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Your weirdest dream EVER?


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My weirdest dream was in the style of an anime. The whole thing was so beautiful and relaxed but quite sad. (Sorry about the inconsistent gender and age of my dream-self, my subconscious is a bit thick)

At first, I was a little boy in an orphanage (violins, please) and all the other little boys hated me and pushed me about because one of my arm's was possessed by an evil spirit. It kept doing bad things and was out of my control. Later, I was sitting on a bed, crying, when a couple of the nuns with cat's faces (?) who ran the orphanage came to console me. At one point, one of them said, "Do you remember when you first came to this place?" and then there was a little flash-back sequence. It showed a beautiful lake at sun-set, all glistening and serene, surrounded by forests. I was a teenage girl dressed in rags, floating across the lake in an old wooden barrel. It washed up on the shore, where a hand-powered water pump was near by. I got out and washed myself under the water pump.

That was it.

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Well...that was...strange.

I got a few. All from when I was in the third grade for some weird reason.

I actually have dreams come true (starts to sing'when you wish upon a star' jk~ xD) sometimes. Apparently some dreams are life blueprints or something...?

#1: Anyway, when I was in the third grade, I had a dream that I was older-like maybe ten or eleven, and had a cute little bob haircut. Except I didn't look theway I look now. I was really pretty, my eyes were a delicious shade of green (they're really a dull brown) and my hair was light-brown-slightly-reddish (once again, really a dull brown). I was extremely tall-I'm really 5'1 lol- I had full lips (seriously?) and a normal nose (SERIOUSLY?). I had no curves at all-I. HAVE. CURVES. (I'm Italian, let's just leave it at that) and I was stick thin. (Yea right xD). I had this, like, perfect fair skin-not dark Italian skin like mine, but not pale either. ANYWAY...I was still in the third grade in the dream, and all my friends and classmates were the same age they always were and looked the same. We were in class one day, and we had an outside school-day- which I didn't know I knew about until it happened. We were suddenly outside the school-which was all of a sudden a different school with a different playground/field and a swimming pool. But, nobody had a swimsuit. All of a sudden my teacher reaches behind the bleachers and pulls out a box of female swimsuits. Strangely, every swimsuit I ever remembered owning. I picked the one from when I was two years old. It was a blue one piece with Winnie The Pooh on it. When I changed into it, I went into a stall in the locker room-we didn't have locker rooms in reality, either- and when I came out, the swimsuit had changed into a sexy bikini with winnie the pooh on each of the boobs-and I had boobs-and a nice butt, but I was still stick thin. I went outside, and all the guys magically were wearing male swimsuits but there were only female ones to wear. They magically all fit into their swimsuits perfectly. All of a sudden Steve Martin was there. I started talking to Steve Martin about how much I loved the Cheap by the Dozen movies (I was eight or nine, remember?) and then God knows what we talked about after that. Then suddenly everyone else was like gone and we were in my real schools parking lot and it was empty, we were talking about something -I don't remember what- and now here's the weird part. The swimming pool came back, all my friends did-and no one ever went in the water. Steve Martin left to go get himself a banana-lol the one part I remember clearly- and all of a sudden me and my classmates were wet from swimming (which we never actually did any of), wrapped in towels, in class, taking a math test with hot chocolate on our desks, with some My Chemical Romance song playing in the background. Then it switched to Tokio Hotel's song "Scream!" And the weird thing is? Oh yeah, not only did I not even know who Tokio Hotel was at the time, that song hadn't been written yet either. o.O Freaky...

#2: When I was in the third grade, once again, I dreamed I was on the computer in my computer room in the dead of night wearing my favorite long white nightgrown when a white bear-I don't even live near any white bears!- that was HUGE started walking in my front yard. It looked in the window and I ducked under the desk and then -gulp- I heard it rawr again, and I heard the front door open and I saw the bear walk past the room I was in from the room's doorway. I screamed really loudly in my dream and then woke up and bolted straight up in bed and ran to my parents room.

#3: This may be the scariest dream I've ever had. Shortest, but scariest. I was in this not necessarily creepy, but just really disturbing cemetery with my two best friends and I could just feel a HUGE spiritual presence- and it was freezing. We were randomly wearing summer clothes, I don't know why it was late September when I dreamt this. I was terrified, and my friends just had these bored looks on their faces and were like 'whatever.' This part still haunts me to think about. Then a truck drove by with a picture of the possessed girl from The Exorcist. The possessed version of her, not the normal. I heard a short demonic 'uh' sound that was really quiet, then the girl's face twitched and switched to the creepy black version with blue features from the movie, quickly twitched in that face, then switched back and stuck out her creepy -pointed tongue to taunt me, wiggling it around quickly a few times. Then it was finally out of sight. I looked around for my friends, terrified. They were gone. I heard the famous demonic laugh from The Exorcist and woke up TERRIFIED.


Sharing that last one makes me feel awful LOL. Augh, so creepy! D:<

*scared* Steve Martin. Swimming Pool. Hot Chocolate. Winnie the Pooh. Ahhhhhhhhh. All better. xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna be greedy and add last night's dream too-

I was part of a group of people living in the forest, below a city. We did a ritual dance thing every day, for some reason. I think we had some written instructions to follow, but we didn't really know what we were doing. I swam across the river and climbed up the cliff to get to cilvilisation. Then we went driving about somewhere- i saw a really religious, probably christian, banner across someone's house. I could see the guy in there through the window, a large, bearded young man in my old school's uniform. He was enthusiastically preaching to some girls, also in my school's uniform. I didn't recognise the guy from when I was at school but the other people in the car did. In the car, we were talking about funny song lyrics. I quoted an explicit line about impotence from the Final Fantasy song- This Lamb Sells Condos. There was another bit in the dream where my dad was sleeping in a chair next me. At one point, I wasn't sure if he was just moving about in his sleep, but he might have woken up and caught me doing something by myself that I won't go into. Anyway, it was weird.

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but the really cool thing about being a lucid dreamer is you can control what you're dreaming and dream up whatever you want.

"In my dreams I'm the Wizard master"

....wait wrong thread? :P

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the night after i came out, (...) conicidentally it was last night, lol , i had a dream that this chick kissed me and then i had to go make make squash bread, does that count?

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the night after i came out, (...) conicidentally it was last night, lol , i had a dream that this chick kissed me and then i had to go make make squash bread, does that count?

*hugs* that's great :( (coming out, not the squash bread)

Well done! How'd it go?

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the night after i came out, (...) conicidentally it was last night, lol , i had a dream that this chick kissed me and then i had to go make make squash bread, does that count?

*hugs* that's great :( (coming out, not the squash bread)

Well done! How'd it go?

oops, posted it twice. oh well, this deserves two exciting and impressed posts anyway.

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:D thanks! it went pretty well, considering... lol i had to hang out all day with this girl who kept trying to feel me up...eh...that gets old real fast :laugh:
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm glad this thread exists, because I had a very strange dream just the other night- I was in my grandmother's garden, where I used to play as a kid... and I was being chased by a gorilla! :twisted: (I really did dream this.)

The gorilla clearly looked like a man in a gorilla costume, but in the dream I still thought it was real- I was actually scared it was going to catch me. I remember fumbling with my keys, trying to find the key to my gran's house and get inside... and then I woke up.

Bizarre! :byewave:

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The insane one to me that I had 2 nights ago. To sum it all up, two kids were accused and admitted to snorting crack, and it ended with me sitting on the bleachers in my school gym talking to one of my characters, and it ultimately ended with a passage from a book that wasn't real and had to do with said character having a cold or something like that. It was so strange!

Another weird one was my sisters, a couple of my friends and I going around a summer camp-type place with Victoria Justice & another where I went trick-or-treating and then went to my friend's house for a Christmas party where I went job-hunting at a restaurant and hid out in a secret compartment filled with random crap. XD

There was a theory that I was trying to work with that if I watched and read enough sneeze-related stuff, my dreams would include that. So far it hasn't worked yet, but I'm being persistent :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had this dream a couple of months back.

Im in my car driving on a major highway and for some reason Im naked and there is a dog in the front seat with me. Im trying to get over to the left lane but Im too scared so I just keep driving. So then Im for no reason at all at the local grocery store and I buying a lot of pickles and cornbred mix boxes. And then I woke up.... :winkkiss:

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  • 1 month later...

Once I had a dream where I was flying (with wings and stuff) and then suddenly, without any kind of falling or anything, I'm sitting in history class and everybody has something weird like a pumpkin or a basketball or a giant gumball or something for a head. Then I was at home in my bed and my mom is trying to tell me something only she's speaking in gibberish so I don't know what she wants from me. Then she turns into my dog and starts scolding me for not eating all of my rutabaga. I've never even seen a rutabaga in my life! Weirdest dream ever!!!

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I've had this dream several times since I was about five, but I haven't had it in the past year or so. (Just wait, with my luck, I'll have it tonight. :laugh: )

But I started having this dream when I first began to discover my fetishy identity (that I liked sneezes, not that it turned me on. :lol1: ). Basically, I see this giant---giants generally wig me out, but this giant was pretty handsome--- and he's running through a field, and a flower gets stuck in his nostril (his THIRD nostril, in fact. :blushing: ). This flower makes him sneeze like mad, and somehow it's my responsibility to get it out of his nose. I freak out and try to run, but he's begging me and sneezing all the while, and I try to remove it, but he keeps sneezing so it's really hard to get it...

I always wake up before I can get it out. Poor bastard. :laugh:

But I really don't know whether to depict this as a good dream or a nightmare. It was VERY lucid, and even though the giant wasn't terrible looking, as previously mentioned, the dream has always given me an odd sinking feeling...Perhaps I should look it up in a dream dictionary...

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  • 2 months later...

I had this one really freaky dream 2 days ago where I was at some dance club and there was a creepy guy with dreadlocks and a goatee who took me and all these girls into some dance studio that we were expected to sleep in. So right at the second someone brings up a plan to escape, the creepy guy storms in the room with a gun... then I woke up at 4:30am crying in terror.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the one of last night qualifies as at least pretty darn weird. heh.gif

My morning went a little awry and I couldn't afford to wait any longer so I left for university... everything went fine until... Cybermen showed up (metal creatures from Doctor Who who either try and turn everyone into emotionless beings like themselves or "delete" them) and started to exterminate everyone (yes, I'm sure they weren't actually Daleks blushing.gif ). I then suddenly was someone very much like Harry Potter (no idea why he came in to the dream) and they were after me, or rather, their masters were.

Then they short-circuited and started killing everyone which made it even more important for me to hide (because of the whole Harry Potter thing: I wasn't allowed to die because apparently I was the only one who could do something, no clue what though). Then someone decided to give me away, but the other students hid me and that part repeated a couple of times, every time it took them longer to find me.

The final time I managed to escape and hid somewhere with a couple of small kids who happened to be in the room and I managed to keep them safe for weeks, until finally they failed to hide on time and got taken by the Cybermen (by then I was me again... gender doesn't seem to be fixed in my dreams laughing.gif ).

Then no sound was heard but I kept hiding for weeks or months more (odd how you don't need water/food in dreams tonguesmiley.gif ) until other people entered the building, who told me the law had changed and that Cybermen were now only found miles away as they were all still short-circuited and then I woke up.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yesterday I dozed off for a couple of minutes, and dreamed that Thomas Jefferson fell over and broke his leg in Wal-Mart. I woke up laughing.

I think the hidden meaning is that I'm an asshole.

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Yesterday I dozed off for a couple of minutes, and dreamed that Thomas Jefferson fell over and broke his leg in Wal-Mart. I woke up laughing.

I think the hidden meaning is that I'm an asshole.

:lmfao: That was awesome!! :lol:

Last night I dreamed that there was a war, and they were bombing my town with acid. It ate right through buildings of stone and concrete, ate through human flesh within seconds and it was unstoppable - think the slime in "Alien" and you'd see what I mean. It was terrible. And like most of my dreams/nightmares - very, very uncensored. I've had nightmares about bombing, war, nuclear explosions and plagues many times, but this was one of the worst of lately. I'm afraid of going to bed because I fear tonight will have a continuation in store for me.

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I just recently had a dream where I was married to Bill Gates and a squirrel ate an entire couch. Something tells me I should stop drinking 3 cans of V8 fusions and snacking on chocolate chip cookies before bed.

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I had a dream where Draco Malfoy came to my house and flushed my cat down the toilet! Ive also had dreams where my cat has been shot by Mr. Weasley, been thrown off the empire state building by Mojo Jojo of the Powerpuff girls, sucked into the vacuum cleaner by my mother, and drowned by Captain Jack Sparrow.

This leads me to believe that

A) I watch too much TV, and

B) that I hate my cat and that I wish she would die a horrible, painful death. Which I don't!!!!

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  • 9 months later...

Every night i have a crazy dream. I couldnt even get into it it would take so long. But a few times a week i have zombie and dinosaurs dreams and sometimes both in one! Pretty entertaining tho, my dreams are fun.

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