of them sweet.

That sounds awesome... I can totally see iron pyrite tasting like Pop Rocks :eyes_closed:

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I finally remembered the thing I had wanted to eat since I saw some in real life. Lava. It always looks so tasty on those documentary shows.

Whoa! You're so right. That would actually be really yum. Kind of like a hot fudge sundae, I'd think.

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  • 2 years later...

yeah i love the smell of wet dirt, but it doesnt taste as good as it smells. i think chalk would have an interesting consistency but I dont think i would actually like eating it. Can anyone say "Pica"? Lol.

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Like VoOs, I'd also like to eat jewels, except to me they look like they'd taste like hard candy. (Like a Ring Pop lol)

Toy cars.


I know there's probably a lot more than there should be but I'm blanking right now.

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hm i would have to say pillows and cushions, they look like they would taste fluffy and yummy and oooo they look nice :3

also you have a Sebastian icon i love you!

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