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Your weirdest dream EVER?


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Okay, guys, I am a lucid dreamer. I have been able to lucid dream ever since I was six, it just comes naturally to me. It's cool, because during my dreams I can realize that I am dreaming without waking up, but the really cool thing about being a lucid dreamer is you can control what you're dreaming and dream up whatever you want.

I am always having dreams about anime characters and movie or book characters sneezing and lots of awesome things like that...

...But, last night, my lucid abilities were really weak, and...

...I had a dream my mom died... :) ...

In my dream, my mom's boyfriend woke me up in the middle of the night and told me that she fell down while crossing the street and got hit by a snow plow (At one in the morning???) and that she had died. It was really weird, because he was just like, "You're mom got hit by a snow plow and died." (That's a nice way to sugar-coat it!)

So, I went outside and onto the road and I saw her body torn apart and covered in blood (yuck!!!!!).

I woke up this morning after the dream and vomited from being grossed out by the blood (not very pleasant) and cried, until I realized that I had only had a dream my mom was probably okay. Then, my mom heard me and came into the bathroom.

She thought I had a fever, and she was like, "Aww, honey you threw up. No school for you," and I was like hugging her like, "Oh my God you're alive!" and she was like, "Honey, it's okay, go back to bed." (LOL) :)

Weirdest dream EVER!!!!!!!!!!! And I had to miss school because of my squeamishness? WTF!?

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I dreamed that my family members got shot in the head right in front of me one time. In the dream, we were being robbed by the police lol. It was so extremely vivid that I woke up shaking and crying thinking it was real. Then my sister came in my room to borrow a shirt. I couldn't quit hugging her and she was like 'wtf!?'

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I've had a continuous dream that my mom has another child and something terrible happens to it in the end every time. Once it turned into a nectarine.

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I've had a continuous dream that my mom has another child and something terrible happens to it in the end every time. Once it turned into a nectarine.

That's weird! LOL Can I eat it? JK.

I actually just remembered having a dream in the third grade where a big white bear came in and for some reason my friend A was there (I've known her since Pre-K) and she was killed, AT AGE 7!

I woke up sobbing and shaking (just like EndlessHitching was) and crept into my parents room.

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Oh, I really like this topic! :nod: I used to have quite vivid dreams as well, but nowadays they are usually just boring.

Actually, there were a few very weird dreams but one of them involved a lady with Edward Scissorhand-hands who tried to steal my organs...

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I had a weird dream last night that I had to miss my own graduation party (which was at a boating dock... we don't even have one of those around here) to go baby-sitting. I didn't like this particular dream.

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I constantly have strange dreams, so constantly that I don't believe I've ever had what one would consider a "normal" dream. However, none stick out in my mind as being weirder than the rest. But none have ever made me miss school or anything :lol:

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This is more of a general question than a question of weirdness, but I thought it would fit, nevertheless. I talked to my housemate the other day and she told me that she usually dreams in first person perspective. She's herself in all of her dreams and usually experiences them as she experiences normal life.

However, I usually dream third person, as if I was watching a movie, with all the different perspectives. Also, I am not part of my own dreams most of the time and if I dream in first person, I usually am someone else. The persons in my dream are also usually some random people I don't even know or people I cannot connect to any part of my life. Just people my mind seems to make up randomly.

So I wondered how you all dream and if you think that the perspective of your dreams also tells something about you as a person in real life?

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You know, I'd never really given all that much thought to my dream perspective, schnulle, but it's a really thought-provoking question. I think I would have to say I pretty much always dream in first person, and basically like I would experience my everyday life. But then I usually tend to have physically possible (with just certain details changed or certain places mixed together).

I seem to also sort of recall a discussion about Freud or Jung proposing that your perspective while dreaming was important... but that must have been an 8am class because I can't for the life of me recall why... :)

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Sorry for coming back to this again but I somehow did not realise someone had answered :yuck:

I'd never really thought about all of that myself, but after having a few conversations about dreams with friends, I found out that there are a huge range of different possibilities for dreaming and dream-perspective.

It definitely sounds like something which would have been of interest for Freud and Jung and I think that there are some kind of dream-decoding methods, based on Jungs archetypes, but I am not sure if that relates to your 8 a.m class, Mute Poet ^^

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I was told in one of my classes that your dream perspective, according to Freud, altered the hidden message of the dream, as in whether it was your subconscious wishes being manifested or just your unconscious thoughts and perceptions of your own actions or the actions of those around you.

Does that make sense? It never did to me! B(

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When I dream, it's usually Sonic related, sneeze/sickness related, a mixture of the two, or just something completely random. All of these dreams, apart from one, were in 3rd person.(The abnormal one was in 1st person, and I was on LOTS of meds at the time.)

Last night I had a dream that I was in my Science Chemistry classroom, in a lesson. I was stood up, talking to my best friend, who, due to a seating plan, was on the other side of the room. She asked me if I was okay, I reply that I was fine, lying straight to her face, as in the dream, I was boiling hot, and I knew it was a fever. I could feel it IRL, too. I started swaying, then after a small while I collapsed, and slowly lost conciousness. The last thing I saw were my friends leaning over me in concern.

Wierdest bit, I woke up and I felt lke crap. Damn sister and her contagious colds. :D

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I rarely have any "weird" dreams, 'cause I've learned to control them. I can decide where I am, whom I'm with and so on.

A few years ago my dream-controlling wasn't so developed (I started to "train" it when I was 5 or so) and I had a dream about my best friend hating me. It felt so real, I woke up and started crying.

I've also had a nightmare where I was trying to save a drowning child. I found the child's corpse, it was swollen and half-rotten. I carried him to the shore and his mother ran to me screaming like crazy. She took her child and started to sing a lullaby.. She looked almost like a corpse herself and had obviosly lost her mind. After that I forced myself awake and noticed that I was sweating and shaking. I still get a cold chill from thinking about the face of the mother.

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I once had a dream in which I was assisting in a childbirth. Well, not exactly a "child"birth ; the woman was giving birth to a fire hose.

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I've had some pretty strange dreams, but the most recent one that stands out was that I was riding bicycles around town with my ex, and the opening theme from "Bosom Buddies" was playing in the background. It was definitely bizarre. :dead:

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I can't even remember if this was a night or two ago, but I have many weird dreams. In this one my friend bought a beach house, and suddenly we were in swimming class. Then the water became orange juice and started flooding and everything started ending . . . until I had the key somehow and they were pumping up OJ? I have weird dreams. :)

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I once had a dream in which I was assisting in a childbirth. Well, not exactly a "child"birth ; the woman was giving birth to a fire hose.

Now THAT would be interesting..."Come on, just ten more metres to go, you can do it!"

One dream I've had recurrently since I was little is where I'm in this HUGE marble hall with a ceiling so high I almost can't see it, with weird marble columns and giant-scale staircases and so scattered around the place, and there's this really weird "singing" noise which is really, really creepy >.< Just vocalisation, no music or words or anything, and it doesn't really have a melody, it's just kind of wailing. All echoey and reaching bizarre high notes before trailing off...the weird thing about it is that even when I think about it when I'm wide awake it still makes me want to go hide like in the dreams. Something about it is just really scary >.< I have no idea why this affects me so strongly, but whatever the reason, it never fails to freak me out for a day or two xD

Ugh...I just creeped myself out...:lol:

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When I was in middle school and high school, occasionally I'd have dreams in which I would see the moon in the sky, it would be abnormally large and beautiful, and I would try to take a photo of it. Unfortunately, I was never able to do it-- either it would vanish as I was struggling with my camera, the camera would break, or someone near me would get in the way.

These were odd, because there wasn't one single recurring dream... each was different, with its own setting, storyline, and characters, and the moon would always look different. But it was always absolutely gorgeous. Can't even put words to it.

Thankfully, since then I've managed to catch a few shots of the actual moon. Nothing nearly as epic though. :D

The discussion on perspectives is also interesting! I think my dreams sorta alternate between first and third person, but it's vague enough that I don't notice. Although I did have one dream when I was little in which for a moment I was definitely in my body, struggling to run for my life... and then suddenly I was seeing myself from the eyes of the T-rex about to eat me. :lol:

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  • 8 months later...

Wow, I'm so late replying to this but I officially had my weirdest dream ever last night. Oh, and sorry in advance because this is REALLY long. Sorry for the longness!

So basically in the dream my best friend lives across the street from me. So I walk outside to get the mail and all of a sudden her house just explodes and I see little potted plants flying everywhere. So through all the smoke I see the Doctor ( :) ) run out of the house and start screaming "That was AMAZING!" And so I'm standing on the end of the street staring like :) So all of the smoke clears and I see my friend and her parents standing in the house literally with this expression on their faces: :) And everything is still intact in the house, everything is exactly how it was before, except the roof is gone and the walls are crumbled away.

So the Doctor runs across the street to MY house and goes inside. So I scream, "Wait! You better not blow up my house too!" (My concern was touching :) ) And he calls back, "Of course not, just making sure your house isn't in the same danger!" (And I'm really enjoying this dream) So I scream back in, "Wait for me, I'll help!" But he says no and I try to fight it and get him to change his mind; but he tells me that if I go in I might die. So I was like, 'Oh, okay, staying out here, then'.

So I go across the street and I'm like "Whoa, what happened?" And my friend's dad says, "IT WAS THE PLANTS. THE PLANTS MADE THE HOUSE EXPLODE" And so I look around and see that there's like a million potted plants around, and I'm really confused. So I say, "Whoa, where'd all of these come from?" And her mom says, "I dunno, they just appeared. Well, except for that one *she points to a fern* we bought that one."

So the Doctor comes back out of my house and says I'm safe because I have no plants in my house. So I look at him and really sarcastically say, "Plants?"

And in all seriousness he says back, "Plants."

And then I guess the dream ended because I woke up in bed laughing like a maniac and I didn't even remember the dream until a couple of minutes later.

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This thread is supposed to be serous but.... Im a bit of a lucid dreamer too and the other night i had a dream cotaining every anime character i know of :) and they all fit together :xmastree:

Your dream was hilarous though, im gonna be :) for some time now.

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I once had a dream that I was pregnant, and somehow a citizen in ancient Sumaria. I had an audience with the King, and when he told me that it was okay that I was pregnant (as in, no one was mad at me), I threw grapes out the window in celebration. Then I woke up. This was all particularly odd, considering I was like eleven or twelve at the time.

...I have very, very bizarre dreams. This is probably the strangest, but there are others.

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Whenever I'm under a lot of stress, I tend to either suffer from insomnia, have colourful and horrible nightmares, or... as was the case the past three nights... my dreams are like the typical american disaster movies. Atomic bombs, fire, floodwaves, you name it. It's like watching a movie although I'm in it myself. They could be great stories if I ever got around to write them down, in fact. :)

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  • 4 months later...

I once had a dream that culminated in me being shot in the face. The dream was from my own perspective, so as the bullet was fired I could see it coming at me, but in slow motion. I knew I would die but I stood there, waiting for it. When it hit my face, also in slow motion, I could see the blood splatter outward and I woke up choking. Pretty damn awful.

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